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City of Georgetown 2014/15 ANNUAL BUDGET

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1 City of Georgetown 2014/15 ANNUAL BUDGET
Public Hearing August 26, 2014

2 Total Budget = $231M Purchased Power = $37.1 Million
1.8% decrease from prior year 2013/14 amended budget = $235.3M General Fund = $51.9 Million $49.4 Million in 2013/14 projected Capital Improvements = $40.4 Million $55.2 Million in 2013/14 (amended) Purchased Power = $37.1 Million


4 2014/15 Contingency Reserves
$18.82 million City-wide Emergency reserves Uses determined by Policy 75 days City-wide operating expenses Increased from $17.7M due to operational increases $7.695 million in General Fund (90 days) $7.5M in 2014 – 2.6% increase

5 City of Excellence Focus Areas
2014/15 Budget Strategies

6 Council Strategic Goals
Major driver for annual budget All addressed specifically by Focus Area Existing staff & funds used where possible New resources proposed to meet direction Other items funded only as required for: Completion - example: PSOTC operations Growth - example: population & customers Legal - example: MS4

7 Economic Development Business Recruitment/Retention
Expand marketing and retention & upgrade to FT Business Development Manager Develop plans for Major Gateways Williams Drive – Update plan, evaluate study area and look at implementation options Review UDC process Add 1 planner & software to create capacity and improve process

8 Public Safety Maintain competitive pay Police Crime Deployment Unit
Public Safety steps fully funded plus 1% COLA Starting base pay increase of $3,000 Police Crime Deployment Unit 3 new officers and equipment Create 5 officer unit to proactively identify address crime issues Narcotics, violent crime, property crime City of Georgetown

9 Public Safety Best practices & diversity
Review fees, hiring strategies, programs Add code enforcement officer Add PT Volunteer Coordinator Animal Shelter facility planning City of Georgetown

10 Public Safety Fire-based Paramedic program Numbers:
9 new fire fighters, 2 TRV’s Fee based program, self supporting on added costs Vision & Mission > premier provider & caring provider Primary focus is improved care and safety (medical/fire/rescue) Better integration of EMT’s and Paramedics to solve the problem early City of Georgetown

11 Public Safety Fire-based Paramedic program, cont.
Proven model w/ demonstrated success in many Cities >50k population Expertise is obtained through training and experience > Cavalry Concept Improved deployment efficiency (TRV and BRT) w/i City and County “Rolling ER” concept > not everyone needs to get “admitted” City of Georgetown

12 Public Safety Fire-based Paramedic program, cont.
Improve inter-local arrangement & “smart” government w/ fiscal efficiencies Marginal costs are covered thru insurance billing Vetted cost/revenue projections Multi-year review process > now is the time to change “Fear” of change City of Georgetown

13 Signature Destination
Downtown West Plan Develop phased plan to address Court, City Hall & Parking Downtown Master Plan Purchase Grace Heritage lot Signage, ADA repairs, underground electric, tree replacement Downtown ordinances Review and develop improvements City of Georgetown

14 Signature Destination
Sidewalks 2nd street & 11th street Coordinated with Street projects Rivery Conference Center Add coordinator in CVB late in FY Recreation Center Expand hours to Sundays 2 additional staff added City of Georgetown

15 Signature Destination
Future Park Plans Business plans for Westside & Garey parks Coordinate efforts with Wilco & Lake Georgetown Park System Maintenance Williams Drive Pool VFW improvements Ongoing repair and rehab efforts Playground audits, self assessments City of Georgetown

16 Transportation Street sales tax renewal – Nov 2014
Road bond election plan – May 2015 Public transit Cap Metro partnership continued Airport Fund grant match for TXDoT required runway improvements Restructuring business operations City of Georgetown

17 Utilities Conservation Integrate CTSUD Energy
2 new positions & new programs Expand conservation programs to address water demand Integrate CTSUD Energy Add wind and solar options Marketing and public relations CIS implementation

