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Ohio Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium New Member orientation Welcome! This is an orientation to ensure new members and returning.

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium New Member orientation Welcome! This is an orientation to ensure new members and returning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium New Member orientation
Welcome! This is an orientation to ensure new members and returning members have a clear understanding of the leadership, purpose and work of the Ohio Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium otherwise knows as the The Consortium.

2 What is PREVENTION? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Emphasizes primary prevention of violence perpetration and victimization Focuses on preventing violence before it occurs Reduce risk factors for perpetration and victimization Increasing protective factors to keep people from becoming perpetrators or victims of violence. Definition from State Plan The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) emphasizes primary prevention of violence perpetration and victimization. This definition f focuses on supporting efforts that prevent violence before it occurs through the use of strategies which reduce the factors that put people at risk for perpetration and victimization while increasing the factors that protect people from becoming perpetrators or victims of violence.

3 What is PREVENTION? Public Health Model Define the problem
Identify risk and protective factors Develop and test prevention strategies Disseminate effective strategies Using the Public Health Model for prevention requires that practitioners to: DEFINE THE PROBLEM IDENTIFY RISK AND PROTECTIVE FACTORS DEVELOP AND TEST PREVENTION STRATEGIES DISSEMINATE EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES

4 What is PREVENTION? Prevention can be described by imagining a lifeguard standing on the shore of a river, struggling to rescue people as they pass by, swept along in turbulent waters.

5 What is PREVENTION? Our current challenge is to seek out the source of the problem, to find the point in the broken bridge from which people are entering the dangerous waters and prevent the problems that create the danger. How will our world be different when that bridge is fixed?

6 What is PREVENTION? What will it look like when our work to prevent sexual and intimate partner violence from happening in the first place is successful? It will change the words we use to communicate with one another, what we see around us, and our relationships with one another.

7 What is The CONSORTIUM? Ohio Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium or THE CONSORTIUM is a collaboration of organizations committed to ending intimate partner and sexual violence in Ohio. Ohio Sexual & Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium or THE CONSORTIUM is a collaboration of organizations committed to ending intimate partner and sexual violence in Ohio. These organizations include domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, the criminal justice system, Ohio colleges and universities, government agencies, healthcare and nonprofit entities. The primary aim of The Consortium is to mobilize the organizational and human resources in Ohio to prevent perpetration and systematic oppression.

8 CONSORTIUM History 2002 Centers for Disease Control announced a request for awards (RFA) for State Domestic Violence Coalitions to respond for the (Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances Program) DELTA. The Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) applies and is one of 9 states to be awarded funding. In the Centers for Disease Control announced a request for awards (RFA) for State Domestic Violence Coalitions to respond for the (Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances Program) DELTA. The Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) applies and is one of 9 states to be awarded funding.

9 CONSORTIUM History 2003 ODVN organizes a DELTA Advisory Committee
Awards funding for local programs focusing on domestic violence prevention HealthPath Foundation of Ohio awards funding to ODVN to provide technical assistance to four local communities that are investigating family violence prevention. In 2003, ODVN organizes a DELTA Advisory Committee to assist with guiding the DELTA Project and awarding funding to local communities. ODVN allocates local awards to : Tri County Help Center – Belmont, Harrison, and Monroe Counties New Directions – Knox County Family and Child Abuse Prevention Center – Lucas County Abuse and Rape Crisis Shelter of Warren County – Cities of Franklin & Carlisle (Project SAFE) Also in 2003, HealthPath of Ohio, formerly Anthem Foundation of Ohio, awarded funding to Ohio Domestic Violence Network to provide technical assistance to four local communities that were investigating family violence prevention.

10 CONSORTIUM History 2005 ODVN applies and is awarded funding from the CDC to continue DELTA work and is responsible for developing a state advisory group The first meeting of the State Steering Committee focused on primary prevention is convened They name themselves “The Consortium” ODVN applies and is awarded funding from the CDC to continue DELTA work. The first meeting of the State Steering Committee focused on primary prevention is convened. The Committee is made up of coordinators from local DELTA and Anthem funded projects, Advisory Committee members, and other interested parties. They name themselves “The Ohio Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium” or “The Consortium”.

11 CONSORTIUM History 2006 ODVN is awarded funding from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) for capacity building activities for Sexual Assault Prevention ODH was charged, through CDC RPE funding, to also create a state planning group for the Sexual Violence Prevention Community ODVN is awarded funding from the Ohio Department of Health to engage in capacity building activities for Sexual Assault Prevention. ODH, due to CDC RPE funding requirements, is also responsible for developing a statewide working group to steer the work of the Sexual Violence Prevention Community in Ohio.

