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Introduction to the planning system for elected members​

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1 Introduction to the planning system for elected members​
May 2017

2 In this presentation … Cover the main elements of the system​
development plans​ development management Focus on the specific role of elected members in the planning system

3 Overview of the planning system
32 local authorities and 2 national park authorities are responsible for:​ preparing development plans​ deciding applications for planning permission​ enforcing planning controls​ Elected members have important role in delivering change In 2017 Scottish Ministers consulted on the planning system, the responses to this will help form future legislative changes

4 Why plan?​ The planning system shapes our environment and influences many aspects of the way we live​ It determines how land is used, how communities take shape and how new developments look and work​ It is about balancing competing demands to make sure land is used and developed in the long-term interests of the public

5 Role of Elected Members​
You will be involved in planning matters at some stage as a ward member representing the interests of constituents​ You may also be involved in a specialist role on a planning committee or a local review body ​ Code of Conduct emphasises the need for active participation and engagement to inform decision-making

6 Code of Conduct Provides a framework for your decision making as an elected member​ Supports engagement with constituents and others​ But … planning can be contentious​ Public perception is the most important factor​ Declare potential conflicts of interest

7 Development Plans​

8 Development Plans​ Guide the future use of land and the appearance of cities, towns and rural areas​ Legal requirement to for each Planning Authority prepare a Local Development Plan for all areas and update it every 5 years​ In the 4 largest city regions authorities also prepare a Strategic Development Plan​ Plans are supported by Supplementary Guidance Through the Community Empowerment Act, Planning Authorities have a duty to align with Community Planning priorities

9 Development Plans​ The law requires decisions on planning applications be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise​ Members of the planning committee will be involved in the approval of Main Issues Reports, Proposed Plans and the final version of Strategic and/or Local Development Plans prior to their formal adoption by the council You should have a high level of involvement in the preparation of the plan for your area

10 Development Management

11 Development Management
Legislation defines what development activities require planning permission​ Applications for different sizes of development are dealt with in different ways ​ Two types of consent – permission in principle and full planning permission​ Permission can be granted, granted subject to conditions or refused

12 Material Considerations​
A planning issue which is relevant to the application​ Can include:​ council policies ​ comments by the public and organisations - the effect of the development on the environment​ Some things are not material considerations e.g. loss of view or effect on property prices

13 Role of Elected Members
Some applications are decided by officers, some are decided at committee ​ All authorities have a Scheme of Delegation, which determines the decision route for applications, this differs between authorities As a member of the planning committee you will need to consider the information which is presented and make decisions in keeping with the development plan

14 Planning: A Councillors Perspective

15 Code of Conduct - Applications​
You should listen to and engage with those who have an interest in planning matters​ You should feel free to engage with applicants, agents, objectors or others​ As a ward member, you can support or oppose an application ​ Before the committee meeting, as a member of the planning committee you must not express any opinion that could be interpreted as supporting or opposing an application

16 Appeals & Local Review​​
If an application is decided by officers, the applicant can have the decision reviewed by the Local Review Body​ Local Review Bodies consist of at least three elected members from the authority​ All other appeals are made to Scottish Ministers

17 In conclusion Use the Code of Conduct ​ Be aware of probity issues​
Engage with communities and other interested parties​ Work with planning officers to make your council’s planning service the best it can be

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