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Web Application for Home Energy Assistance Program

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Presentation on theme: "Web Application for Home Energy Assistance Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Application for Home Energy Assistance Program
By: Chris Bowsher

2 Table of Contents: Product Description & Intended Use Technology
Deliverables Application Demo Conclusion

3 Product Description & Intended Use:
Internet based system for temporary office workers to enter Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) applications into a real-time central database. There are two main elements to this web application, the database and the internet based user interface. The database validates all applicants’ information and stores a permanent record.

4 Technology Microsoft Visual Studio .Net C#, ASP .Net
It is the latest software package that is very useful for web development. C#, ASP .Net C# is in my recent curriculum and is a very good tool for use with web and database project. The State had no preference

5 Technology cont: SQL Server 2000 database
The State requested that I use SQL Server database. The State currently uses SQL Server for internal software.

6 Deliverables: A Web based system with client intake and tracking.
The GUI will be written in C# and ASP to allow for future expansion. The GUI is written in C# and ASP to communicate with database. The administrator will be able to create new accounts.

7 Deliverables: Users will have a secure login authenticated by the database. Users will be able to complete the following tasks: Input Applicant information into the database Review data already in database Change data already in database

8 Conclusion The State is moving towards a central system that will eliminate most mistakes that are currently made. They will control data in a central database, with easy access. This will save the State lots of money.

9 Any Questions?

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