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Heathlands Community Preschool Summer Term 2017

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1 Heathlands Community Preschool Summer Term 2017
We enjoyed such a busy Spring term! I would like to sincerely thank you for the support you have shown over the past term. Our trip to the post box, Mother’s Morning & Sensory Saturday were such amazing opportunities for your children to share their experiences with you & us all to learn together. Plus we raised over £200 for Comic Relief which is fantastic  We are welcoming two new members to the Early Years team and have said farewell & best of luck to Rachel. Tapestry We have enjoyed seeing the pictures on Tapestry of reading at home for World Book Day & receiving Mother’s Day invitations. It is great for us to learn about the special things you do at home & enables us to talk to your children & plan activities that link with what your children enjoy to reflect what is meaningful to them. We encourage you to share your thoughts on the observations we post. Book Curriculum This term our focus stories will be Peter Rabbit & Chicken Licken Topic for the Term We are continuing with our Animal topic. Last term we had great fun meeting the Exotic Animal Encounters! Make sure you come &see our photo display! We have enjoyed re-enacting the 3 Little Pigs story in the garden, we have linked Maths, Mark making, sensory & science exploration & lots more to both stories. We celebrated Pancake Day, Mother’s Day, World Book Day and Easter! This term we have some fluffy additions to the pre-school & are excited to be able to watch our chicks hatch in the incubator. In May we are having a skills & Culture week. We would love you or someone you know to be involved! If you have a profession that you would like to share with the children or a skill such as baking, playing an instrument, speaking a different language, dancing we would love you to come & share it with us! Speak with a member of the team for more information! Thank you for all the vouchers you have donated so far! Please keep them rolling in  RED NOSE DAY! Our ‘Dress in Red’ Mother’s Morning & Sensory Saturday raised an incredible £ for Comic Relief! Thank you. Throughout the Spring term we have been investing funds back into the pre-school. We have a brand new kitchen, maths resources, small world resources such as a farm, doll’s house, fire & police station & vehicles. A colourful parachute, outside resources & a new home corner kitchen

2 Dates for your Diary E-Safety Zone Surf’s Up!
Toys that connect to the internet & digital devices are an everyday part of our children’s lives. This digital interaction now extends far beyond simply looking at a screen & this generation of children have been termed as being born ‘digitally native’. How do we keep young children safe on the internet? Parental controls Having a whitelist is a great way of keeping littlies safe. It works by enabling your child to view only pages from the internet sites you allow. This allows you to limit their cyberworld to a few safe and carefully chosen sites. There are lots of different brands of Parental control software options so here are a few recommended ones to get you started Google SafeSearch / CyberPatrol   Net Nanny Happy Surfing  Den Building Fun! This year we are fundraising as part of the Build a Den day for Save the Children. All money raised will go towards providing safe ‘shelter’ & access to healthcare & education for children all over the world. We will be heading to the local heath to build some dens in the trees and are hoping the British Wildlife Trust will be coming to support to build shelters for us & the woodland creatures! Look out for more information on this event – we will be warmly inviting Daddies, Uncles, Grandads, Carers to come to join the fun to celebrate Father’s Day on June 18th. The more the merrier! SAY CHEESE! We have the photographer visiting us on June 13th. Group photos will be at 11am. You will be able to book individual slots for your child/ren nearer the time. We love your feedback! Please feel welcome to share your thoughts with a member of the team or by completing a comments sheet found on the parent information board or by to Watch this space! In the upcoming Summer Term we are going to migrate to Parent Mail Text Service as a way of getting important messages to you all quickly. Watch out for more details to follow! Dates for your Diary May 15th – 19th - Skills & Culture week May 25th – Last day of term June 5th – Start of new term June 13th – Photographer at Heathlands June 16th – Den Building & Daddies Open Morning – Keep a look out! June 24th – Summer Fair – Info to follow June 27th – Easton Farm Park Trip – Info to follow July 21st – Graduation Day – Info to follow

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