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Feb. 4,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)

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Presentation on theme: "Feb. 4,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feb. 4,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
Study of pair-produced doubly charged Higgs bosons with a four muon final state at the CMS detector (CMS NOTE 2006/081, Authors : T.Rommerskirchen and T.Hebbeker) Feb. 4,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)

2 Event generation Signal
Number of events generated with PYTHIA for different signal data samples, before any pre-selection Background Number of events generated in the background MC data samples, after pre-selection Generator level pre-selection 1) Final state containing two positive and two negative muons 2) PT>3GeV, |η|<2.4 for all muons

3 Reconstructed mass of H++
Mass resolution as a function of mH±± The invariant mass distribution of the signal sample and of the four backgrounds

4 Online event selection
Online selection 1) |η|<2.1 (level 1 di-muon trigger requirement) 2) at least two muons with PT>7GeV (high level di-muon trigger requirement) 3) at leat one has to be isolated in the Tracker : ISOLTRK<0.97GeV (high level di-muon trigger requirement)

5 Offline event selection
The number of reconstructed muons 1) PT>8GeV 2) |η|<2.1 Selection efficiency for four reconstructed muons for a signal datasample (mH±±=300GeV) and the background data samples; errors are statistical only Impact point : The muon trajectory is extrapolated to the beamline. The point of closest approach to the origin of the detector coordinate system is defined as Impact Point. The biggest ΔzIPS between muons generated (mH±±=300GeV) zIPS of all muons generated (mH±±=300GeV)

6 Results reconstructed invariant mass of H±± candidates, (top) after online selection, (bottom) after offline selection

7 Search for the doubly charged Higgs
Feb. 4,2009 Jongseok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)

8 Decay mode

9 Data generation & reconstruction (Full simulation)
scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_2_1_10 cd CMSSW_2_1_10/src eval `scramv1 runtime -csh cvs co -d Configuration/Generator UserCode/JHGoh/Configuration/Generator cvs co -d HiggsAnalysis UserCode/JHGoh/HiggsAnalysis scramv1 build cd HiggsAnalysis/DoublyChargedHiggs/test -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,RAW2DIGI,RECO -n 30 --conditions FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,IDEAL_V9::All --datatier GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO --eventcontent RECOSIM --> output : Hpp200MuMu_cfi_py_GEN_SIM_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_RAW2DIGI_RECO.root (30 events) # of event The option tells it to drop everything except RECO and SIM data.

10 Data generation & reconstruction (Fast simulation)
scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_2_1_10 cd CMSSW_2_1_10/src eval `scramv1 runtime -csh cvs co -d Configuration/Generator UserCode/JHGoh/Configuration/Generator cvs co -d HiggsAnalysis UserCode/JHGoh/HiggsAnalysis scramv1 build cd HiggsAnalysis/DoublyChargedHiggs/test -s GEN,FASTSIM –n 100 --conditions FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,IDEAL_V9::All --> output : Hpp200MuMu_cfi_py_GEN_FASTSIM.root (100 events) Sets up the geometry (

11 1k events of fast simulation data (generated by Chawon Park)

12 Track (pt>10, |η|<2.4)

13 Global muon (pt>10, |η|<2.4)

14 Mass of two highest PT muons (global μ + global μ, pt>10, |η|<2

15 MC muon from Higgs (pt>10, |η|<2.4)
black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10,|η|<2.4) black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10, |η|<2.4)

16 # of particles per event
pt>10, |η|<2.4 black : MC muon red : global muon green : track

17 Mass (MC μ + MC μ from Higgs, pt>10, |η|<2.4)
black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10,|η|<2.4) black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10,|η|<2.4)

18 Muon efficiency global muon efficiency VS pt
MC muon efficiency VS pt MC muon efficiency VS η

19 Mass pt>10, |η|<2.4 black : MC muon + MC muon (from Higgs)
red : global muon + global muon green : global muon + global muon (matched global muon with MC muon from Higgs)

20 30 events of full simulation data
backup 30 events of full simulation data

21 Track (pt>10)

22 Global muon (pt>10)

23 Mass of two highest PT muons (global μ + global μ, pt>10)

24 MC muon from Higgs (no cut)
black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10) black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10)

25 Mass (MC μ + MC μ from Higgs, no cut)
black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10) black : MC muon red : global muon (pt>10)

26 # of particles per event
pt>10, |η|<2.4 black : MC muon red : global muon green : track

27 Muon efficiency global muon efficiency VS pt
MC muon efficiency VS pt MC muon efficiency VS η

28 Mass pt>10, |η|<2.4 black : MC muon + MC muon (from Higgs)
red : global muon + global muon green : global muon + global muon (matched global muon with MC muon from Higgs)

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