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The Islamic World – Dar-al-Islam & Africa

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1 The Islamic World – Dar-al-Islam & Africa

2 Label and color the physical geographic features
Sahara Desert Nile River - blue Mediterranean Sea - blue Sahel (grasslands/Savanna) - green Congo River - blue Niger River - blue Kalahari Desert Red Sea - blue Arabian Peninsula

3 Early Civilizations of Africa
African people south of the Sahara were isolated & missed out on the cultural diffusion of the Classical Civilizations such as Greece and Rome

4 The Bantu Migration During a 4,000 year time span, Bantu peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa migrated south in search of farmland These Bantu migrations helped spread new farming and ironworking techniques as well as the Bantu root language

5 Sub-Saharan Africa Sub-Saharan people were polytheistic:
Practiced animism, a religion in which spirits exist in nature and play a role in daily life

6 East Africa The societies of East African participated in the Indian Ocean trade network and were shaped by cultural diffusion: The kingdom of Axum traded with Persia, India, Arabia, and Rome. Axum became a Christian kingdom after King Ezana converted

7 AKSUM! (AKA Ethiopia) (not under Roman control)

8 Story of King Ezana! -Big into trade(SR)=making bank -Taxing trades -Beef with Rome on trade(banned) -Ship, two smart prisoners who became BFFs with Ezana -Teach Greek and about Jesus

9 Bottom Line: Africa had some connection to Rome because of Christianity in Aksum with Ezana.

10 Axum Church


12 7th century AD: What might the religion of this area be?

13 Early Arabs were Polytheistic
Early Arabs were Polytheistic. They knew of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. How? TRADE.

14 Overview of Islam Around 600 AD, a new monotheistic religion began called Islam: founded by the prophet Muhammad in the Arabian city of Mecca. Translation: “Peace through submission to the will of Allah.”


16 Story of Muhammad -Born and orphaned at age 6 -Grew up tending sheep
-He led caravans (herds) owned by a rich widow (Khadijah) -Married Khadijah -A bit of a loner who liked to go off and think

17 Story of Muhammad -At the age of 40, Angel Gabriel appears to him
Story of Muhammad -At the age of 40, Angel Gabriel appears to him. -Commanded him to preach the true religion. WHICH IS WHAT??...

18 Overview of Islam Muslims believe in the Five Pillars of Islam:
Faith: belief in one god, Allah & the prophet Muhammad Prayer: 5 times per day towards Mecca Alms: 2.5% to charity Fasting: During the month of Ramadan Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca

19 The Kaaba is a box containing a meteorite, sacred to Islam-Hajj

20 SO! Islam is formed and spreading around Arabian Peninsula

21 East Africa Arab merchants introduced Islam to East African trade cities The mix of African & Arab cultures led to a new Swahili language Towns had mosques and were ruled by a Muslim sultan But many people kept their traditional religious beliefs

22 West Africa The gold-salt trade increased cultural diffusion with Muslim merchants: Islam was introduced in West Africa & slowly gained converts Many Africans blended Islam with animism

23 West Africa The gold-salt trade led to wealth and empires in West Africa By 800, Ghana became an empire by taxing merchants, building a large army, & conquering surrounding people

24 West Africa Eventually Ghana was overthrown & the Mali empire emerged
Mali’s King Sundiata took over the Ghana kingdom & trade cities in West Africa (playbook)

25 West Africa The kings who ruled Mali after Sundiata converted to Islam
The most important king was Mansa Musa: He built a 100,000 man army to keep control over Mali He divided Mali into provinces ruled by appointed governors

26 Mansa Musa Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim & went on a hajj to Mecca in 1324 Mansa Musa passed out gold nuggets to the people he met along the way

27 West Africa When he returned from Mecca, Mansa Musa built mosques throughout Mali, including Timbuktu This trade city attracted scholars, doctors, religious leaders It had a university & became an important center for learning

28 West Africa After Mansa Musa, Mali declined & was replaced by Songhai
Kings gained control of trade cities along the gold-salt routes Songhai grew into the largest of the West African empires Its fall in 1591 ended a 1,000 year era of empires in West Africa

29 GHANA  Mali  Songhai Kingdoms African societies were transformed by two powerful forces: Trade with outsiders Introduction of Islam

30 So Muhammad had his revelation, now what?
-He begins spreading the good news. -The officials say “nah” get out of here…literally kick Muhammad out of Mecca because becoming popular. -From Mecca, Muhammad and his followers go to Medina. to get more followers -The Bedouin people welcome him, convert to Islam. -His followers are now his army and he goes back to Mecca and takes over. Unless you submit to Allah. -This united most of the Arabic-speaking peoples behind this new Faith! -Those that renounced Islam, resulted in Jihad, or holy war, to restore the faith (Islam) by force.

31 Muhammad & the Rightly Guided Caliphs
Islam After Muhammad When Muhammad died in 632, the Muslim community elected a new leader called a caliph (“successor”) The first 4 caliphs all knew Muhammad & promised to stay true to the Qur'an & Muhammad’s message Muhammad & the Rightly Guided Caliphs

32 The Rightly Guided Caliphs
The first caliph was Muhammad’s friend & father-in-law, Abu Bakr: His goal was to keep Muslims united under his gov’t (“caliphate”) His used jihad to control & expand the Muslim empire

33 The Rightly Guided Caliphs
The empire expanded under the next caliphs

34 The caliphs used the Shari'ah (laws of Islam) to govern the empire
During the Rightly Guided Caliphates, the Islamic Empire expanded “Dar-al-Islam” (the areas where Islam is practiced) The caliphs used the Shari'ah (laws of Islam) to govern the empire The caliphate never forced non-Muslims to convert, especially “People of the Book” were allowed religious tolerance as long as taxes were paid to the empire

35 The Umayyad Empire After Ali’s death (assassination) in 661 led to a civil war for control of the empire: The clan that came to power started the Umayyad Empire But the rise of the Umayyads led to a division in Islam

36 Before the Umayyads, caliphs were elected members of Muhammad’s family
The Sunni-Shi’a Split Before the Umayyads, caliphs were elected members of Muhammad’s family Shi’a Muslims rejected the Umayyads The Shi’a believe that caliph must come directly from Muhammad’s bloodline Sunni Muslims accepted the rule of the Umayyads The Sunni believe caliphs should follow Muhammad’s example, but don’t have to be relatives


38 The Umayyad Empire The Umayyads expanded the empire which brought wealth & new Islamic converts

39 Side note on Spain (Iberia) under Islamic Rule: Words that begin with “al” are Arabic. WE SEE THAT TODAY, COOL!

40 By 750 AD, Muslim leaders built an empire
The Islamic Empire connected diverse people through religion & trade(trust) Muslim scholars focused on learning & developed numerous cultural achievements that are still used today

41 The Abbasid Empire Wealth from trade led to a golden age, a time of great Muslim achievements in science, math, medicine, & architecture

42 The Golden Age of the Islamic World
City of Baghdad Mosques Trade Network Arabesque Calligraphy The Thousand and One Nights Al-Khwarizmi and algebra Ibn Sina and medicine Astrolabe Education Philosophy Does this sound better than the Pax Romana?


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