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VCCS Office of Professional Development Update

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1 VCCS Office of Professional Development Update
Engage. Transform. Succeed.

2 Advisory Professional Development Committee
Regional Centers for Teaching Excellence Advisory Committee New Horizons Executive Planning Committee Advisory

3 Professional Development Committee
Presidential appointment to represent college on the committee for 3 years Meets 2 times per year to stay abreast, advise, and act on system-wide professional development initiatives Members are primary point of contact and primary liaison for OPD outreach to colleges on professional development Mission champions! The PCD is an advisory group to the OPD on professional development programs and initiatives. A key responsibility of PDC members is to help disseminate information regarding professional development opportunities to all faculty and staff on their campuses. PDC member work on OPD PDC committees, on task forces, and staffing New Horizons are key responsibilities of service. PDC members should proactively support RCTE Chairs in their work, to include serving on RCTE advisory boards either formally or informally.

4 RCTE Advisory Committee
Advises the Regional Center Chair Consists of at least one individual from each college within the region eLET members serve as ex-officio Advisory Committee Members Meet several times throughout the year, but remains actively engaged in advising Chairs on pressing regional developmental needs The RCTE Advisory Committee advises the regional chair on professional development needs within the region. Advisory committee members are selected by the RCTE Chairs in consultation with the OPD Director. Committee members should be primary college points-of-contact and decision-makers in determining professional development needs, offerings, and agendas at their respective colleges. Examples include Vice Presidents, academic deans, CETL directors, and key faculty members. These individuals assist the RCTE chair with the operation and logistics of regional seminars and conferences, and are expected to be actively engaged in supporting the success of the event from planning to post-event assessment. Advisory members serve a key role in representing their colleges and in determining programming for RCTE’s. Advisory members should work in close contact and coordination with RCTE Chairs throughout the year to aids and assist the RCTE Chairs in achieving regional professional development programming needs. In addition to eLET representation, many PDC members serve on their RCTE Advisory committees, both formally and informally.

5 New Horizons Executive Committee
Volunteer committee consisting of the New Horizons Chair, Deputy Chair, and all Subcommittee Chairs and Deputy Chairs This committee works in close collaboration with the Office of Professional Development in planning the annual New Horizons conference Year-long engagement, culminating in the premier teaching and learning conference of the VCCS Volunteer committee comprised of over 100 individuals from across the system Regular meetings are held with each subcommittee Year-long engagement and significant commitment

6 MISSION To work in partnership with our colleges to provide sustainable opportunities that enrich personal and professional growth and development

7 Academic Year 2017 Career Development Instructional Development
Discipline Development Instructional Development Career Development Organizational Development Career Development Instructional Development Disciplinary Development Organizational Development Workforce Development Academic Year 2017

8 Career Provide opportunities through programs, resources, and services to improve essential alignments and transitions in the evolution of meaningful work, compelling service, and professional success Instructional Increase student success through the intentional innovation and enhancement of effective teaching, learning, and assessment techniques and strategies Disciplinary Increase currency, relevancy, and engagement through the expansion of knowledge and skills within the academic discipline or professional specialty Organizational Advance the mission of Virginia’s community colleges by cultivating the talent and momentum of instructional and administrative leaders Workforce Build foundations to compete and contribute to the global economy through career, instructional, discipline and organizational capacity-building and development

9 Agenda Academies Awards Peer Group Conferences Grants Regional Centers
Journal(s) New Horizons Other

10 Classified Staff Leadership Academy
Academies Classified Staff Leadership Academy Faculty and Administrators Leadership Academy VCCS First Year and Adjunct Faculty Institute

11 Faculty & Administrators Leadership Academy
One presidentially appointed participant from each campus (40 total) Selective 4-day immersive leadership academy featuring executive level instructors and coaches For supervisors who aspire to senior leadership positions within the VCCS and who are committed to advancing the VCCS mission through effective leadership and supervision FALA is usually held in the early fall. The Academy’s intended audience is individuals interested in moving into more of a leadership role within the community college system (Dean, Vice President, Director, etc). The curriculum covers a wide-range of topics including conflict resolution, communication, ethics, budget, human resources, legal, leadership in the 21st century, power and persuasion, among many others.

12 VCCS First Year and Adjunct Faculty Institute
Held annually in November for first year VCCS faculty Open to 200 full- and part-time faculty members within their first 12 months of employment; and all adjunct faculty Comprehensive 2-day seminar focusing on innovative teaching and learning techniques, enduring philosophies and pedagogies, and practical teaching and technology resources An annual seminar hosted by the Office of Professional Development. Limited to the first 150 registrants. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.  A comprehensive 2-day professional development seminar focusing on teaching, learning, and technology resources for first-year VCCS faculty. All new (hired within the last twelve months) VCCS full-time and adjunct faculty are welcome and encouraged to attend. Participants should come prepared to participate fully in the entire seminar.       The VCCS Office of Professional Development will support the full tuition for all participants, but colleges are responsible for supporting participants’ travel costs. The opening lunch, dinner with the Chancellor, and breakfast on Day Two are generally included.  The VCCS will also cover lodging for those traveling 50 or more miles, and an additional night’s lodging is available for those whose campus is 200 or more miles from the site of the conference.