12 CONSORTIUM History 2006 The Consortium meets to report the progress of the local programs and decide to reach out to the sexual assault prevention community for collaboration ODH and ODVN identify key issues for combining work and create a MOU to express shared responsibilities for co-convening the Consortium Later in 2006, The Consortium meets again in the Fall to report the progress of the local programs. The members decide to reach out to the sexual assault prevention community for collaboration. ODH and ODVN identify key issues for combining work of the sexual and intimate partner prevention community and create an Memorandum of Understanding to express shared responsibilities for co-convening the Consortium

13 CONSORTIUM History 2007 The Consortium meets and announces the alignment of its new mission and vision Ohio’s Sexual Violence Community meets and agrees to join the Consortium Ohio’s Sexual Violence Community meets and agrees to join the Consortium on planning for primary prevention Consortium meets and announces the alignment of its new mission and vision to incorporate the sexual violence community.

14 Ohio Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium (OSIP)
CONSORTIUM History 2007 Ohio Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium (OSIP) The new name of the Consortium becomes the Ohio Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium and fully incorporates the combined work of Ohio’s sexual and intimate partner violence communities.

15 CONSORTIUM Vision The vision of the OSIP Violence Prevention Consortium is that sexual and intimate partner violence is universally recognized and rejected. The vision of the Ohio Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium is that sexual and intimate partner violence is universally recognized and rejected.

16 CONSORTIUM Vision Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence is recognized as a preventable public health issue; Women and men work together to promote healthy and safe attitudes and beliefs about sexuality and intimate relationships; Social norms and cultural systems, both formal and informal, that tolerate violence will be challenged; We seek to create communities where: Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence is recognized as a preventable public health issue; Women and men work together to promote healthy and safe attitudes and beliefs about sexuality and intimate relationships; Social norms and cultural systems, both formal and informal, that tolerate violence will be challenged;

17 CONSORTIUM Vision Those who witness violence are empowered to speak out; The root causes of violence, in our society are addressed; The importance of raising the status of women and girls is acknowledged while simultaneously addressing the roots of male violence; and, Emerging social norms and cultural systems reflect a commitment to healthy relationships. Those who witness violence are empowered to speak out; The root causes of violence, in our society are addressed; The importance of raising the status of women and girls is acknowledged while simultaneously addressing the roots of male violence; and, Emerging social norms and cultural systems reflect a commitment to healthy relationships.

18 CONSORTIUM Mission The mission of the OSIP Violence Prevention Consortium is to promote the prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence by creating an infrastructure that connects state agencies and local communities in working together toward the elimination of gender inequality and other systemic oppression. The mission of the OSIP Violence Prevention Consortium is to promote the prevention of sexual and intimate partner violence by creating an infrastructure that connects state agencies and local communities in working together toward the elimination of gender inequality and other systemic oppression.

19 CONSORTIUM Inclusivity Statement
The elimination of gender inequality and other systemic oppression are an integral part of sexual and intimate partner violence prevention work. Our ultimate goal is to achieve human rights and social justice for all Ohioans. Our intention is to develop a plan that is both inclusive and attentive to diverse communities in Ohio. The Consortium’s plan aspires to encompass the universal population of the state, while consciously taking into account the varied range of experiences which affect each individual’s ability to create the vision we seek to achieve. The Consortium is committed to diversity and developed a Statement on Inclusivity to reflect this value. The elimination of gender inequality and other systemic oppression are an integral part of sexual and intimate partner violence prevention work. Our ultimate goal is to achieve human rights and social justice for all Ohioans. Our intention is to develop a plan that is both inclusive and attentive to diverse communities in Ohio. The Consortium’s plan aspires to encompass the universal population of the state, while consciously taking into account the varied range of experiences which affect each individual’s ability to create the vision we seek to achieve.

20 CONSORTIUM Empowerment Evaluation
DEFINITION Empowerment Evaluation is the use of evaluation concepts, techniques, and findings to foster improvement and self-determination. From David Fetterman The Consortium using Empowerment Evaluation to measure the progress of The Consortium. Empowerment Evaluation is the use of evaluation concepts, techniques, and findings to foster improvement and self-determination.

21 CONSORTIUM Conveners The Convening organizations of The Consortium are – The Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence The Ohio Department of Health Sexual Assault Prevention Program The Ohio Domestic Violence Network

22 CONSORTIUM Conveners Founded in 2009 Federally recognized State Sexual Assault Coalition Provides Training and Technical Assistance The Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence was founded in 2009 and is the federally recognized State Sexual Assault Coalition for Ohio. OAESV provides training and technical assistance rape crisis centers and the sexual assault prevention programs in Ohio.

23 CONSORTIUM Conveners Administers the Sexual Assault Prevention Program Funds 17 sexual assault prevention programs in Ohio The Ohio Department of Health is cabinet level agency in Ohio government. ODH administers the Sexual Assault Prevention Program which funds sexual assault prevention programs in Ohio.

24 CONSORTIUM Conveners Founded in 1988 Federally recognized State Domestic Violence Coalition Provides training, technical assistance and public policy advocacy The Ohio Domestic Violence Network was founded in 1988 and is the federally recognized State Domestic Violence Coalition for Ohio. ODVN provides training, technical assistance and public policy advocacy to domestic violence programs statewide.

