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CNHS Parent Information Night

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1 CNHS Parent Information Night
Advanced Placement CNHS Parent Information Night

2 Why Take an AP Class? AP allows high school students to take courses that are challenging, rigorous, and in-depth. Success in an AP course is one of the strongest predictors of college success. The UC system and other universities look to see if applicants have taken advantage of AP courses.

3 Traits of a Successful AP Student
Meeting/Exceeding Standard on SBAC Superior work ethic Excellent organizational skills Strong study habits Ability to work independently Robust measure of interest and commitment

4 What is AP? The Advanced Placement Program is a cooperative endeavor of secondary schools and colleges and universities. Through AP classes, students engage in college level studies. Through AP exams, they confirm their mastery of particular subjects and may receive college credit.

5 College Board All AP Courses are sanctioned by the College Board
Curriculum/AP exams are standardized College Board sets exam cost For more information about Advanced Placement Courses, go to:

6 AP Potential Students who took the PSAT in October may have been identified as having “AP Potential”. Counselors review these identified students’ academic history and talk with them about the possibility of taking an AP Course.

7 How do AP Grades affect a student’s high school grade point average (GPA)?
Students taking AP Courses (HP) will receive a weighted grade as follows: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=1

8 How many AP classes should students take?
No right answer Every student is different Important to maintain healthy balance Important to maintain high grades Not unusual for students to earn first B/C Check requirements of colleges/universities of interest

9 Did you know… Colleges would rather see a B in an AP class than an A in a regular class!!!

10 How do I know if the college of my choice will accept AP credit?

11 Academic Scholars of Distinction The Highest Recognition at CNHS
Clovis North Academic Scholars of Distinction status is achieved by doing the following: maintain a minimum UC weighted GPA of 4.15 or higher over five semesters – (sophomore and junior years, as well as first semester of senior year) complete at least 5 AP classes in high school

12 AP Agreement For the 2017/2018 School Year, all students (along with their parents) who enroll in one or more Advanced Placement courses will be required to sign a contract agreeing to Clovis North expectations. This contract will be provided during registration distribution, and will be due to the student’s counselor at registration.

13 What are the expectations for AP classes?
Agree to the rigor/time commitment Meet the pre-requisites Agree to complete the Summer Assignment Expectation to take the AP exam in May

14 Other Things To Know ALL students enrolled in an AP class are expected to remain in the class for the year, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students will not be allowed to add AP Courses; once school has started. Know yourself and know your limitations. Don’t over-extend. We want you to maintain a healthy balance in your life! Make your decisions CAREFULLY!

15 AP Classes at CNHS Social Science: AP World History (10) AP United States History (11) AP Economics – Macro (12) AP Economis –Micro (12) AP Government (12) AP Psychology (11 & 12) English: AP English Composition (11) AP English Literature (12) Foreign Language: AP French (11 & 12) AP Spanish (11 & 12) Science: AP Biology (10, 11, & 12) AP Chemistry (11 & 12) AP Environ. Science (11 & 12) AP Physics C (11 & 12) AP Comp. Sci. (11 & 12) AP Physics 1 (11 & 12) *AP Physics 2 (11 & 12) Math: AP Calculus AB (11 & 12) AP Calculus BC (11 & 12) AP Statistics (11 & 12)

16 Uni-Track Program A program offered through California State University, Fresno that allows dual enrollment for high school students. Students can earn high school credits and college credits. Uni-Track Fee is $40 per course; registration takes place in early fall & sometimes spring. Students can register for 8 units per semester Acceptance of Uni-Track credits varies from campus to campus.

17 Uni-Track Approved Courses
AP U.S History AP Government AP Economics AP Calculus AB & BC AP Statistics AP French AP Spanish

18 Summer Assignments Most AP courses require students to do reading and/or supplemental assignments over the summer to prepare them for the following school year. Summer assignments not only allow the teachers to get started with their curriculum earlier in the school year, but it also challenges the students by keeping their minds active during the summer. Summer assignment for each class will be available the last week of school.

19 AP Exam Payments 2016/2017 Payments for AP exams will be due by March 27, 2017. Cost for each exam: $93 per exam A Payment Plan will also be available, if needed (See Mrs. Faragia). CUSD does offer a fee waiver for those who apply and qualify (See Mrs. Faragia).

20 IMPORTANT! This spring’s AP testing calendar: All tests require students to report to the testing site at 7:30AM for a morning exam, or 12:00 PM for an afternoon exam. Mon., May 1 AP Chemistry/AP Psychology/AP Environmental Science Tues., May 2 AP Spanish Language/AP Computer Science/AP Physics 1 Wed., May 3 AP English Literature Thur., May 4 AP US History & AP US Government Mon., May 8 AP Biology/AP Physics C Tues., May 9 AP French Language, AP Calculus AB & AP Calculus BC Wed., May 10 AP English Composition & AP Macroeconomics Thur., May 11 AP World History & AP Statistics Fri., May 12 AP Microeconomics

21 From a parent perspective…
Mr. Cliff Nitschke AP Government Teacher

22 What A.P. Students & Parents should know:
Tom Shannon – Clovis North Area Transition Coordinator The mindset of an A.P. Student Behaviors of A.P. students Anxiety and Depression Cheating Time Management Communication Know the Resources available at school

23 The 9 Resources we look for:
Financial Emotional Mental Spiritual Physical Role Models Support Systems Hidden Rules Language/Communication skills

24 The AP teachers of Clovis North High School thank you for your interest!
Should you have additional questions, please contact your student’s counselor.

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