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Gold Standard to Measure

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1 Gold Standard to Measure
What Is the Echo Gold Standard to Measure Mitral Regurgitation ? Steven A. Goldstein MD FACC, FASE Director, Noninvasive Cardiology Medstar Heart Institute Washington Hospital Center Sunday, February 21, 2016

2 financial relationships
DISCLOSURE I have N O relevant financial relationships

3 Quantitation of Mitral Regurgitation
Echocardiography Left ventriculography CT-scan (CTA) Cardiac MR (MRA)

4 Recommendations for Evaluation of the
American Society of Echocardiography Report Recommendations for Evaluation of the Severity of Native Valvular Regurgitation with Two-dimensional and Doppler Echocardiography Zoghbi, et al J Am Soc Echocardiogr 16:777(2003)

5 Quantitation of MR

6 Severity of Mitral Regurgitation Integrated Echo Assessment
Semiquantitation/qualitative Quantitation: vena contracta width, PISA Volumetric method (Regurg volume/fraction) Indirect: LA and LV size Color jet area Signal intensity Antegrade flow (mitral E-wave) Pulmonary venous flow V-wave cutoff sign

7 Mitral Regurgitation Qualitative Assessment
courtesy of Jamil Tajik

8 Mitral Regurgitation Do Not Fall into Trap ! Color flow mapping is not
an "ultrasonic angiogram" Color flow mapping is a velocity display and does not directly show volume information

9 Visualized Regurgitant = / Regurgitant Jet Volume

10 1. Regurgitant volume Mitral Regurgitation Color Doppler Assessment
Factors Affecting Regurgitant Jet Area 1. Regurgitant volume 2. Velocity of regurgitation (driving pressure) 3. Size and compliance of left atrium 4. Central vs wall impinging jets Orifice size and shape 6. Influence of coexisting jets or flowstreams 7. Heart rate 8. Technical factors

11 Technical Factors Affect Size, Shape, and Appearance
Regurgitant Jets Technical Factors Affect Size, Shape, and Appearance Gain settings, scale Frame rate, sector size Transducer Color flow algorithms Machine

12 Case

13 Correct settings Mild (1+) or mild-to-moderate (1-2+)

14 Scale decreased Scale increased

15 Severity of Mitral Regurgitation Integrated Echo Assessment
Semiquantitation Quantitation: vena contracta width, PISA Indirect: LA and LV size Color jet area Signal intensity Antegrade flow Pulmonary venous flow V-wave cutoff sign

16 Severity of Mitral Regurgitation
Indirect Clues 2.0 m/s Severe: E > m/s

17 Mitral Regurgitation Peak E-wave Velocity
Retrospective study - Thomas JACC 31:174(1998) Modest positive predictive value (75%) for an E-velocity >1.2 m/s identifying patients with chronic severe MR E/A < 1 excludes severe MR

18 Severity of Mitral Regurgitation Integrated Echo Assessment
Semiquantitation Quantitation: vena contracta width, PISA Indirect: LA and LV size Color jet area Signal intensity Antegrade flow Pulmonary venous flow V-wave cutoff sign

19 Pulmonary Venous Flow Pattern
Mitral Regurgitation Pulmonary Venous Flow Pattern Systolic Flow Reversal Normal Pattern Systolic blunting < Severe MR Severe MR Less predictive (trivial to severe)

20 Pulmonary Venous Flow Patterns
Mitral Regurgitation Pulmonary Venous Flow Patterns 1.8 1.5 1.2 Regurgitant Orifice Area (cm2) 0.9 0.6 0.3 Normal Blunted Reversed Pu et al (Cleve Clinic) J Am Soc Echo 12:736(1999)

21 Severity of Mitral Regurgitation Integrated Echo Assessment
Semiquantitation Quantitation: vena contracta width, PISA Indirect: LA and LV size Color jet area Signal intensity Antegrade flow Pulmonary venous flow V-wave cutoff sign

22 Quantitation of MR - PISA Method

23 Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area (Flow Convergence)
Hydrodynamic Principle As blood approaches a regurgitant orifice, its velocity increases forming concentric, roughly hemispheric shells of increasing velocity and decreasing surface area.