14 Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Awards Programs Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence Chancellor’s Commonwealth Professorship Program Chancellor’s Faculty Fellowship Program Susan S. Wood Professorship for Teaching Excellence Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty New Horizons Excellence in Education Awards

15 Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Premier teaching award of the VCCS Awarded annually to one teaching faculty member in the VCCS who distinctly represents teaching excellence (FT, minimum 5 years, presidential nomination) Announced in April at New Horizons The award of $5,000 is presented to the recipient at the New Horizons Conference The Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence is awarded annually to one teaching faculty member in the VCCS who distinctly represents the teaching excellence found at VCCS college(s). The award provides the recipient with a VCCS stole and $5,000. One nomination per campus will be accepted. Nominations are due to the OPD on April 25 of each year A selection committee meets and reviews all nominations Eligible applicants: Are full-time teaching faculty with unrestricted rank and salary proposals, Possess a minimum of five years of full-time VCCS service during which at least 75% of the workload was devoted to teaching, and Are recommended by the president of the employing institution Note: The VCCS will consider one applicant per campus. A very thorough explanation of criteria and application process information is provided on the website

16 Chancellor’s Commonwealth Professorship
Up to three individuals may be awarded a Professorship The award is a two-year honor in which the recipient receives up to $7,500 to cover expenses related to a research project 3-credits of reassigned time are given each semester for two years $3,000 summer stipend is paid in each of the two summers during the award All applications are due to the OPD by Feb 1 Committee convenes to select up to 3 awardees Awardees are introduced to the State Board in July Research runs from July 1 to June 30 A very thorough explanation of criteria and application process information is provided on the website

17 Chancellor’s Faculty Fellowship
Up to three individuals may receive a Fellowship each year The award covers 75% of the recipient's salary, plus $7,500 in expenses and a $3,000 summer stipend This award focuses on the recipient(s) pursuing a doctoral degree All applications are due to the OPD by Feb 1 Committee convenes to select up to 3 awardees Awardees are introduced to the State Board in July Leave is taken from July 1 to June 30 A very thorough explanation of criteria and application process information is provided on the website

18 Susan S. Wood Professorship for Teaching Excellence
New this year Recognizes a VCCS faculty member who demonstrates faculty excellence, dedication to students, and academic leadership Full-time faculty member, five years service preferred Presidential letter of nomination $3,000 award All applications are due to the OPD by Feb 1 Committee convenes to select up to 3 awardees Awardees are introduced to the State Board in July Leave is taken from July 1 to June 30 A very thorough explanation of criteria and application process information is provided on the website

19 Vaughan Leadership Award for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty
New this year Honors the approximately 9,000 VCCS adjunct faculty members Nominees must have two years of service to their current, nominating college Presidential nomination; NMT one nominee per campus $1,000 award (up to five awards, one per region in Ay17) All applications are due to the OPD by Feb 1 Committee convenes to select up to 3 awardees Awardees are introduced to the State Board in July Leave is taken from July 1 to June 30 A very thorough explanation of criteria and application process information is provided on the website

20 17 Peer Group Conferences per year New Horizons


22 Peer Groups Meet every other year to discuss substantive issues related to curriculum revision, integration of technology, instructional innovations, and discipline updates Every peer group has the opportunity to meet for business at New Horizons Organized by a planning committee of individuals in the discipline PDC members are champions for the Peer Groups and should be actively involved in their peer group or a related discipline

23 New Horizons April 12-14, 2017 at Hotel Roanoke in Roanoke, Virginia
Expecting 1,000 participants PDC members actively work New Horizons More information on responsibilities will be provided


25 Paul Lee Professional Development Grants
Paul Lee Professional Development Mini-grants See OPD website for full explanation of program. Very well done.

26 Paul Lee Grants and Mini-grants
Grants cover reassigned time and expenses related to approved grants Mini-grants are limited to $1,500 and must demonstrate collaboration between two or more colleges in the proposal The PDC plays an important role in the grant review process

Regional Centers for Teaching Excellence Central:  BRCC, CVCC, DCC, DSLCC, PHCC, VWCC Mid-Central:  JSRCC, JTCC, PVCC, RCC, SVCC Northern:  GCC, LFCC, NVCC Southwest:  MECC, NRCC, SWVCC, VHCC, WCC Tidewater:  ESCC, PDCCC, TCC, TNCC

28 Regional Centers Each RCTE holds at least 3 regional single-day professional development opportunities within the region Seminars cover topics on career, instructional, disciplinary, organizational, and workforce development Each center should have a website/blog, and you are encouraged to visit those sites regularly PDC members are champions for the RCTE’s The OPD provides each of the 5 regions with a budget to hold day-long seminars within the region. The Advisory Committee and Chair are responsible for hosting the seminars

29 Southwest: Heidi Morehead Tidewater: Isi Kessel
RCTE Chairs Southwest: Heidi Morehead Tidewater: Isi Kessel Mid-Central: Carol Carr Northern: Camille Mustachio Central: Kim Gregory See OPD website for full explanation of program. Very well done.

30 Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges
Inquiry update provided by Ghazala Hashmi at meeting and in folder.

31 Chancellor’s Professional Reading List
News Chancellor’s Professional Reading List Inquiry update provided by Ghazala Hashmi at meeting and in folder.


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