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Reactec Analytics Platform

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1 Reactec Analytics Platform
Operator Toolbox Talk Required for users of the HAVwear and their direct line managers v7 Ensure the presentation and notes content are fully understood The Value propositions in each slide (complemented with these notes – need to be delivered): Before presenting Ask the audience what they do for HAVs just now If they do actually do something, how do they manage this : Walk them through there processes and do not be judgmental. Praise them for doing something and maybe highlight other points that they may want to do that benefits them. Like vibration testing ? Question how laborious they feel their process is? OR If they don’t really do much highlight how laborious it would be. How accurate is their process? How do they store all the data ect ? This will keep the presentation interactive and make the prospective customer involved in the whole process. HAVWEAR Personal HAVS Protection Designers and manufacturers of the

2 Health Effects of Exposure to Vibration
Regular and frequent exposure to hand-arm vibration can lead to two health conditions Hand Arm Vibration syndrome (HAVS) and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

3 What is Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome? HAVS
Symptoms and effects of HAVS include tingling and numbness in the fingers which can result in an inability to do fine work (e.g. assembling small components) or everyday tasks (e.g. fastening buttons) loss of strength in the hands which might affect the ability to do work safely the fingers going white (blanching) and becoming red and painful on recovery, reducing ability to work in cold or damp conditions especially outdoors

4 What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? CTS
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of the nerve that controls sensation and movement in the hands The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage in your wrist made up of small bones and a tough band of tissue. It acts as a pulley for the tendons that bend the fingers Symptoms of CTS include tingling, numbness, pain and weakness in the hand which can interfere with work and everyday tasks

5 HAV Syndrome is irreversible while CTS may be improved with surgery
What are the effects? Symptoms of both may come and go, but with continued exposure to vibration they may become permanent and cause pain, distress and sleep disturbance This can happen after only a few months of exposure, but in most cases it will happen over a few years HAV Syndrome is irreversible while CTS may be improved with surgery

6 5,000,000 users in Great Britain* 2,000,000 exposed to high levels*
How severe is the problem? HAVS- Related Legislation The control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 “Protect workers’ health & safety from vibration exposure due to vibratory equipment transmitted by hand contact” Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 “Every employee is entitled to safety in the workplace” “It shall be the duty of every employee while at work to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons … at work” 5,000,000 users in Great Britain* 2,000,000 exposed to high levels* 300,000 suffering advanced stages of HAVS* 6 You can develop HAVS within 6 months. (HSE) 2012 50% of all reported Occupational industrial diseases are HAVS related (HSE) 2012 10% of people exposed to 100 points will develop HAVs within 12 years (HSE) Inspector Guide *Medical Research Council SUMMARY Just quote the key facts

7 Watch a victims perspective

8 HAVs Exposure Points System
The points system has been devised by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to simplify assessing daily exposure to vibration Allows risk from using more than one tool type to be easily combined Takes into account time on the tool and the magnitude of vibration from the tool which are likely to cause HAVs The system converts the vibration magnitude (m/s²) in a period of 8 hours (A(8)) into risk assessment points 100 points = exposure action value (EAV), equivalent to 8 hours use of a tool with a vibration of 2.5m/s2 400 points = exposure limit value (ELV) ), equivalent to 8 hours use of a tool with a vibration of 5m/s2

