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The Revolution is Just Beginning

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1 The Revolution is Just Beginning
Chapter 1

2 Learning Objectives Define e-commerce and describe how it differs from e-business Identify and describe the unique features of e-commerce technology and discuss their business significance Describe the major types of e-commerce Understand the evolution of e-commerce from its early years to today

3 Question What is e-commerce?

4 Some Answers The use of the Internet, the World Wide Web (Web), and mobile apps and browsers running on mobile devices to transact business It can also be described as digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals It is the convergence of: digital information technology (e), with exchange of value (commerce)

It is important to make a working distinction between e-commerce and e- business because they refer to different phenomena E-business refers to the digital enabling of transactions and processes within a firm involving information systems under the control of the firm E-business applications turn into e-commerce precisely when an exchange of value occurs


7 Eight Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology
Figure 1.2 and Table 1.2 describe eight unique features of e-commerce technology These unique dimensions of e-commerce technologies suggest many new possibilities for marketing and selling Each of these features potentially has positive and negative implications for organizations, individuals, and society

8 Business Significance of the Eight Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology (Table 1.2)
E-Commerce Technology Dimension Business Significance Ubiquity – E-commerce technology is available everywhere and anytime The marketplace is extended beyond traditional boundaries and is removed from a temporal and geographic location. Shopping can take place anywhere, convenience is enhanced, and shopping costs are reduced. Global reach – the technology reaches across national boundaries Commerce is enabled across cultural and geographic boundaries seamlessly and without modification. “Marketspace” includes potentially billions of consumers and millions of businesses. Universal standards – there is one set of Internet technology standards There is a common, inexpensive, global technology foundation for businesses to use. Richness – video, audio, text and other multimedia are possible Video, audio, and text marketing messages are integrated into a single marketing message and consuming experience.

9 Business Significance of the Eight Unique Features of E-Commerce Technology (Table 1.2)
E-Commerce Technology Dimension Business Significance Interactivity – the technology works through interaction with the user Consumers are engaged in a dialog that dynamically adjusts the experience to the individual and makes them a co-participant in the process of delivering goods to the market Information density – the Internet provides access to vast amounts of information in one place which reduces information costs Information processing, storage, and communication costs drop dramatically. Information becomes plentiful and cheap, but overall information quality may not improve. Personalization and customization – the technology enables personalized messages to be delivered to individuals as well as groups Personalization of marketing messages and customization of products and services are based on individual characteristics. Social technology – user-generated content and social networks New Internet social and business models enable user content creation and distribution, and support social networks.

10 Types of E-Commerce There are several different types of e-commerce and many different ways to characterize them The most common three examples, characterized by the nature of the market relationship, include: Business-to-consumer (B2C) Business-to-business (B2B) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Which of these three types of e-commerce generates the largest amount of revenue? Growth in US B2C and B2B e-commerce revenue is shown in Figures 1.3 and 1.4


12 Other Types of E-Commerce
Mobile commerce (m-commerce) Transactions are initiated through mobile devices Social e-commerce E-commerce that is enabled by social networks and online social relationships Local e-commerce E-commerce that is focused on engaging the consumer based on his or her geographic location (for example, Groupon) Government-to-citizen (G2C) For example, the US Internal Revenue Service Business-to-employee (B2E) For example, Drake’s Blueview system used by university employees for HR information, announcements, etc.

B2B $6.3 trillion B2C $531 billion Mobile $128 billion C2C $100 billion Local $25 billion Social $3.3 billion

14 Growth of the Internet, Web, and Mobile Platform
The technology juggernauts behind e-commerce are the Internet, Web, and increasingly, the mobile platform One way to measure the growth of the Internet is by looking at the number of Internet hosts with domain names It is impossible to say exactly how many computers and other wireless devices are connected to the Internet at any one time, but the number is clearly more than one billion

15 Growth Patterns for Other Electronic Technologies
The Internet has shown extraordinary growth patterns when compared to other electronic technologies of the past It took radio 38 years to achieve a 30% share of U.S. households It took television 17 years to achieve a 30% share It took only 10 years for the Internet/Web to achieve a 53% share of U.S. households once a graphical user interface (Mosaic browser) was invented for the Web in 1993

