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IEEE: The Force Behind Innovation

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1 IEEE: The Force Behind Innovation
IEEE Corporate Presentation Presenter, the following presentation is adaptable to your audience. Please see the notes sections for additional information, links, and other information that can improve the experience for your audience. Presenter Name, Title 11/28/2017

2 Our Mission Advance technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The global spirit of collaboration that was fostered by our founders lives at the heart of IEEE today. Presenter, you may also reference the IEEE Vision Statement: Vision statement IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions. 11/28/2017

3 Advancing Technology IEEE is behind the technology that drives innovation and better living. Today you will learn how IEEE: - Enables the advancement of technology Makes possible local and global solutions Is behind technologies we live with everyday 11/28/2017

4 Advancing Technology Technology drives innovation — people can do more, do better Technology drives higher quality of life — people can live better Advancing technology results in benefits for us all - People are more productive The quality of safety, health, and life are improved Economic possibilities increase 11/28/2017

5 electrical engineering
Advancing Technology IEEE facilitates the cross-pollination of ideas, giving people access to ideas developed in other disciplines. IEEE information is more than just electrical engineering and computer science IEEE TECHNICAL AREAS: Aerospace Biomedical Engineering Circuits Cloud Computing Communications Electronics Imaging Information Technology LTE Wireless Broadband Nanotechnology Optics Renewable Energy Semiconductors Smart Grid And more… Today, technologies are merging to create new solutions New, cross-discipline collaborations are occurring that never have before New doors are opening for innovation in most areas of technology Presenter, you will find information on merging technologies at the link below, for use with this slide and others in this presentation: 11/28/2017

6 Our History Our story of innovation begins with our spirit of collaboration. The public need for increased technological innovation brought our founders together in the spirit of collaboration. Presenter, further historical information for this section can be found here: 11/28/2017

7 The Founding of IEEE 1884 1912 1963 Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other notables founded the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Pioneers of wireless technologies and electronics founded the Institute of Radio Engineers. AIEE and IRE merged to become the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE. AIEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers THIS IS AN ANIMATED SLIDE. TEXT WILL REVEAL AS INTENDED IN SLIDE SHOW VIEW AS PRESENTER CLICKS THROUGH THE TIMELINE SEQUENCE. AIEE - Spring 1884, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and other notables founded the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, or AIEE. IRE - 1912, with focus on the new industries of wireless technologies and electronics, came a new society with an international focus, the Institute of Radio Engineers, or IRE. - AIEE and IRE were behind many of history’s world-changing technological developments, such as television, radar, satellites, transistors, computers, and others. IEEE - 50 years ago, on January 1, 1963, AIEE and IRE merged to become the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, or IEEE. IRE Institute of Radio Engineers 11/28/2017

8 IEEE Today Present IEEE embodies the visions of its founders, applying them to the challenges of today and tomorrow. Today, the IEEE brand is: - Trusted - Recognized as a global enabler of innovation - A provider of collaborative and research resources for those building our future - An invaluable membership organization that enables technological and career advancement Presenter, more on IEEE strategies and core values is found here: IEEE Envisioned Future (PDF, 56 KB): Enterprise-wide strategic planning process: 11/28/2017

9 Top-cited Periodicals
IEEE Today at a Glance Our Global Reach 421,000+ Members 39 Technical Societies 160 Countries Our Technical Breadth 1,600 Annual Conferences 3,900,000+ Technical Documents 170+ Top-cited Periodicals Membership is the foundation upon which IEEE grows. - Today, IEEE is expanding in many ways: people, communities, nations, collaborative settings, intellectual properties, and more. Presenter, reference more robust data at this Web page: 11/28/2017

10 How We Impact IEEE drives the technologies that improve the quality of life. To the presenter: This section is about how IEEE successfully leads meaningful activities that support and enable new technologies, people, communities, and governments worldwide. The most recent IEEE annual report can be referenced as a factual summary of IEEE activities and successes in As of this writing, the 2012 annual report is being written. Here is a link to the Web site: 11/28/2017

11 IEEE Standards IEEE nurtures, develops, and advances the building of global technologies. Are you familiar with any IEEE Standards? +1100 active standards +500 under development IEEE standards - Used around the globe - Bring industries together - Creates a common foundation for implementing research Presenter, below is a breakdown of IEEE standards, as of 7 March 2013: Active: 1,273 Archived: 911 Withdrawn: 311 Active Drafts: 810 (Approved: 76 Unapproved: 734) Archived Drafts: 1,181 (Approved Drafts: 340 Unapproved Drafts: 841) Withdrawn Drafts: 5 Total: 4, 491 11/28/2017