9 HSE Assessment System How vibration level and duration are converted to exposure risk Tool vibration (m/s2) 3 5 10 15 Points per hour 18 50 200 450 *HSE Website: An increase of exposure points is non-linear with vibration magnitude Chart indicates points per hour of each level of magnitude. Angle grinder vibration magnitude 5m/s2 Trigger time: 3 hours PRODUCES: 150 EXPOSURE POINTS SUMMARY Emphasise that exposure points is a non-linear relationship between vibration level and trigger time – table curve indicates this. Sampling exposure or using paper based systems are prone to errors – even underestimating a workers time by 30 mins pushes them into their EAV threshold…… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Health and Safety Executive have established a points system based on a defined tool vibration level times trigger time in any one 8 hour period There are two limit levels An EAV at 100 points = a requirement to implement action plans to reduce exposure to as low as feasibly possible. Equivalent to 8 hours exposure to 2.5m/s2 An ELV at 400 points = immediately stop exposure Relying on an individuals assessment can give critical exposure calculation errors with even a small amount of time on high vibration tools Manual assessment of exposure is only spot checking, even the smallest under assessment of tool use (between 0 and 2 hours is where the most dramatic ratio occurs on the chart) then operators using tools of 6 m/s and above for example will breach an action level with just half an hour margin of error. So employers who think operators only use power tools for a short time per day can easily breach action levels. Page 9

10 HSE Traffic Light Indicators
Green 0 – 100 points (for healthy workers) Below Exposure Action Value Amber points (for healthy workers) Exceeding Exposure Action Value Action must be taken to reduce risk Red Over 400 points (for healthy workers) Exceeding Exposure Limit Value Work should stop N.B. Workers identified as either AT RISK OF DEVELOPING HAVS or AS HAVING EARLY STAGE HAVS will require lower points allocation Page 10

11 Responsibilities Line Manager – Know which employees are at risk
Provide information to employees Ensure control measures are in place Plan tasks to eliminate or reduce exposure Ensure employees take part in health surveillance Investigate when a new or worsening case of HAVS is identified Employee – Know how to spot early signs of HAVS Report any problems to their line manager Take part in health surveillance Make sure control measures are used correctly

12 Responsibilities Line Manager – Don’t just monitor - manage
Track the effectiveness of possible control measures Automation Job rotation Alternative equipment More appropriate tools Understand that 100 points is NOT safe Employee – Take responsibility and check exposure level Use tools correctly Don’t over tighten the grip Keep hands warm in the cold Be cognisant of outside work activity. (Cold weather motor biking; trail biking; chainsaws ……….. etc)

13 What is HAVWEAR – how does it help?
A monitoring device that automates the HSE points calculation process and displays real-time exposure levels and alerts. HAVWEAR is part of the Reactec Analytics Platform to report exposure data and support optimisation of controls to reduce risk ALARP. Monitor HAVs Online reports 2 1 Manage risks 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… BACKGROUND INFORMATION Vibration white finger (VWF), also known as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) or dead finger, is a secondary form of Raynaud's syndrome. HAVs is an industrial injury triggered by continuous use of vibrating hand-held machinery. Use of the term "vibration white finger" has generally been superseded in professional usage by broader concept of HAVS, although it is still used by the general public. The symptoms of vibrating white finger are the vascular component of HAVS. Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome can be contracted within 6 months Staging The Stockholm system is used to grade severity: Sensorineural component 0SN - exposed to vibrations but no symptoms. 1SN - intermittent numbness +/- tingling. 2SN - numbness (intermittent or continuous) with loss of feeling of touch. 3SN - numbness (intermittent or continuous) with loss of discrimination by touch +/- manual dexterity. Vascular component Stage 1 - mild, with only occasional attacks affecting the tips of one or more fingers. Stage 2 - moderate, with occasional attacks affecting the distal or middle phalanges of one or more fingers. Stage 3 - severe, with frequent attacks affecting all phalanges of most fingers. Stage 4 - very severe, as Stage 3, plus trophic changes in fingertips.

14 Watch Operator Training Video

15 Using the System Sign out.
Place an ID card against the orange swirl icon on the Docking station to sign out a HAVwear. Collect. Unclip the HAVwear from the bay with the flashing LED light Protect. Insert HAVwear into the holder so that the strap is in contact with the wrist. Do not remove until returning to a Docking Station Connect. Before using each tool, press the HAVwear button once and place the HAVwear over a tool tag until a beep sounds to connect to the tool. To confirm the connection, the display will show the first 4 characters of the tool model.

