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Lesson 2 Great Buildings

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1 Lesson 2 Great Buildings
WELCOME TO OUR CLASS! Lesson 2 Great Buildings

2 A free tour around the world…

3 The Triumphal Arch Eiffel Tower France

4 Big Ben England

5 Washington--- White House America

6 Leaning Tower of Pisa Colosseum 罗马圆形大剧场 Italy

7 The Great Wall

8 Architecture is frozen music.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe German poet ( )

9 b) Post Office Savings Bank (Budapest) d) Chrysler Building (New York)
4 d) Chrysler Building (New York) 1 a) Palace of the Doges (Venice) 3 2 c) Eilean Donna Castle (Scotland)

10 The Palace of the Doges, in Venice, is one of the finest Gothic buildings(哥特式的尖拱式建筑) anywhere in Europe. It was finally finished in 1498 and was the residence(居住处)of the Doges(共和国总督)or Dukes(公爵)of Venice.

11 The Castle of Eilean Donan, on a loch(湖)in Scotland, was built in the thirteenth century but was destroyed by the English in The Castle was in ruins(废墟)for 200 years until it was restored(修复重建)in 1932.

12 The Chrysler Building in New York was built in 1930
The Chrysler Building in New York was built in It is a masterpiece of ‘art deco’(装饰派艺术的杰作). It is not the highest, but it is one of the most beautiful skyscraper.

13 The Post Office Savings Bank building in Budapest 布达佩斯(匈牙利首都)was designed by Hungarian (匈牙利的) architect in the late nineteenth century. There are fantastic ornaments of things like waves, flowers and angels.

14 Ex2 key words period Medieval中世纪的 modern early twentieth century

15 materials stone 石料 marble 大理石 glass 玻璃 tiles 瓷砖 metal 金属 concrete 混凝土

16 features balcony 阳台 ornament 装饰物 tower 塔 roof 屋顶 statue 雕像

17 Kinds of buildings Palace bank castle skyscraper

18 Listening

19 Section 1 Example: The Palace of the Doges, in Venice, is one of the best medieval buildings anywhere in Europe. It was finished in it has beautiful pink and white marble walls. From St Mark’s Square you can see the balcony with statues on either side. Palace medieval marble balcony statues

20 Section2 What kind of building does the man mention?
A. palace B. bank C. skyscraper D. castle In which period was the building built? A. modern B. medieval C. 1930s D. early twentieth century What kind of material(s) was the building made of? A. concrete, metal and glass B. stone C. tiles D. marble What features does the building have? A. balcony and statues B. tower and thick walls C. metal roof D. ornaments Section2

21 Section3 events built in destroyed in in ruins for rebuilt in Time
Listen to section 3 and complete the table with the time you hear. events built in destroyed in in ruins for rebuilt in Time 200 years the 13th century 1719 1932 Section3

22 Listen to section 4 and fill in the blank with the words you hear.
The Chrysler Building in New York is not the _______ skyscraper in New York, but it is one of the most beautiful. This skyscraper was made of new ________: metal, _______ and_______. It was built in the 1930s and has a beautiful metal _______. highest materials concrete glass roof Section 4

23 Answers of Ex3 kinds of buildings Style/ period materials features
1. palace medieval marble balcony, statues 2. post office savings bank early 20th century titles (roof) ornaments 3. castle medieval (13thcentury) stone tower and thick walls 4.skyscraper 1930s metal concrete and glass/metal roof

24 Task 2 Chrysler Building (New York)
Listen to someone describing her favorite building. Which of the buildings in the photos does she choose? 3 4 Chrysler Building (New York) 1 Post Office Savings Bank (Budapest) Palace of the Doges (Venice) 2 Eilean Donna Castle (Scotland)

25 sort of, as if, looks, type of, like, situated, kind of
Task 3 Listen to the description again and complete the Function File with the key words in the following box. sort of, as if, looks, type of, like, situated, kind of It’s on a loch, you know, a ________ lake. It looks _________ it’s in the water. It really looks _____ something from a fairytale. It’s _______ on a small island. It _______ really strong. It’s made of a _______ stone. Inside, it’s ________ strange and ghostly. kind of as if like situated looks type of sort of

26 It’s a kind/ type/ sort of…
1. kind of as if 3. like situated 5. looks type of 7. sort of Expressions when we don’t know the exact word: It’s a kind/ type/ sort of…

27 Hongnan Hotel Everprofit Hotel

28 Useful expressions Location: centre of town, near park, big garden in front Style/ materials: modern skyscraper, concrete, glass and metal Features: very tall, green glass walls, flag on top, statues Inside: very modern offices, lift, cafe on top floor

29 Homework Suppose you have an pen friend in America and he/she wants to know something about the Forbidden Palace. Please describe the it in your letter.

30 Beijing---The Forbidden Palace

31 Thank you for your attention!

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