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I INTRODUCTION I.3 (Fr Sept 08) Oniontology: Examples.

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Presentation on theme: "I INTRODUCTION I.3 (Fr Sept 08) Oniontology: Examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 I INTRODUCTION I.3 (Fr Sept 08) Oniontology: Examples

2 The Ontology of Music signs realities communication expression
poiesis neutral level aesthesis physical psychological symbolic expression signification content signs realities communication

3 Realities: Physical

4 Realities: Symbolic hounted

5 Realities: Symbolic John Cage: ASLSP (

6 Realities: Psychological
Gustav Klimt: Beethoven Frieze

7 Physical Symbolic Psychic

8 Communication: Poiseis
Arnold Schoenberg/John Cage

9 Communication: Poiseis

10 Communication: Poiseis
Cecil Taylor/Peter Broetzmann

11 Communication: Poiseis
Karlheinz Stockhausen Klavierstück IX

12 Communication: Aesthesis
with Stockhausen

13 Communication: Aesthesis

14 Communication Poiesis Neutral Niveau Aesthesis
Jean Molino, Paul Valéry, Nicolas Ruwet, Jean-Jacques Nattiez

15 Sign ! aliquid pro aliquo „Firework“ Semiotics Expression
Signification Content „Firework“ ! aliquid pro aliquo

16 Semiotics „score surface“ Sign Expression harmonic analysis Signification Content tonal modulation G maj ® E-flat maj

17 Communication Poiesis Neutral Niveau Aesthesis Physical Symbolic Psychic Sign Realities Content Signification Expression

18 Teak Leaves at the Temples
Embodiment Teak Leaves at the Temples

19 The Oniontology of Music
Gestures Processes Facts signs realities communication

20 Embodiment Gesture to make MIDI to refer to Process Facts to be the case

21 Embodiment Facts Process Gesture

22 Embodiment Facts Process Gesture disembodiment & schematization evaluation & dissection

23 Louis Hjelmslev‘s Babuschka-Principle
Sign systems are boxed systems, having components, which are composed of sign subsystems, which are again composed of sign subsystems, etc.

24 „Firework“ Connotation Firework Expression Signification Content

25 Poiesis: Interpreter Neutral Niveau: Recording (e.g. CD) Aesthesis: Listener

26 Renate Wieland & Jürgen Uhde: Forschendes Üben
Die Klangberührung ist das Ziel der zusammenfassenden Geste, der Anschlag ist sozusagen die Geste in der Geste. The sound contact is the target of the embracing gesture, the touch is so to speak the gesture within the gesture. tip space position pitch onset

27 Hypergestures! „loop of loops “ knot loop

28 Expressive performance has these two directions: Communication ~ HOW
Aesthesis Neutral Niveau Poiesis Content Signification Expression Semiotics ~ WHY

29 Semiotic Expressivity „WHY?“
If adequate shaping of performance works, it has to deal with the semiotic anatomy of the message. Let us consider the message as built from the complex poietic communication unit that is defined by CSI = Composer —> Score —> Interpreter. CSI

30 Semiotic Expressivity „WHY?“
This anatomy is centered around the score's sign expressions and points to a variety of contents specified by embodiment and realities. CSI Embodiment Realities Content Signification Expression

31 Examples of CSI-defined contents in realities/embodiment:
physical psychological symbolic/mental emotions, feelings, soul state of musical entity and/or the audience drama e-motions as dynamic entities, not results sound sound generators body movement, Fourier gestures harmonic values motivic work gestures of harmonic modulation facts processes gestures

32  Rhetoric Expressivity „HOW?“ HOW? Poiesis Neutral Niveau Aesthesis
CSI Poiesis Neutral Niveau Aesthesis Embodiment Realities harmonic values sound tions, feelings, of musical entity and/or sound generators drama motivic work body movement, Fourier gestures e-motions as dynamic entities, not results gestures of modulation Realities Embodiment wewewewe sssnd tions, feelings, wewewe/or ertwd generators xxx wewewewewe werwer gestures wert wretwret Embodiment Realities ?????? sdfasdf tions, feelings, entity and/or of musical asdfasdf afafaf !!!! fafafaf asdadsfadsf adsf ad afafafaf Content Signification Expression psychological physical symbolic HOW?

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