16 Using the System Correct Strap Routing Incorrect Strap Routing
The Wrist Strap is a personal item to each operator and should be subject to appropriate occupational hygiene procedures regarding cleaning and replacement.

17 Using the System – Key Points HAVWEAR – how it works
To read a tag press and release the HAVwear button. Do not hold down the button. It can take up to 5 secs for the HAVwear to read the tag The HAVwear constantly senses vibration It determines if the nature of the vibration is from a tool to decide that a tool trigger has been pulled. If an operator forgets to tag a tool after sign out, the HAVwear will display the Sensed exposure points and record the points with no tool identity. The trigger time together with the last read TAG vibration is used to calculate Tool Exposure Points (TEP) points If an operator forgets to tag the next tool, the TEP points will be based on the last TAG read If the operator will be subject to material vibrations OFF tool which are not a source of HAVs, the HAVwear can be switched OFF to ensure TEP points are zero. This should be considered especially when moving OFF a high vibration tool The HAVwear is switched OFF by pressing and holding the button for 5 secs until a message “OFF? “appears in the display, then release and press once again TEP is detected again as soon as another tag is read

18 T237 NSAW TFOR Using the System HAVWEAR Screen display
Latest tool used First 4 characters of tool model number. NSAW Vibration exposure points T237 Battery charge Operator initials First name initial and first three characters of last name TFOR Exposure action values LED lights indicate thresholds reached

19 HAVWEAR Alerts – sound and vibration
Using the System HAVWEAR Alerts – sound and vibration 2 sec vibration & beep 5 sec vibration & beep 10 sec vibration & beep 20 sec vibration & beep Alerts Lights Green Amber Red Status Below EAV up to 33% of GAP 34% - 66% of GAP 67% - 99% of GAP ELV Exceeded Actions Aim to stay in this region. Reduce tool usage, share workload – supervisors on alert. GAP Stop using vibration tools. EAV ELV

20 3 2 4 1 Data & reports management
Daily data backup. Secure data hosting and employee access. Internet enabled PC or tablet to access reports. Data and reports hosted by Reactec Automatic reports and alerts 3 Cloud based reports Company manages employee access to real-time reports. Data transmitted to the cloud based reports 2 HAVWEAR data downloads to the Docking station Regional Managers H&S Managers 4 Employees view reports and receive auto s 1 Note HAVWEAR requires 15 mins daily recharge. Charge can last 3 days. When fully discharged a HAVWEAR requires 1 hour to recharge. SUMMARY HAVmeter placed back onto a Basestation HAVmeter data downloads to the Basestation Communications module sends Basestation data to the cloud based reports Cloud based reports - Company manages employee access to real-time reports 4. Employees view reports and receive auto s ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… BACKGROUND INFORMATION At multiple times per day (duration can be amended by yourself) the data in the Basestation is transmitted via mobile phone technology to a cloud based data server. The mobile phone technology used has the widest coverage across the UK and Ireland and is not dependant on high speed data signals as the amount of data transmitted is very small. The data transfer is encrypted. Access to the online data and reports are totally controlled by you. The online reports are hosted by a third party supplier which is already used by several UK Government bodies and secured with HTTP technology. Your central company administrator would manage a multi-tiered set of access rights from line supervisors, to H&S experts, HR compliance managers and business leaders. Reactec has no access to the data to ensure compliance to data protection laws. The system also provides robust provisions to prevent tampering and deliver detailed audit trails for the same reason. Once access rights are set up all levels of management have instant access to the appropriate data providing they have access via a PC, tablet or smart phone to the internet. HAVWEAR placed back onto Docking station to charge. Depot Manager Team leaders

21 What you should know How the Reactec Analytics Platform & HAVWEAR work. It is important to “tag” each tool. If moving off high vibration tools switch the HAVWEAR OFF Return the unit for charge each day. Do not remove the HAVWEAR from your wrist unless switched OFF or returning to the Docking Station.

22 Which would you rather have?

23 HAVS protection Make it personal
Contact our customer service team with any further questions Tel: + 44 (0) Web:

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