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SPS Pre-School Task Force Meeting #3

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Presentation on theme: "SPS Pre-School Task Force Meeting #3"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPS Pre-School Task Force Meeting #3
August 29, 2016

2 Remembering our Scope:
What children are we building preschools for? How should we fund it? How should we do the outreach to families in a way that is equitable? Geography choices & priorities How do we suggest building, funding, and message a continuum of services?

3 What is the preschool commitment we want to make in Seattle?
“To Whom It May Concern, we, the Task Force, recommend that our city provide access to high quality preschool for all children who enter at ages 3-4.” In case of constraint, we recommend prioritizing 4 year olds. In support of universal access, we recommend prioritizing children, families, and communities with historical barriers to access.

4 Community Input Survey
Report out on surveys Proof first run of survey Group Work One: Any other areas we should prioritize input? Where should we go to get this information? How can we as task force members assist in getting the widest amount of input possible?

5 Working Lunch: Digesting the Reading
Group Work #2: Read funding preschool documents/agreements Facts & questions

6 Next Steps: Barbara/Cashel/Monica will work to edit the survey per input and will circulate it to get input before the next meeting in Sept. Next Meeting: Doodle Poll Pre-work data requests

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