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Progress of Alternative Fuels Deployment in Aviation

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1 Progress of Alternative Fuels Deployment in Aviation
Dr. Karlheinz Haag Lufthansa Group

2 Sustainable jet fuel commercialization

3 Reaching Commercial Scale

4 Requirements for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)

5 Alternative approaches (example)
Content Source: Power-to-Liquids, German Environment Agency, 2016

6 Incentives and Regulations for SAF
Europe Renewable Energy Directive (RED): 10% renewable transport fuel in 2020 RED II draft provides specific incentives for advanced biofuels for aviation Biofuel meeting RED is exempted from EU ETS So far only the Netherlands recognize SAF as eligible New opportunities with RED II USA Quite effective combination of production and use incentives Largest deployment projects are in US Off-take agreements at competitive prices International (ICAO) Global market-based mechanism (CORSIA) planned to recognize emissions reduction from SAF use  reduces operators’ obligations Harmonized sustainability framework under development

7 How to proceed? Biomass is established feedstock.
It is the only feedstock available at larger volumes in near future. Non biological feedstock are a new option but face many challenges. However, they may be an long-term alternative. Technical development in sector is extremely fast. Challenge is to: establish bio kerosene now as an alternative to fossil fuel, to start saving CO2 while retaining the flexibility to switch to non biological feedstocks later on. Regulatory boundary conditions need to be globally harmonized. The use needs to be incentivized and stimulated

8 Thank you for your attention

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