12 IEEE Standards Consumers around the world enjoy the benefits of IEEE’s standards. IEEE 802.11 Here are a few you may recognize… IEEE 1800 IEEE 1394 IEEE 802.3 About IEEE standards - IEEE is one of the leading producers of standards in the world Standards drive the functionality, capabilities, and interoperability of a wide range of products and services that transform the way people live, work, and communicate. - As the world becomes more integrated, there is a growing need for standards to help that connectivity. Presenter, further details: Standards directly impact government and industry Standards as a worldwide trade issue: Allow business to be transacted across global boundaries Directly impact economic activities Benefit humanity From a business standpoint, many standards are currently driving product development, encouraging innovation, playing a major role in shaping the market, stimulating commerce, and impacting international trade. Examples of standards that affect worldwide trade, human benefit: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ANSI standard throughout the globe Presenter may want to select specific standards for audience Most people have never heard of IEEE , but they know it as the Wi-Fi standard Cell phone: IEEE standard 802b allows cell phones to talk to each other. For more info: IEEE IEEE 835 Ampacity 11/28/2017

13 IEEE Conferences Bright minds share the latest research at IEEE sponsored and co-sponsored conferences around the world. 1,600+ Annual Conferences IEEE conferences are the platform for new research Today’s innovators come to IEEE conferences to share, collaborate, and investigate the latest research. Held by the technical community, for the technical community Cutting-edge people, talking about cutting-edge topics Provide a means for networking and communication Allow participants to develop contacts in cross-specialty areas Presenter, additional information : Each year, over 100,000 technical professionals attend the more than 1,200 conferences sponsored by IEEE. From microelectronics and microwaves to sensors and security, IEEE conferences cover relevant topics that showcase the depth and breadth of members’ technical fields. More information and specifics here: Research Collaboration Publications 11/28/2017

14 IEEE Conference Proceedings
IEEE Conferences Bright minds share the latest research at IEEE sponsored and co-sponsored conferences around the world. IEEE Conference Proceedings Deliver Cutting-edge Research The articles and proceedings from IEEE conferences are: Digitally published by IEEE Provide an invaluable resource to the latest research for developers Use in the corporate and academic sectors 11/28/2017

15 journals in our fields of interest.
IEEE Publications IEEE advances author ideas by publishing research for delivery to key technical audiences. IEEE is the premier source of journals in our fields of interest. 170+ top-cited periodicals About IEEE publications IEEE and our partners publish journals, magazines, and conference articles that advance theory and practice in key technology areas Allow for the assessment of quality through a peer review process More than 75% of authors are from countries other than the U.S, all are published in English Presenter, notes and suggestion: Publication info is of most importance to academic, industry, government audiences Presentation tip for INDUSTRY audiences: Use IEEE Xplore to type in an esoteric search term in the audience’s field. See how many results come up. Many researchers often don’t realize that IEEE publications are relevant to their work. Think they are the only ones doing this research. 11/28/2017

16 IEEE Publications 17 of the top 20
2014 JCR® study reveals IEEE journals continue to maintain rankings at the top of their fields. 17 of the top 20 journals in electrical engineering are published by IEEE. IEEE publications - IEEE journals are a mainstay of cutting-edge knowledge A proven, trusted source for researchers around the globe Annually ranked as leading publications in their respective fields Presenter, here is a link to a Web page with the measurement factors and complete rankings of IEEE journals Source: 2013 Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) 11/28/2017

17 IEEE Patent Citations IEEE leads as the most-cited publisher in new patents from the top patenting organizations. IEEE publications - Are a driving force behind today’s new patents - References to IEEE papers have increased 546% since 1997. Presenter, here is a link to the complete patent study and other highlights: Optional quote for presenter: “The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.” -- Abraham Lincoln (The only U.S. President to obtain a patent) 11/28/2017

18 IEEE Xplore® Digital Library
IEEE intellectual property, all searchable in one place. Powerful search tools Nearly 4 million full-text articles and papers Users download more than 8 million documents per month IEEE Xplore is an invaluable research source for thousands of organizations and millions of technology students, professors, researchers, and innovators around the world. IEEE Xplore features: - Over 3 million full-text articles and papers – authors add over 1,000 articles daily. - Powerful document and author search tools A rich, interactive interface Research customization tools Many opportunities for personalization Presenter, you can reference latest new features in IEEE Xplore here: 11/28/2017

19 IEEE Open Access Authors gain maximum exposure for their research and application-oriented articles with open access publications, freely available to readers. IEEE offers three options for open access publishing: Hybrid Journals Subscription-based and Open Access Mega Journal Multidisciplinary Open Access Fully Open Access Journals Devoted to One Technology Topic IEEE open access publications: - An exciting way for authors to take control of their work Provides authors with more visibility and recognition Designed to meet the varying needs of our authors throughout their careers Uses the same, respected peer-review process as traditional journals Presenter, further details here: 11/28/2017

20 IEEE Open Access IEEE Access is an award-winning, multidisciplinary, all-electronic archival journal continuously presenting the results of original research or development across all of IEEE's fields of interest. 11/28/2017

21 IEEE Authorship Behind technology are researchers who choose to publish with IEEE and contribute to IEEE conferences. Dr. Deborah Frincke IEEE Senior Member Cyber Security Professional To quote Dr. Frincke: “To make lasting contributions to a discipline, you really need to have an organization like IEEE behind you… Early on, to advance my career, I made use of IEEE conferences.” –Dr. Deborah Frincke, IEEE Senior Member, Cyber Security Professional 11/28/2017 PHOTO: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

