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Access resources and slides

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Presentation on theme: "Access resources and slides"— Presentation transcript:

1 Access resources and slides
Google Classroom & CTE Access resources and slides Bethany Thompson Apple Valley High School Google Certified Trainer Gretchen Peratt CAMP Academy Coordinator super! wow! awesome!

2 You should know this about this slide deck
Click on this to add this slide deck to your drive. Click on this icon to take you to more information and directions for that topic.

3 Why did you come to this session? What do you hope to leave with?
Make a new tab in your browser. Type in the address above and answer the question below. Why did you come to this session? What do you hope to leave with?

4 Stop Answering These Questions
What did we do yesterday? Can you give work for this suspended student? 1 Stop Answering These Questions We’re going to ____ for three weeks. What are we doing? Number all of your assignments #001, #002, #003 Make everything an assignment or question Make your calendar public and link to your website for parents This says “Go to Google Classroom”? sub Got it!

5 Collect Different Files
2 Pictures Infographics Screenshots of Websites .html autocad .mp4 .jpg

6 Project Based Learning wouldn’t fit in schedule
Differentiate 3 Vary the task! Project Based Learning wouldn’t fit in schedule Multimedia I Multimedia II Period One

7 3 Differentiate Period One Other Ideas: French II Honors
French II Challenge Create a new classroom Other Ideas: French II Honors French Extra Credit French Pokémon Go Specific Project Classroom AP Summer Work French III wouldn’t fit in schedule French II French IIH Period One

8 3 Add all of your teachers #hyperdoc
Create self paced lessons using Google Docs or Google Slides Teachers Give Teachers Example from science (actually two) Slides Games Vary the task! French III wouldn’t fit in schedule French II French IIH Period One

9 Video TAPE lessons or screenshots

10 Lose Your USB Drive 5

11 Use to Collect All kinds of files
6 Use a service like to have students record themselves. Students add file here.

12 7 Collaborative Slides Everyone edits the same Slide deck.
You only have one place to look Cycle through slides quickly Example Before and After Photos

13 Ask a Question 8 Two types of questions!

14 Two private comments = A conversation!
Ask a Question 8 Use questions for warm-ups, quickwrites, exit tickets Give feedback through private comments Have students resubmit/rewrite their answers as a separate assignment. Two private comments = A conversation!

15 Go As Paperless As You Want
9 Have students take a picture of their work and submit it digitally Stop making copies

16 Screencast Your Stories
10 Screencast Your Stories Use free extensions to screencast your stories (or input) for students to practice/review at home Students can listen, react to, respond to the story in Google Classroom

17 11 Sample Lesson Flow -1 #010 - (Question) Students watch a screencast of a story told in class and answer a question about the story #011 - (Assignment) Students put the story in the right order using Google Draw. #012 - (Assignment) Students write their own story, take a picture of it and using Vocaroo, screencasting, Recap or video record their voice. They upload the file in Google Classroom. You give feedback as a private comment. #012B - (Assignment) Students re-record their voice based on your feedback.

18 11 Sample Lesson Flow -2 #010 - (Question) You ask students a question based on a photo. You give feedback in the private comment section. #010B - (Assignment) Students re-write their answer based on your feedback. #010 - (Assignment) Students write in a Google Doc based on a prompt. (Your provide the template.) You give feedback in the form of comments on the assignment. #010B - (Question) Students submit in the answer their re-write of the prompt based on your feedback.

19 Starting Up and Finishing Up
Back away from the delete button. Click on the picture to take you to a start up and end of the year guide.

20 Google Calendar with Google Classroom
As long as you have at least 1 assignment Google Classroom automatically makes you a Calendar for each class. All assignments and questions are automatically added to the calendar. Share this calendar publically so that parents can view. Click here to view a step by step video how to do this. BACK

21 Using #authres Make sure you get a high quality image. Click here for step-by-step directions. Use Google Draw to have students manipulate/annotate images. Use Google Docs for Writing about Example of reading using Google Draw and Reading Example of Culture and Graphic Rich Text in Google Docs BACK

22 Manipulatives Room prepositions with directions Bingo with Directions
Common Core Math Verb Battleship How To Video - (Forgive me- I do know the difference between a square and a rectangle!) BACK

23 Collaborative Slides Make a copy for each one of your classes (periods) Share as Make the same number of slides as students and put in student names in the title or give each student a number. It can get confusing if everyone’s in there at the same time. Famous person example. Click File>Make a Copy to put it in your Drive. Remember you can change the famous person to anything! (Yourself, product, artist, city, song, film, house, animal, food, friend, anything!!) BACK

24 Go As Paperless As You Want
Video demonstrating how students submit a picture of their work Convert files Word Documents to Google Docs so that students can write in them. BACK

25 Google Q & A In presentation view click “Presenter View”
Choose “Audience Tools” click “Start New” (under Audience Q &A). The website automatically appears on the slide show. Audience members respond. Click stop when you are done. A record of the Q & A can be found under Tools > Q & A History BACK

26 Screencasting Screencasting means you make a video of your screen, usually with you talking. Use a free Chrome Extension like Screencastify to record yourself. It automatically goes to your Google Drive and you can share it with students in Google Classroom. Watch this video to learn how to use Screencastify to take your stories or presentations online! BACK

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