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Lead by Reverend Richards

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1 Lead by Reverend Richards

2 Godly Practices

3 What is it? Godly practice is the things which we can do to co-operate with God and his will for our life. When we carry out any of the Godly practices we honour this miracle of new life that God has given us

4 What are they? Practice Repentance Faith Prayer Fasting Meditation
Gifts Praise Worship Scriptures Outcome See God Follow God Connect with God Focus on God Prepare with God Serve God Admire God Enjoy God Know God

5 What is FaITH? Faith (Pistis)
Conviction of the truth of anything, belief; …generally with the included idea of trust Believe (Pisteuo) To think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in Discuss the differences


7 biblical faith is unique
Conviction of the truth of Jesus being the Saviour, specifically with the included idea of trust Eph 2:8 1 Jn 5:4-5

8 Why use faith?… Why not base our relationship on other things like:
Intelligence Looks Status Wealth Discuss

9 4 reasons It doesn't change because of circumstance: Heb 11:30-40
It’s how the just live: Heb 10:38 It sees you through to the end: Matt 24:13 It’s the only thing that pleases God Heb 11:6

10 The life of faith

11 Faith is dynamic Faith moves and grows. It manifests in different ways but is always in operation. It’s either general or saving but functions the same. Growth circle – Where are you in your faith?

12 What you acknowledge you recognise
‘To put Him first in all you do.’ Seek ye first the kingdom Matt 6:33 Acknowledge me in all your ways Prov 3: 5&6 Bring your first fruits Prov 3: 9&10 What you acknowledge you recognise

13 You submit to what you believe
‘To put His truth above your own truth’ You do well to believe Js 2:19 If you believe what you say Mk 11:29 Believe unto righteousness Rm 10:10 Rewarder... diligently seek Him Heb 11:6 You submit to what you believe

14 Wherever you have faith is where you take action
 To live out His truth It’s how we live Heb 10:38 Faith without works Js 2:26 Faith to faith Rm 1:17 Planned purpose Eph 2:10 Wherever you have faith is where you take action

15 What you obey is what you trust
4. Obedience To live out His truth even if your circumstance / environment changes Renew your mind Rm 12:1-2 Guard your heart Pr 4:23 Sow to the Spirit Gal 6:8 What you obey is what you trust

16 Wherever you depend is where you are humble
4. dependence To live out that truth even if you have to change Take up your cross Lk 9:23 Make disciples Matt 28:19 Fishers of men Matt 4:19 Wherever you depend is where you are humble

17 Application (What does this mean to me?)
Everybody has ‘general’ faith. Saving faith is unique to Christ Real faith is always connected to truth Faith is dynamic, not static

18 Thank You See you next week

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