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Research and Conservation Making Connections Local Delivery

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1 Research and Conservation Making Connections Local Delivery

2 SGT – Current Approach SGT Conservation Committee. Joint Chairmen Roger Dowty and Jim Stockwell + 5 others Current work – mainly reviewing planning applications affecting Registered parks and gardens identified from TGT weekly list or in some cases directly from Local Planning Authorities (LPAs), SGT members/public Some 14 applications considered in the past 6 months Process involves: Preliminary review by Roger or Jim (planning application, historic and contemporary maps, the HE Register entry and SGT research report where available) Further more detailed review if merited involving others Formal comments submitted online and copied to TGT 2

3 Case Study – New Housing near Borde Hill
210 new houses near Grade II* park SGT objected Re tree screening Several meetings held and developer amended the landscape management plan LPA refused permission - but on appeal the inspector granted permission 3

4 Case Study – New House at Kidbrooke Park
In May, SGT commented that the design was unsympathetic to the setting in a Gd II* registered park & made two other recommendations In Sept, SGT welcomed a revised plan & repeated the two earlier recommendations 4

5 How are Planning Applications Assessed?
The process is set out in legislation and described in a detailed guidance document called the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Significance the key concept Applicants are required to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting In determining planning applications LPAs should take account of the desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage assets 5

6 Gap Analysis The statutory process is limited to registered sites and we don’t yet have a process to identify planning applications affecting non-registered sites Sometimes LPAs fail to consult TGT anyway! Financial challenges mean LPAs have limited resources. SGT research is not very visible to owners, developers and planners Planning staff don’t look at entries on the PGUK website Only a few LPAs include parks and gardens on their Local Lists Few sites are included on Historic Environment Records (HERs) 6

7 Sussex Local Planning Authorities
14 LPAs in Sussex, including: South Downs National Park Brighton and Hove 7 in West Sussex 5 in East Sussex 7

8 Gap Analysis – What can we do?
TGT Leaflet soon to be distributed Ensure new research reports include a Statement of Significance Work with LPS staff to add sites to Local Lists and if possible HERs Check weekly lists for each LPA Review and comment on draft Local Plans Review past SGT research – are there gaps and is the significance of the site described 8

9 Case Study: Lime Park, Herstmonceaux
Application for 70 new houses on land adjacent to Lime Park Lime Park is an unregistered park, but it has been researched by SGT Based the research report & site visit, SGT made an objection because of the adverse visual effect on the setting 9

10 Moving Forward Ensure research and conservation work closely linked
Find volunteers to help with existing conservation casework and begin to look at LPA weekly lists to identify planning applications affecting non-registered sites Ensure future research reports include a Statement of Significance Build relationships with LPA – perhaps using the new TGT leaflet as a trigger Liaise with LPAs to add sites to Local Lists Continue with the scanning project so SGT research reports can easily be shared with SGT volunteers 10

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