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Energy Policy: What happens next?

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Policy: What happens next?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Policy: What happens next?
ESRI 4th October 2016 Dieter Helm, Professor of Energy Policy, University of Oxford

2 Three perspectives The short term – The medium term –
Capacity, nuclear and BREXIT The medium term – More oil and gas, the new normal prices and the growth of electricity demand The medium/long term – Technology, digitalisation, zero marginal cost and the dominance of electricity

3 Short term British capacity margin = 0
All generation on state backed contracts – the single buyer Decision on Hinkley The allocation of fixed system costs Interconnectors BREXIT

4 Short term from interventions to more interventions
General ROC Specific ROCS for each technology Technology based FiTs Special nuclear FiT Capacity contracts Intervention on embedded generation Separate contracts for each type of capacity B.o.E Debt purchases Black start contracts Golden shares

5 Supply chain industrial policies
Short term +++ Separate national SO Regional SO Supply chain industrial policies

6 Short term +++ R110 & Transmission regulation
R110 & Electricity & Gas regulation Interconnector regulation Offshore network regulation CMA & supply Prepayment meters Switching regulation

7 Medium term The two parameters
The fossil prices Climate policy

8 Medium Term The return to normal & end of the super cycle

9 Medium Term recent oil price spike

10 Medium Term Oil company forecasts

11 Medium Term why they may be wrong
Iraq Iran US Russia 10 million+ Saudi Arabia Potential medium-term oil production 10 million?

12 Medium Term more electricity, less oil
Electric cars Batteries Digitalisation of manufacturing & Services

13 Long Term the age of electricity and technical change
Digitalisation of everything Robots 3D printing AI Digitalisation = electric “Everything is electric”

14 Longer term low carbon electricity generation
Next Generation Solar Graphene 3D Printing Robotics Batteries Electric Cars Large Scale Storage Smart grids Smart Meters Surprises Solar Next generation nuclear Batteries Smart meters

15 Longer term the zero-marginal costs
Wholesale Electricity Spot price (GBP/MWh) Capacity not energy Decline of wholesale markets Costs are mostly system-based Decentralised generation models

16 conclusions Structural break in the short term
Structural break in the medium term Technological transformation in the long run Rethink energy & climate policy Rethink market design Rethink corporate strategy

17 BOOKS THE BURN OUT The end game for fossil Fuels March 2017

18 For Information
Energy Futures Network Paper 20. Greg Clark’s energy agenda Dieter Helm Feb 16 Energy Futures Network Paper 19. Flawed in almost all its parts – the final CMA report on electricity markets Dieter Helm Jul 16 Energy Futures Network Paper 18. After Hinkley – how to contract for the rest of the nuclear programme Dieter Helm Apr 16 Energy Futures Network Paper 17. The CMA Energy Market investigation: Companies 5-0 CMA? Dieter Helm Mar 16 The CMA Energy Market investigation: Companies 5-0 CMA? Paper 17, Mar 16 The new normal – oil prices after the crash, Paper 16, Feb 16 Stranded Assets – a deceptively simple and flawed idea, Paper 15, Oct 15 Reforming the FiTs and capacity mechanisms, Paper 14, Sep 15 The first 100 days of Conservative energy policy, Paper 13, Aug 15 Penalty tariffs, open ended regulation and embedding overcharging. Paper 12, Jul 15 British energy policy- what happens next? Paper 11, Jun 15 Energy Policy and the Coalition, Paper 10 March 15 What should oil companies do about climate change? Paper 9, Feb 15 Competition in the British electricity sector: a set or practical measures, Paper 8, Feb 15

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