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The Arab-Muslim Conquests

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1 The Arab-Muslim Conquests
HIST 1007 9/11/13

2 History Club Meeting 5:30-7:00, Wed. Sept. 11 McMicken Room 357

3 Syria and the United Stands: Internal and International Politics of Crisis and Intervention
4:00-5:30, Thur. Sept. 12 800 Swift Hall Panel including Elizabeth Frierson (History) Richard Harknett (Political Science) Andrew Lewis (Political Science) Stephen Porter (History) Robert Haug (History) (moderator)

4 Norman Yoffee, “Early Cities and the Evolution of History”
5:30, Wed. Sept. 18 300 Braunstein Hall Dr. Yoffee is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Near Eastern Studies and the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan. Known for his thought-provoking work on ancient Mesopotamia, he is perhaps best known for his comparative research on early states, exemplified in his recent books Questioning Collapse (2009) andMyths of the Archaic State: Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations (2005).  The lecture will take place in 300 Braunstein Hall, and is free and open to the public. A reception in the Anthropology Department will follow. This lecture is jointly sponsored by the Cincinnati Society of the AIA, the Department of Anthropology, and the Department of Classics.

5 Escalations and Lessons
625: Battle of Uhud 627: Battle of the Trench Banu Qurayza 628: Treaty of Hudaybiyya 630: Conquest of Mecca

6 Abraham, Muhammad, and the Kaʿbah
Destruction of idols from 11th century manuscript; Muhammad at the Kaʿbah from a 14th century Ottoman manuscript

7 Death of Muhammad 632: Muhammad dies Creates both a spiritual
and political void Which is more important? Establishment of the caliphate Codification of the Qur`an

8 Islam, the religion Monotheism Shahada: lā ‘ilāha ‘illa Allāh
Abrahamic Religions A gold dinar minted in 696 in Damascus; mihrab in Mosque of Ibn Tulun, Cairo, 1177; flag of Saudi Arabia

9 The Five Pillars of Islam
Shahada: Testimonial of faith Salat: Prayer, five times a day Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan Zakat: Alms-giving (2.5%) Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca once during your lifetime

10 The sources of Muslim belief
The Qur’an: Codification of revelations Collected in the decades following Muhammad’s death Emphasis on oral tradition Qur’an vs. mushaf ijazah Surah: Chapter of the Qur’an, 114 total 9th century Qur’an manuscript; page from an 11th century Qur’an

11 The Sources of Muslim Belief
Hadith: The Sayings and Doings of the Prophet Muhammad What Would Muhammad Do? Isnad and matn Six “sound/sahih” collections Sunna: Normative practice

12 Shariah and Jurisprudence
῾Ulama’: Religious Scholar Fiqh: Jurisprudence Qiyas: Analogy Ijmaʿ: Consensus Madhhab: School of Islamic jurisprudence

13 Arab-Muslim Conquests

14 Emissaries A letter purporting to be the message sent by Muhammad to Muqawqis. Topkapi Museum, Istanbul

15 Ridda Wars Ridda – Apostasy 632 – Abu Bakr named first caliph
How do people interpret Muhammad’s career? Prophet or tribal shaykh? Musaylimah, Tulayha, and Sajah

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