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February 9, 2017 Team training on: Sales vs. Marketing.

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1 February 9, 2017 Team training on: Sales vs. Marketing

2 Paradigms: Sales: The act of convincing John Smith prospect to purchase a product, service or opportunity. Examples: used car or appliance salesman sales clerk at a retail store Marketing: The act of educating John Smith until he is ready to buy a product, service or opportunity. Requires 5 actions: Find out John Smith’s “hot buttons” Interrupt John Smith by speaking to his hot buttons Find out if he wants to know more If yes, drip EDUCATIONAL material on him until he “buys, dies or tells you to go away” Make offers that get John Smith to take action

3 Marketing Educational Spectrum
Know Nothing Buy/Sign Up

4 Marketing’s Job Marketing should capture the attention of your target audience (anyone with skin or brain)… Then give them hope that reading/listening/watching a marketing asset will give them enough information… To facilitate their making the best decision possible when buying whatever you sell (products and opportunity). Then give them a specific, low-risk, easy-to-take action that will further facilitate their ability to make a good decision… Bottom Line: The ads/communications should make the prospect feel like he would be an absolute fool to do business with anyone else but you… regardless of price.

5 Interrupt + Engage + Educate + Offer = $$$
Marketing Equation: Interrupt + Engage + Educate + Offer = $$$ Interrupt: Getting qualified prospects to pay attention (headlines) Engage: Getting those who do pay attention to remain interested (sub-headlines) Educate: Giving enough information to make the prospect feel as if he/she can make the best decision (body copy / text / evidence) Offer: Getting the prospect to take an action, based on information given (call-to-action)

6 Hot Buttons: Find out what makes John Smith want your product or opportunity Ask questions to find out as much as you can… Be interested! Be natural – ask about Family, Interests, Passions, Cares If You Want To Know Why John Smith Buys What John Smith Buys, You’ve Got To See The World Through John Smith’s Eyes. Always speak to the “hot buttons” you discover in your conversation. Look good / feel good Job sucks (happy with job) Want to spend more time with family Want to give back to others

7 Your Prospects: Warm contacts: Family, friends, associates
Make a list of EVERYONE – DO NOT FILTER Use Memory Jogger in Success Planner Cold contacts: Strangers you meet at meetings, parties, restaurants, grocery stores, FB friend of friends, etc. 30 second “elevator pitch” to introduce yourself Get contact information and add to list

8 Sort and Qualify Your List

9 Network Marketing: SHARE… Amateurs convince Professionals sort
Sew Seeds!

10 Master the 2-a-Day System
Share Nerium with at least two people per day

11 Franchise Your Marketing System
Marketing tools are like a tiny army of tireless salespeople all armed with the perfect presentation…and not afraid of the word NO! Nerium Communications Center Assets & Campaigns!

12 Q & A

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