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The Air Implementation Pilot

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1 The Air Implementation Pilot
Anke Lükewille Air Quality, Noise and Transport Group Air and Climate Change Programme (ACC) European Environment Agency (EEA) The overall project manager at EEA (ACC) is Alberto González Ortiz

2 Background and overview
Commissioner Potočnik’s address to EEA in Copenhagen in June 2011… He subsequently invited the European Commission’s Directorate General for Environment (DG ENV) and the EEA to explore an enhanced EEA role in support of EU environment policy implementation, by way of pilots on air and waste.  Joint EEA – DG ENV projects  Focused on cities in the EU Set-up for and links to modelling & emission inventory activities under existing tasks in the ETC/ACM’s Implementation Plans of 2012 and 2013

3 Background and overview
OBJECTIVES Share experiences among pilot cities Develop proposals for improved implementation Share experiences with other cities Not intended to solve AQ problems, but improve information base for future action Linked to non-legislative action suggested by DG ENV, Air Policy Review  uCLAP (Urban Clean Air Programme) PERIOD: 2 years ( ) RESOURCES: EEA + DG ENV + ETC/ACM experts + staff in cities

4 Pilot cities in 2012 Choice of cities Opportunity
Urban Audit + Eurocities Europe-wide perspective Different administrative organization Collected: 0. General information 1. Local emissions inventories 2. Modelling activities 3. Monitoring networks 4. Trends + management practices 5. Information to the public

5 Pilot cities – gaps in coverage

6 Pilot cities in 2013 Antwerp (Belgium) Berlin (Germany)
Dublin (Ireland) Madrid (Spain) Malmö (Sweden) Milan (Italy) Paris (France) Ploiesti (Romania) Plovdiv (Bulgaria) Prague (Czech Republic) Vienna (Austria) Vilnius (Lithuania) 6

7 0. General information from cities
Questionnaire prepared by EEA General overview of the participant cities: Geographical limits: Urban Audit AQ zones as defined based on requirements of the AQ Directive Administrative limits Physical, economical and social characteristics Main pollutant sources Info about transport Key challenges regarding air quality Draft report summarizing information

8 1. Local emission inventories
The Objectives and Results were presented yesterday by Ulrike Döring, ETC/ACM - Öko-Institut (DE)

9 1. Local emission inventories
Conclusions: Good quality input data is essential (e.g. on traffic statistics, household combustion practices, construction emissions). There are significant differences in comparability and consistency between the inventories. Necessity for improved guidance for estimating fugitive and diffuse emissions (e.g. re-suspension from traffic, construction work etc.) and for QA/QC in general. Several cities and city projects consider and integrate synergies between management of air quality and greenhouse gases when setting up action plans or measures.

10 2. Modelling activities The Objectives and results
will be presented today by Núria Castell, ETC/ACM – NILU (NO)

11 3. Monitoring networks Frank de Leeuw, ETC/ACM – RIVM (NL) &
OBJECTIVES Assess whether the siting and density of monitoring stations give an accurate representation of air quality Identify further support or guidance. Frank de Leeuw, ETC/ACM – RIVM (NL) & Laurence Rouïl, ETC/ACM – INERIS (FR)

12 4. AQ trends + management practices
OBJECTIVES Detect statistically significant changes (if any) at stations level Identify possible links between trends and implemented measures (if any) Identify and create an inventory of effective measures Analysis of Plans and Programmes, AQ Questionnaires, time extension notifications (TENs) and other measures applied in cities. Frank de Leeuw, ETC/ACM – RIVM (NL)

13 5. Information to the public
OBJECTIVES Learn how cities communicate the AQ status to the public Identify and compile innovative ideas especially those well appreciated by citizens Provide access to local information via EEA dissemination platforms Questionnaire Information on ambient AQ situation Information on postponements / exemptions; AQ plans; other AQ issues than those fixed as mandatory Public awareness (relation with organisations)


15 Questionnaire – description of measures
DOMESTIC/ RESIDENTIAL TRAFFIC City\ Measure Fuels LEZ Public transport Speed limits Congestion charge Mobility plan / awareness Antwerp In 2016 Modal shift (+ bike sharing) X Berlin Modernisation of fleet 30 Dublin Ban of bituminous Madrid Renovation of buses fleet Malmö For heavy vehicles Conversion of fleet Milan Regulation of biomass winter Paris New services (Vélib and Autolib) Spatial measure (+ bike lanes + tramway) Plovdiv Municipal buildings + bike lanes Prague Heavy trucks Alternative fuel + electro recharge Vienna District heating Increase of use GENERIC: Action plans in Malmö, Ploiesti and Vilnius (street maintenance and detour) from 2014 on INDUSTRIAL: Industrial plants: Vienna PORT (Antwerp): Awareness: eco-sailing; Technological: hybrid crane, cargo handling equipment.

16 Air Implementation Pilot: 2013 work
Analyses for the three new cities EEA Report (to be published before the Green Week in June) Final meeting (in spring) Communication strategy (Green Week session in June) Conclusions in mid 2013 Input to Air Policy Review and design of LIFE + 16

17 Thank you for your attention!
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