25 Provide Leadership · Evaluate Progress · Report Outcomes
CONSORTIUM Conveners Provide Leadership · Evaluate Progress · Report Outcomes The Consortium Conveners are responsible for Providing Leadership for The Consortiums activities. Staff members of the convening agencies also lead the Process, Outcomes and Leadership WorkGroup which establishes meeting agendas, evaluates activities and monitors the overall progress. The convening organizations are accountable to the greater intimate partner and sexual violence prevention community and stakeholders to ensure that The Consortium is moving ahead.

26 CONSORTIUM’s Charge The Consortium is charged to build individual, community and organizational capacity to engage in planning, implementation and evaluation of sexual and intimate partner violence prevention strategies for the State of Ohio. The Ohio Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Consortium is charged to build individual, community and organizational capacity to engage in planning, implementation and evaluation of sexual and intimate partner violence prevention strategies for the State of Ohio.

27 CONSORTIUM State Plan Ohio’s plan for sexual and intimate partner violence prevention   Developed by The Consortium over the course of 3 years in collaboration with over 60 individuals representing organizations throughout Ohio To that tend, in 2009, The Consortium published Pathways in Prevention: A Roadmap for Change Ohio's Plan for Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention. Pathways in Prevention is Ohio’s plan for sexual and intimate partner violence prevention. The document is the culmination of three years of collaboration by over sixty consortium members representing state organizations, non profit organizations, foundations, universities, the faith community and individual members who accepted the call to help envision the roadmap for change in Ohio through the promotion of healthy sexuality and healthy relationships.

28 CONSORTIUM State Plan Strategic Directions
Effective youth sexual and intimate partner violence prevention recommendations for practices Integrated intrastate collaboration Leveraging resources for maximizing sustainability Integrated strategic evaluation and data collection Empowered local communities The State Plan is focused on 5 Strategic Directions. Effective youth sexual and intimate partner violence prevention recommendations for practices Integrated intrastate collaboration Leveraging resources for maximizing sustainability Integrated strategic evaluation and data collection  Empowered local communities The Pathways In Prevention Executive Summary provides in greater detail the goals and outcomes of each Strategic Direction. It can be found on the websites of ODVN and the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Prevention Program section of ODH.

29 CONSORTIUM Accomplishments
Received 35 endorsement letters for State Plan Identified several resources on how to engage youth and Men and Boys Leading the implementation of a domestic violence policy for state employees The Consortium has been actively working to implement the State Plan since Accomplishments include: There has been overwhelming support of the State Plan. It has received 35 endorsement letters. That includes letters from local and state government agencies, public officials, local programs, and colleges and universities Many resources have been identified on how to engage youth, Men and Boys in this work The Consortium leadership is directing the implementation of a domestic violence policy for state employees.

30 CONSORTIUM Accomplishments
ODH staff served on Ohio Campus Safety Task Force and wrote guidelines for SV/IPV intervention and prevention Regional campus meetings in Shared advocacy resources to increase participation in the legislative process Evaluation tools developed to help local programs ODH staff has worked as a member of the Prevention Committee of the Campus Safety Task Force, which wrote a portion of the guidelines for Campus Safety for the Board of Regents. The guidelines include SV/IPV and stalking intervention and prevention. In the Consortium is organizing a series of regional Campus meetings on IPV/SV Advocacy resources were shared with local programs IPV/SV to increase Consortium members’ participation in the legislative process Evaluation resources were developed and disseminated to local programs including SV/IPV Outcome Measure Item Bank, A Webinar series and the Primary prevention capacity assessment

31 CONSORTIUM Working Together
From Us Timely meeting notices Decision-making opportunities Consensus-building From You Respect all members Integrate diversity Strategic and innovative planning We’re happy you want to join The Consortium and support the work in Ohio to end intimate partner and sexual violence. As a member of the Consortium you can expect: Timely and informed meeting notices. At least two weeks before scheduled meetings, a specific agenda will be sent to all members. Members that are present at the meetings will make decisions regarding agenda items with input from those not in attendance through concerns brought to the attention of the conveners. The conveners will work to build group consensus and be given the charge of making and communicating final decisions. As a member of the Consortium you are expected to: Participate in a way that is respectful and constructive and that honors all participants’ diverse and equally important voices Integrate of issues of diversity in all approaches and activities Participate in an innovative approach to strategic planning, community mobilization and empowerment evaluation to further primary prevention

32 CONSORTIUM Convener Contacts
REBECCA CLINE Prevention Programs Director Ohio Domestic Violence Network Phone: (330) DEBRA SELTZER Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Prevention Program Administrator Ohio Department of Health Phone: (614) KATIE HANNA Statewide Director Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence Phone: (216) For more information on how to become an active member of The Consortium, contact any one of the convening agencies listed. Together we can work to end intimate partner and sexual violence in Ohio!

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