24 = PISA Method Another form of the continuity equation
Flow entering the proximal convergence zone V = 20 cm/sec V = 40 cm/sec V = 80 cm/sec = Flow exiting the regurgitant orifice V = 430 cm/sec Another form of the continuity equation

25 Conservation of Mass/Volume
VTR R Flowinto RA = Flowfrom RV A x Va = 2 x R2 x Va FlowTR = 6.28 x R2 x Valias

26 Quantitation of Regurgitation Criteria for Severe Regurgitation
AR MR TR ERO (cm2) R Vol (cm3)

27 MR Severity - New Paradigm
2014 AHA/ACC Valvular Heart Disease Guidelines Stage A Stage B Stage C Stage D At risk for MR Progressive MR Asx severe MR Symptomatic severe MR No or mild MR Mild or mod MR Severe MR Severe MR

28 Severe Valve Regurgitation
The magnitude of valve dysfunction that worsens prognosis

29 ACC/AHA 2014 Valve Guidelines Primary vs Secondary MR
ERO Regurgitant volume Regurgitant fraction ≥ 0.4 cm2 ≥ 60 mL ≥ 50% ≥ 0.2 cm2 ≥ 30 mL ≈ 50%

30 ACC/AHA 2014 Valve Guidelines Primary vs Secondary MR
ERO Regurgitant volume Regurgitant fraction ≥ 0.4 cm2 ≥ 60 mL ≥ 50% ≥ 0.2 cm2 ≥ 30 mL ≈ 50% This change has provoked controversy

31 Rationale for New MR Grading System
Adverse outcomes are associated with smaller ERO Underestimation of ERO due to crescentic shape of regurgitant orifice

32 PISA - A Terrific Concept . . .but
Irregularly shaped regurgitant orifice (ROA)  3D-imaging has shown that the ROA is often 3D-PISA may be more accurate for EROA Remains to be seen if 3D-PISA reproducible PISA shape may not be hemispheric devoid of geometric assumptions and regurgitant orifice and useful in clinical setting

33 Chronic Mitral Regurgitation Shape of Regurgitant Orifice by MRI
MS/Rheumatic Prolapse C D Flail Functional This is real-time volume color Doppler showing mitral regurgitation. There are 3 cardiac cycles, each cardiac cycle is full-volume color Doppler and B-Mode data. Buchner JACC Imaging 2011:4;

34 Chronic Mitral Regurgitation Shape of Regurgitant Orifice
7.00 p<0.01 6.00 p<0.01 5.00 Orifice Shape Index 4.00 This is real-time volume color Doppler showing mitral regurgitation. There are 3 cardiac cycles, each cardiac cycle is full-volume color Doppler and B-Mode data. 3.00 2.00 1.00 Degenerative Prolapse Flail Functional Buchner JACC Imaging 2011:4;

35 Chronic Mitral Regurgitation Shape of Regurgitant Orifice
The slitlike appearance in functional MR correlates with a distended mitral apparatus. This is real-time volume color Doppler showing mitral regurgitation. There are 3 cardiac cycles, each cardiac cycle is full-volume color Doppler and B-Mode data. Buchner JACC Imaging 2011:4;

36 Vena Contracta Width

37 Parameters Used in Grading MR Severity
Vena Contracta Narrowest portion of a jet Occurs at or just downstream from orifice High velocity, laminar flow Slightly smaller than anatomic regurgitant Represents a measure of the EROA orifice due to boundary effects Zoghbi, et al J Am Soc Echocardiogr 16:777(2003)

38 Quantitation of Mitral Regurgitation Vena Contracta Imaging
FCR MR jet Vena contracta: the small neck between the PISA region and the flair of the jet in the left atrium

