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This presentation aims to develop KS3 students’ understanding of the concept of Salvation in Christianity. They will do this largely through exploration of key text (John 14.6) in relation to a key question ‘Why do Christians call Jesus Saviour?’ The concept of salvation is central to the teachings of Jesus and is linked directly with that of the Kingdom of God (or Kingdom of heaven in Matthew’s Gospel). Ask students to suggest definitions of the term ‘salvation’ – what words emerge? Do they mention terms such as ‘danger’, ‘evil’, ‘sin’, ‘ignorance’, ‘error’, ‘deliverance’ ‘freedom’, ‘security’, ‘health’, ‘well-being’, ‘heaven’, ‘hell’, etc? Introduce some of these words into the exploration of what salvation has to do with, especially for Christians. Explain that different Christians have different views on WHAT salvation might actually consist of and HOW salvation is achieved. Some emphasise FAITH in Jesus, others in DOING GOOD, following Jesus’ teaching and example.
‘Salvation is the saving of the soul from sin and its consequences’.
Show this slide and ask the students to talk in pairs about the terms ‘soul’ and ‘sin’. What do they think these words refer to? What might ‘the consequences of sin’ be? Point out that, for Christians, everyone is bound to suffer the consequences of their ‘sinful’ nature, but, through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus, on the cross, God took the deserved punishment for sin on himself. in Christian theology this makes it possible for human souls to have eternal happiness and satisfaction. For individuals to receive the gift of eternal happiness they have to turn to God and repent of and reject sin. This gift of salvation is not earned or merited by individuals; rather, it comes from God’s love and mercy. Christians differ as to how far individuals are pre-destined to be saved, and how far they have free-will to decide for themselves whether to accept or reject God’s invitation. Explain that for Christians, salvation is only possible through Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus' death on the cross was the once-for-all sacrifice that atoned or made up for the sin of humanity.
Why do Christians call Jesus Saviour?
Introduce pupils to the key question; Why do Christians call Jesus Saviour? and show them a short film: (1.53). Ask the students to jot down as many titles of Jesus as they can from the film (e.g., King, Messiah, the Son of God, the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end). Ask them to say which of these titles most suggest Jesus is a Saviour and to give reasons for their answers.
Why do Christians call Jesus Saviour?
“God, I know that I have sinned against You and deserve punishment. But I believe Jesus Christ took the punishment I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I receive Your offer of forgiveness and place my trust in You for salvation. I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour! Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness—the gift of eternal life! Amen!” (Christian prayer) Show this slide and ask students to look at the statue of Christ and the prayer. Ask them to suggest how they might help answer the key question. What does Jesus save people from? (sin, punishment) and how? (through trust and faith in him, forgiveness, by giving eternal life, through grace). Note these down on a piece of paper to help answer the question in full later about following Jesus as a personal Saviour. Encourage them to write down one question that puzzles them about the image or the prayer (sacred bleeding heart of Jesus, grace, sin, eternal life) and suggest where to find the answers or ask a Christian. See, e.g., ( a Believer).
The Way and the Truth and the Life
Jesus Lord where are you going? Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later. Peter Lord we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way? I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. Show students this dialogue between Jesus and his disciples Peter and Thomas in John 13: 36 and 14:5,6. Explain that this conversation is part of what is recorded in John’s Gospel at the ‘Last Supper’. This was the night before Jesus, as the Apostles’ Creed says, ‘was crucified, died, and was buried’. The Creed continues: ‘… he descended to hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead’. Give pupils a copy of John 14. Ask the students to Individually read through the text to investigate the background to the conversation between Jesus and his disciples. What so students think Jesus meant by saying ‘I am the way, the truth and the life…’? Give them five minutes to note down anything else Jesus says which might help explain it. You could provide them with a particular Christian perspective on the question, such as: Ask the students to then work in small groups to prepare and present a short presentation to the whole class on their answers. Jesus Thomas
CS Lewis (Mere Christianity)
‘You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse’ (CS Lewis). CS Lewis wrote the Chronicles of Narnia and was a Christian. He believed that if people follow Jesus’ example, listen to his words, believe in them and put them into practice they will receive eternal life with God. Show students this slide and read this statement by CS Lewis about what it means to be a Christian and the difficulties of making a personal choice to follow Jesus as Saviour. Ask them to respond to such questions as, What do you think CS Lewis means? Why could Jesus be a ‘mad man or something worse’? Why might someone decide to follow Jesus? Learning outcome: explain why some people are inspired to follow a particular religious path i.e. why people decide to follow Jesus and become a Christian. Explain that people choose to follow important people and groups in a number of difficult situations, e.g. sporting heroes, political leaders, spiritual or religious leaders, doctors or nurses, military leaders, the police, rescue services, people in their career paths, inspirational teachers. Ask them to complete this sentence on a piece of paper, ‘I would follow and trust… because…’ Share a few answers if students are happy to do so.
Symbol for Jesus as Saviour
Show students this slide of the fish symbol (icthus) which refers to Jesus as Saviour using initials of Greek words. Remind them that Greek was the language in which the New Testament was written and explain that the sign of the fish was used by early Christians as a secret symbol when they were being persecuted and killed by the Romans. Ask for students’ views on why a Christian might wear this symbol today? What would it tell someone else? Encourage them to draw the symbol and note down what it might remind Christians of today.
Diamond 9 The name ‘Jesus’ means ‘God saves’.
Jesus was not ‘mad’ or ‘bad’, so he must be who he said he was. If people follow Jesus’ example, listen to his words, believe in them and put them into practice they will receive eternal life. Before the time of Jesus, Isaiah prophesied a ‘suffering servant’’ who would ‘make himself an offering for sin’. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. Jesus rose from the dead. God gives salvation as a free gift. Jesus said himself that he was ‘The Way and the Truth and the Life’. The initial letter of the Greek words for ‘Jesus Christ God’s Son and Saviour’ spell ICHTHUS, the Greek word for fish. Show the students this slide, giving nine different Christians beliefs. Which are the most important beliefs, for a Christian who calls Jesus ‘Saviour’? Provide small groups of students with the nine statements on separate cards shown on this slide, and ask them to rank them according to how important they think the belief is for Christians. Encourage them to make a diamond shape with their arrangement of the cards, with the most important belief at the top and the least important at the bottom. Ask one student to justify their top choice and another student could then be asked why they placed the same factor elsewhere. Finally, ask all the students to complete this sentence: ‘One thing I have learnt about why Christians believe Jesus is Saviour is…’
Why do Christians call Jesus Saviour?
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me” (John 14.6). Remind the students of what they found out about Jesus as Saviour from John 14.6 and what they have learnt so far about following Jesus and what Christians like CS Lewis mean about choosing him as a personal Saviour. Encourage the students to write a commentary on the text on this slide explaining what it might mean to Christians today and how Christians might respond to Jesus’ message in the world today. Ask students for their summary answers to the key question: Why do Christians call Jesus Saviour? Extension activity: find out whether the other world religions believe Jesus is Saviour or not. Would any members of other religions ‘follow Jesus’ and his example?
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