22 Benefiting the Global Society
IEEE touches everyone in their everyday lives because technology touches everyone. Presenter, the upcoming section highlights the technologies and projects that IEEE has moved forward to improve the quality of life for many around the world. Links are provided to further information, so presenters can gain a fuller understanding and tailor presentations to suit audience interests. 11/28/2017

23 Emerging Technologies
IEEE focuses on what’s next—enabling innovation and the creation of new technologies. Cloud Computing Life Science SLIDE CUSTOMIZABLE TO AUDIENCE The footprint of IEEE extends into the areas of education, humanitarian outreach, and professional development. Researchers come to IEEE to Expand their ideas Develop new or needed applications based on IEEE published research Presenter, below are some other areas of note you may focus on: A link we referenced earlier for merging technologies is also concerned with new technologies: IEEE Spectrum magazine is an award-winning source of technology news: Smart Grid Transportation Electrification Photovoltaics 11/28/2017

24 Expanding Global Outreach
IEEE collaborations around the world inspire innovation for those who develop and deliver technology solutions. New Markets Global doesn’t mean doing the same thing everywhere. Global means doing what is needed locally, everywhere. Local Programs Local Programs Collaboration is about bringing people, ideas, and technology together for mutual benefit. Following are examples of programs supported by IEEE members and local communities Product Innovation 11/28/2017

25 IEEE enables the human desire to achieve, to learn, to know more, and to help others.
IEEE offers many venues for collaboration and enables its members, partners, young minds, and industry teams to develop tomorrow’s solutions to improve lives. 11/28/2017

26 Improving Quality of Life
Through programs like the IEEE Foundation and IEEE Smart Village, technology is applied to improve conditions for people around the globe. IEEE members bring the value of their efforts and thought leadership to provide needed local solutions. Here, an IEEE member and her students help build a solar-powered charging station in Haiti. Presenter, you can relate the full story by reviewing the article in The Institute below: Photo Credit: Laura Hosman Source: The Institute Keeping Laptops Alive in Haiti IEEE member and her students help build a solar-powered charging station By KATHY KOWALENKO 20 April 2012 PHOTO: Pranav Mehrota (left), IEEE Smart Village volunteer, assisting with solar panels and the local energy entrepreneur. Date: Location: Ladakh, India. Photo by: Paras Loomba. PHOTO: Paul Lacourciere with Sirona Cares introducing proper use of the portable battery kit to the energy entrepreneurs. Date: Location: Haiti. Photo by: Ray Larsen. 11/28/2017 PHOTO: Laura Hosman

27 IEEE education programs provide opportunities for lifelong continuing education.
Education enables achievement in all walks of life. 11/28/2017

28 Educating for Success IEEE educational programs enable students and professionals to achieve their goals. IEEE Educational Programs and Resources: - Career Preparation - Continuing Education - iTunes U - Pre-University Programs - Professional Certification Programs - and more - IEEE education programs are part of our commitment to providing members with lifelong continuing education. - IEEE professionals and students around the globe come to IEEE so they are better able to learn, excel, keep up to date, and partner for success. Presenter, additional notes: Education programs and products are important for industry, government, region audiences, and to some extent academic deans. IEEE Education and Careers Web page: 11/28/2017

29 IEEE: The Next Generation
IEEE programs open the eyes of youth to the possibilities of today’s and tomorrow’s technologies. PHOTO: Adriana M. Groisman IEEE supports programs such as: Teacher In-Service and others IEEE actively supports programs that reach out and ignite curious young minds to the wonders of technology. - Real, fascinating technology projects and games for students - Lesson plans for teachers Presenter, further information: - Intended for pre-university students, parents, teachers, school counselors, and the general public, lets visitors explore how to prepare for an engineering career, ask experts engineering-related questions, and play interactive games. is designed to make computing education resources available for pre-university teachers, school counselors, parents, and students all over the world. The Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) provides a forum for IEEE volunteers to demonstrate the application of engineering, science and mathematics concepts by sharing their real-world experiences with local pre-university educators. 11/28/2017

30 Collaboration is Our Foundation
IEEE brings people and technology together for mutual benefit. - Collaboration is the cornerstone of technological and career development. IEEE is a committed expeditor of collaboration . 11/28/2017

31 In Academia In Industry In The Field
- People are both the vehicle and destination of technology. - Across all industries and academic institutions - In the field and communities - Focused on improving the quality of life 11/28/2017

32 Collaboration opens opportunities.
Presenter, optional quotes that your audience may find inspiring as they approach collaborations or work individually on projects: Isaac Newton “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Henry Ford “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Harry S. Truman “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” 11/28/2017

33 , we engineer a brighter future. Together
Presenter, optional quotes that you audience may find inspiring : Thomas Alva Edison “If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is often a step forward.” “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Alexander Graham Bell "The day will come when the man at the telephone will be able to see the distant person to whom he is speaking" (c.1906) “The inventor is a man who looks around upon the world and is not contented with things as they are. He wants to improve whatever he sees, he wants to benefit the world; he is haunted by an idea. The spirit of invention possesses him, seeking materialization.” 11/28/2017

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