16 E-Commerce: A Brief History
Although e-commerce is not very old, it already has a tumultuous history The history of e-commerce can be divided into three periods: Invention (1995 – 2000) Consolidation (2001 – 2006) Re-Invention (2007 – present)

17 Invention (1995 – 2000) Technology driven Revenue growth emphasis
Venture capital financing Ungoverned Entrepreneurial Disintermediation Perfect markets Pure online strategies First-mover advantages Low-complexity retail products

18 Consolidation (2001 – 2006) Business driven
Earnings and profits emphasis Traditional financing Stronger regulation and governance Large traditional firms Strengthening intermediaries Imperfect markets, brands, and network effects Mixed “bricks-and-clicks” strategies Strategic-follower strength; complementary assets High-complexity retail products and services

19 Re-Invention (2007 – present)
Mobile technology enables social, local, and mobile commerce Audience and social network connections emphasis Return of venture capital financing, buy-outs of start-ups by large firms Extensive government surveillance Entrepreneurial social, mobile and local firms Proliferation of small online intermediaries renting business processes of larger firms Continuation of online market imperfections; commodity competition in select markets Return of pure online strategies in new markets; extension of bricks-and-clicks in traditional retail markets First-mover advantages in new markets as traditional Web players catch up Retail, services, and content

20 Web 2.0: Play My Version Beginning in 2007 with the introduction of the iPhone, e-commerce has been transformed once again by the rapid growth of Web 2.0 The Internet started out as a simple network to support and file transfers among remote computers The Web started out as a way to use the Internet to display simple pages and allow the user to navigate among the pages by linking them together electronically (Web 1.0) By 2007 something else was happening, the Internet and Web had evolved to the point where users could create, edit, and distribute content to others (Web 2.0) Example Web 2.0 sites include online social networks, blogs, video and photo sharing sites, and wikis)

21 What do these Web 2.0 applications and sites have in common?
Rely on user (regular people) and consumer-generated content Easy search capability is a key to their success Inherently highly interactive Rely on broadband connectivity Many of them are currently only marginally profitable and their business models are unproven They attract large audiences compared to Web 1.0 applications (intensive, long lasting interactions) The sites act as application development platforms where users can contribute and use software applications for free

22 Assessing E-Commerce: Successes, Surprises, and Failures
E-commerce has been a stunning technological success Business results have been more mixed – only about 10% of dot-coms formed since 1995 have survived as independent companies in 2015 Interestingly, online sales are increasingly concentrated in the top ten retailers Consumers have learned to use the Web as a powerful information source Consumers like choice – they comparison shop online and may actually purchase through traditional bricks-and-mortar stores

23 Assessing Early E-Commerce Visions and Predictions
Prices are sometimes lower online, but it may be a function of entrepreneurs selling products below their costs In some cases, online prices may be higher as consumers are willing to pay for convenience Consumers are less price sensitive then expected The concept of one world, one market, one price has not occurred in reality Merchants use “hit-and-run” pricing Brands remain very important in e-commerce Intermediaries have not disappeared Many people still like to shop in a physical store E-commerce has not driven existing retail chains and catalog merchants out of business First-mover advantage only succeeded for a very small group of sites Customer acquisition and retention costs were higher than expected Surprising successes include mobile platforms, social networks, and on-demand e-commerce (Uber)

US e-commerce revenues are expected to grow about 14% per year with global growth rates even higher in Europe, China, India, and Brazil Small businesses and entrepreneurs continue to flood into the e-commerce marketplace A mobile computing and communications platform will rival the PC platform Computing and networking component costs will continue to decline Massive volumes of data will continue to be collected (Big Data) which will increase demand for sophisticated business analytics software and analytics experts User-generated content will continue to grow and impact existing media/content industries Americans consume more content online requiring higher bandwidth connections Society and the marketplace will continue to deal with issues such as privacy concerns, copyright infringement, taxation of online sales, increasing online surveillance and regulation, and cybercrime On-demand services produce a flood of temporary, poorly paid jobs without benefits

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