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Canadian Institute of Actuaries L’Institut canadien des actuaires

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1 Canadian Institute of Actuaries L’Institut canadien des actuaires
2008 Seminar for the Appointed Actuary Colloque pour l’actuaire désigné 2008

2 PD-8 Update on Ratemaking Standards
Blair Manktelow Chairperson, CIA Committee on Property & Casualty Insurance Pricing

3 Agenda Notice of Intent Responses to NOI
Current status of Ratemaking Standards of Practice

4 Notice of Intent Released June 25, 2008 to membership Context
Issues and desired outcomes Proposed practice-specific standards of practice Proposed principles Process and timetable

5 Context Limited to principles applicable to the estimation of costs
Currently no practice-specific guidance for ratemaking in Canada Automobile insurance legislation requires filing of rates with actuarial justification and certification.

6 Issues and Desired Outcomes
Work needs to be of consistently high quality Some actuaries work alone and do not have benefit of discussing with peers Ratemaking is subject to rate filings and hearings SOX can put ratemaking under the same process and review standards as financial reporting. Practice-specific standards will help actuaries with auditors No standard reference for peer reviews

7 Proposed new Standard of Practice
Applicable to all P&C ratemaking work in Canada performed by all actuaries. Would “Canadianize” much of relevant CAS Principles and AAA Standards Sections on Scope, Principles, Definition, Method, Reporting.

8 Proposed Principles From CAS Statement of Principles Regarding P&C Insurance Ratemaking Estimate of expected value of future costs All costs associated with transfer of risk Provides for costs of an individual risk transfer Reasonable and not excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory

9 Process and Timetable Approved for distribution on June 5, 2008
Comments by July 31, Extended to August 15th at request of one party Exposure draft by December 2008 Finalize changes by July 2009 Effective date of December 2009

10 Feedback Six responses from a variety of parties Company actuaries
Regulators Consulting actuaries

11 Issues Raised Timeline aggressive? Qualification of opinion
Fluctuating volume of data Examples of when outside of accepted actuarial practice Inclusion of government monopoly insurers

12 Issues Raised (cont’d)
Keep abreast of what is going on south of the border Is an SOP required, or just guidance? Would a SOP limit the role an actuary could play in the pricing of a product? Should it apply to public personal injury compensation plans? Need for educational note on auto insurance ratemaking

13 Current Status of Standard of Practice
Currently in rough draft Committee is currently reviewing feedback of CIA members on NOI Committee will need some additional members especially for review of French translation

14 Questions?

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