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LT: address common misconceptions about the cause of the seasons by writing counterfactual statements. Agenda: Seasons reasons review Do Now: 10-14-16.

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Presentation on theme: "LT: address common misconceptions about the cause of the seasons by writing counterfactual statements. Agenda: Seasons reasons review Do Now: 10-14-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 LT: address common misconceptions about the cause of the seasons by writing counterfactual statements. Agenda: Seasons reasons review Do Now: What is a misconception? Harvard video. Reaction Review preassessment data Write counterfactual statements about seasons in N and S hemisphere. Demonstrate your understanding with a model Exit task. Explanation and drawing A counterfactual statement is relating to or expressing what has not happened or is not the case. Example: If an asteroid that size had not hit the Earth, the dinosaurs would never have gone extinct. Write your own example of a counterfactual statement about a topic we have learned about this year.

2 Harvard students talk about the seasons: https://www. youtube
Harvard students talk about the seasons: wk4qG2mIg Why do you think the students at Harvard hold onto misconceptions about the seasons? What would you say or show them to convince them otherwise? Visit each poster and write what you think would the seasons be like in the northern and southern hemisphere if the poster’s ideas were true. Take a chair, a pencil, a notebook and gather around the “sun”. On your worksheet, sketch the misconceptions we discuss and write what you would say or do to change their thinking about the cause of the seasons. Reflection: Turn in exit Task

3 LT: describe how scientists found evidence to support the theory that meteorite was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. Do Now: Agenda: death of the dinosaurs Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. How would life be different if they had not gone extinct? Crater size on Earth images Read pg 36-41

4 What is a mass extinction?
Look at photos of crater size on earth: Read pg and answer the questions What is a mass extinction? What are the two theories for why the dinosaurs went extinct? How are fossils formed? How do scientist know when the meteorite hit earth? How does an meterorite lead to climate change? How was the crater discovered? Why is the moon used as a “cosmic scorecard”? Chicxulub crater video: Cenotes in mexico: Demo with layers of soil, sand and flour. Reflection: use the RERUN acronym to reflect on what you learned about today’s learning target.

5 Summarize how scientists studied the meteorite in Sudan
Summarize how scientists studied the meteorite in Sudan. What was unique about it? How does the atmosphere affect an asteroid? Describe different ways scientists model impact craters. What forces on Earth have erased impact craters over time? How did the meteorite that hit Mexico affect life on Earth? What do you think led to the extinction of North American land mammals? Give at least 2 pieces of evidence to support your opinion. Where on Earth is the best place to look for meteorites? Reflection: use the RERUN acronym to reflect on what you learned about today’s learning target.

6 LT: describe how scientists study asteroids and craters.
Do Now: Agenda: Impact Earth Why is the moon a good place to study how often the Earth is hit by major asteroids? Asteroid documentary: WCcRp6K_xo

7 LT: measure craters on the moon surface to estimate the frequency of major impacts on Earth.
Agenda: Meteor math Do Now: How to estimate size of object that made the craters Asteroid size and impacts worksheet Calculate frequency of strikes. What size of asteroid caused this crater in Arizona? How often do asteroids hit the moon or Earth? How would you find this out?

8 Discuss: Why are there more craters visible on the Moon than on Earth?
Asteroid size and impacts worksheet. Divide by 20 to find asteroid size. Look at photos of crater in textbook. Discuss: Why are there more craters visible on the Moon than on Earth? Weathering and erosion from wind, water, and tectonics. Hidden by vegetation Earth bigger target than moon Atmosphere burns up tiny meteoroids Pass out lunar landing site chart. Count major impact craters in maria. Craters 50 km or larger are major. 5mm on map. Find class average Calculate years between major impacts. Reflection: use the RERUN acronym to reflect on what you learned about today’s learning target.

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