18 Cross Cutting Themes HR issues addressed city-wide
Organizational development & training Continue to pursue best practices and customer focus Marketing & promoting of Georgetown Add position & continue reporting Develop metrics Board & Commission training

19 Additional Support Added Electric & Water staff to meet needs of customer growth Implement IT Master Plan 2 additional support positions to maintain internal services Add records management position Continue to maintain fleet & facilities Implement asset management system Replace 25 vehicles City of Georgetown

20 2014/15 Budgeted Capital Improvements
City of Excellence 2014/15 Budgeted Capital Improvements $40.4 Million

21 GCP Highlights Parks Sidewalks Downtown
Williams Drive Pool, VFW Park, Splash Pad Sidewalks 2nd Street, 11th Street, ADA work Downtown Purchase Grace Church parking lot, construct 8th & MLK parking Phase I of Downtown West Still being reviewed by Council City of Georgetown

22 Utility CIP Highlights
Electric substation & communication improvements - $2.4 M Solar Energy - $3.3 M Shell Road Water Line - $1.7 M Rabbit Hill Elevated Storage - $1.7 M Edwards Aquifer Replacements - $2.5M Westinghouse Lift Station - $3M City of Georgetown

23 Transportation CIP Highlights
FM 1460 Construction - $4.7M Street Maintenance & Repairs - $2.1M Street Rehab - $900,000 2nd Street, W. 10th, W. 11th, Stadium Dr. Traffic signal Williams Dr & Jim Hogg - $300,000 Smith Branch Buyouts - $2.2M Airport Runway Repairs - $900,000 City of Georgetown

24 Additional Information
City of Excellence 2014/15 Annual Budget

25 Employee Comp & Benefits
2% Merit Increase - $229,600 2 ½% COLA - $431,000 All departments took reduction to fund! Both are effective February 2015 Public Safety: Steps, 1% COLA, and increase starting pay for Police - $282,400 Health Insurance – 10% increase City of Georgetown

26 Staffing Update - 34 New FTE’s
Downtown & Community Svcs – 6 FTE Media Mktg Specialist - CVB Coordinator Aquatic Specialist - Rec Center (2) Sr Parks Maintenance Worker Fire – 9 FTE Fire Based Paramedic Program Police – 4.5 FTE Police Officer (3) - Volunteer Coordinator (PT) Code Enforcement Officer

27 Staffing Update - 34 New FTE
Management Svcs – 2.5 FTE Admin Asst (Records) - Planner Upgrade Eco Dev position to FT GUS – 10 FTE Bldg Plans Examiner - Conservation (2) Energy Svcs (4) - Water Svcs (2) Office Specialist (Records) Finance – 2 FTE Systems Administrator - Desktop Technician Note: Hiring dates are staggered throughout the fiscal year

28 New FTE’s by Funding Source

29 Staffing - FTE’s per Capita

30 Utility Rates & Fees City of Excellence

31 Utility Rates & Fees NO RATE INCREASES in Water, Wastewater, Electric or Stormwater Sanitation $0.50 per month for residential customers Covers costs of pass through CPI increase from TDS

32 Proposed 2015 Property Tax City of Excellence

33 2014/15 Assessed Valuation Certified Assessed Valuation $5.253B
Includes $163.1M NEW property (new & annexed) 11.9% above prior year Existing home value increased 7.4% Average Home Value = $210,184 Existing Homes Average = $204,921 7.4% Increase over PY ($190,802)

34 Council Recommended Tax Rate = $0.43400
$ NET decrease over py $0.4395 Operations & Maintenance (General Fund): 2014 = $ Interest & Sinking (Debt Service): 2014 = $ Recommended Rate = 2.49% above the “effective” tax rate of $ Increase on existing avg. home = $50.79 annually or $4.24 per month

35 General Fund Budget = $48M Property tax revenue = $11.1M @ $0.43400

36 2014 TAX RATE Components


38 Next Steps August 26– 1st Reading Tax & Budget Ordinances
September 9 – 2nd Reading Tax & Budget Ordinances October 1 – New fiscal year

39 QUESTIONS? City of Excellence

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