39 Quantitation of Mitral Regurgitation Vena Contracta Imaging
FCR MR jet MR jet Degree of MR Vena contracta width Mild 0.3 cm Moderate cm Severe >0.6 cm

40 Parameters Used in Grading MR Severity
Vena Contracta Width Simple, quantitative, good at identifying mild or severe MR Utility/Advantages Limitations Not useful for multiple MR jets; intermediate values require confirmation. Small values; thus, small error leads to large % error Zoghbi, et al J Am Soc Echocardiogr 16:777(2003)

41 Volumetric Flow

42 Normal 70 mL 70 mL OK, the volume of blood that enters through mitral valve in diastole is ejected into aorta in systole.

43 Mitral Regurgitation Mitral Reg Vol = Mitral SV - Aortic SV 70 120 mL
50 mL 70 mL 120 mL When we have MR, not all the blood that comes in goes out into the aorta, as some of it will regurgitate. Mitral Reg Vol = Mitral SV - Aortic SV

44 Mitral Regurgitation Mitral Reg Vol = Mitral SV - Aortic SV
50 mL 70 mL 120 mL In the presence of regurgitation of one valve, without any intracardiac shunt, the flow through the affected valve is larger than through other competent valves. The difference between the two represents the regurgitant volume. Mitral Reg Vol = Mitral SV - Aortic SV (2) Reg Vol = SV Regurg Valve - SV Compet Valve

45 Severity of Mitral Regurgitation Integrated Echo Assessment
Semiquantitation Quantitation: vena contracta width, PISA Indirect: LA and LV size Color jet area Signal intensity Antegrade flow Pulmonary venous flow V-wave cutoff sign

46 Parameters Used in Grading MR Severity
LA and LV Size Utility/Advantages Limitations Enlargement sensitive for chronic significant MR, important for outcomes. Normal size virtually excludes significant chronic MR Enlargement seen in other conditions. May be normal in acute significant MR Zoghbi, et al J Am Soc Echocardiogr 16:777(2003)

47 Mitral Regurgitation Situations Where Quantitation Less Reliable
Multiple MR jets After MitraClip procedure Paraprosthetic leaks Late systolic MR (MVP)

48 Summary

49 Conclusions Accurate assessment of MR depends on integrating all these techniques. All techniques have pitfalls and sources of error. If there is doubt as to severity, TEE can be pursued.

50 The End

51 MR Severity Assessment
Mild Moderate Severe Color flow jet Central, small Central, moderate Vena contracta ≥ 0.70 with large central jet or wall impinging jet of any size <4 cm2 <20% of LAA 20-40% of LAA > 40% of LAA Vena contracta width (cm) < 0.30 < ≥ 0.70 Regurgitant volume (ml) fraction Orifice area (cm2) < 30 < 0.20 30 – 44 30 – 39 0.20 – 0.29 40 – 49 0.30 – 0.39 ≥ 60 ≥ 50 ≥ 0.40 ASE Recommendations J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2003;16:

52 Parameters Used in Grading MR Severity
Color Flow Jet Area Utility/Advantages Limitations Simple, quick screen for mild or severe central MR; evaluates spatial orientation of jet Subject to technical, hemodynamic variation; significantly under- estimates severity in wall-hugging jets Zoghbi, et al J Am Soc Echocardiogr 16:777(2003)

53 Angiographic Grade of MR
Maximal Color Jet Area vs Angiographic Grade of MR 25 n.s. p<0.05 20 15 Area (cm2) p<0.05 10 5 p<0.05 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ Angiographic degree Fehske Am J Cardiol 73:268(1994)

54 Controversy with the Redefined MR Severity
If we determine MR severity based on risk, then we should be sure that the risk is purely attributable to the mitral regurgitation 1. Likely not true in functional MR: Age Underlying heart disease LV status Comorbidities 2. Quantification of FMR particularly challenging Low-flow state common Crescentic or slit-like regurgitant orifice 3. Merits of valve intervention in FMR controversial

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