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Lecture 1: Introduction

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1 Lecture 1: Introduction
Kai-Wei Chang University of Virginia Couse webpage: CS6501– Natural Language Processing

2 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Announcements Waiting list: Start attending the first few meetings of the class as if you are registered. Given that some students will drop the class, some space will free up. We will use Piazza as an online discussion platform. Please enroll. CS6501– Natural Language Processing

3 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Staff Instructor: Kai-Wei Chang Office: R412 Rice Hall Office hour: 2:00 – 3:00, Tue (after class). Additional office hour: 3:00 – 4:00, Thu TA: Wasi Ahmad Office: R432 Rice Hall Office hour: 4:00 – 5:00, Mon CS6501– Natural Language Processing

4 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
This lecture Course Overview What is NLP? Why it is important? What will you learn from this course? Course Information What are the challenges? Key NLP components CS6501– Natural Language Processing

5 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
What is NLP Wiki: Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages. CS6501– Natural Language Processing

6 Go beyond the keyword matching
Identify the structure and meaning of words, sentences, texts and conversations Deep understanding of broad language NLP is all around us CS6501– Natural Language Processing

7 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Machine translation Facebook translation, image credit: CS6501– Natural Language Processing

8 Statistical machine translation
Image credit: Julia Hockenmaier, Intro to NLP CS6501– Natural Language Processing

9 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Dialog Systems CS6501– Natural Language Processing

10 Sentiment/Opinion Analysis
CS6501– Natural Language Processing

11 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Text Classification Other applications? CS6501– Natural Language Processing

12 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Question answering credit: 'Watson' computer wins at 'Jeopardy'  CS6501– Natural Language Processing

13 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Question answering Go beyond search CS6501– Natural Language Processing

14 Natural language instruction
CS6501– Natural Language Processing

15 Digital personal assistant
More on natural language instruction Semantic parsing – understand tasks Entity linking – “my wife” = “Kellie” in the phone book credit: CS6501– Natural Language Processing

16 Information Extraction
Unstructured text to database entries Yoav Artzi: Natural language processing CS6501– Natural Language Processing

17 Language Comprehension
Christopher Robin is alive and well. He is the same person that you read about in the book, Winnie the Pooh. As a boy, Chris lived in a pretty home called Cotchfield Farm. When Chris was three years old, his father wrote a poem about him. The poem was printed in a magazine for others to read. Mr. Robin then wrote a book Q: who wrote Winnie the Pooh? Q: where is Chris lived? CS6501– Natural Language Processing

18 What will you learn from this course
The NLP Pipeline Key components for understanding text NLP systems/applications Current techniques & limitation Build realistic NLP tools CS6501– Natural Language Processing

19 What’s not covered by this course
Speech recognition – no signal processing Natural language generation Details of ML algorithms / theory Text mining / information retrieval CS6501– Natural Language Processing

20 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
This lecture Course Overview What is NLP? Why it is important? What will you learn from this course? Course Information What are the challenges? Key NLP components CS6501– Natural Language Processing

21 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Overview New course, first time being offered Comments are welcomed Aimed at first- or second- year PhD students Lecture + Seminar No course prerequisites, but I assume programming experience (for the final project) basics of probability calculus, and linear algebra (HW0) CS6501– Natural Language Processing

22 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Grading No exam & HW -- hooray Lectures & forum Participate in discussion (additional credits) Review quizzes (25%): 3 quizzes Critical review report (10%) Paper presentation (15%) Final project (50%) CS6501– Natural Language Processing

23 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Quizzes Format Multiple choice questions Fill-in-the-blank Short answer questions Each quiz: ~20 min in class Schedule: see course website Closed book, Closed notes, Closed laptop CS6501– Natural Language Processing

24 Critical review report
1 page maximum Pick one paper from the suggested list Summarize the paper (use you own words) Provide detailed comments What can be improved Potential future directions Other related work Some students will be selected to present their critical reviews CS6501– Natural Language Processing

25 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Paper presentation Each group has 2~3 students Picked one paper from the suggested readings, or your favorite paper Cannot be the same as critical review report Can be related to your final project Register your choice early 15 min presentation + 2 mins Q&A Will be graded by the instructor, TA, other students CS6501– Natural Language Processing

26 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Final Project Work in groups (2~3 students) Project proposal Written report, 2 page maximum Project report (35%) < 8 pages, ACL format Due 2 days before the final presentation Project presentation (15%) 5-min in-class presentation (tentative) CS6501– Natural Language Processing

27 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Late Policy Credit of 48 hours for all the assignments Including proposal and final project No accumulation No more grace period No make-up exam unless under emergency situation CS6501– Natural Language Processing

28 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Cheating/Plagiarism No. Ask if you have concerns UVA Honor Code: CS6501– Natural Language Processing

29 Lectures and office hours
Participation is highly appreciated! Ask questions if you are still confusing Feedbacks are welcomed Lead the discussion in this class Enroll Piazza CS6501– Natural Language Processing

30 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Topics of this class Fundamental NLP problems Machine learning & statistical approaches for NLP NLP applications Recent trend in NLP CS6501– Natural Language Processing

31 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
What to Read? Natural Language Processing ACL, NAACL, EACL, EMNLP, CoNLL, Coling, TACL Machine learning ICML, NIPS, ECML, AISTATS, ICLR, JMLR, MLJ Artificial Intelligence AAAI, IJCAI, UAI, JAIR CS6501– Natural Language Processing

32 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Questions? CS6501– Natural Language Processing

33 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
This lecture Course Overview What is NLP? Why it is important? What will you learn from this course? Course Information What are the challenges? Key NLP components CS6501– Natural Language Processing

34 Challenges – ambiguity
Word sense ambiguity CS6501– Natural Language Processing

35 Challenges – ambiguity
Word sense / meaning ambiguity Credit: CS6501– Natural Language Processing

36 Challenges – ambiguity
PP attachment ambiguity Credit: Mark Liberman, CS6501– Natural Language Processing

37 Challenges -- ambiguity
Ambiguous headlines: Include your children when baking cookies Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors Iraqi Head Seeks Arms Safety Experts Say School Bus Passengers Should Be Belted   Teacher Strikes Idle Kids CS6501– Natural Language Processing

38 Challenges – ambiguity
Pronoun reference ambiguity Credit: CS6501– Natural Language Processing

39 Challenges – language is not static
Language grows and changes e.g., cyber lingo LOL Laugh out loud G2G Got to go BFN Bye for now B4N Idk I don’t know FWIW For what it’s worth LUWAMH Love you with all my heart CS6501– Natural Language Processing

40 Challenges--language is compositional
Carefully Slide CS6501– Natural Language Processing

41 Challenges--language is compositional
小心: Carefully Careful Take Care Caution 地滑: Slide Landslip Wet Floor Smooth CS6501– Natural Language Processing

42 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Challenges – scale Examples: Bible (King James version): ~700K Penn Tree bank ~1M from Wall street journal Newswire collection: 500M+ Wikipedia: 2.9 billion word (English) Web: several billions of words CS6501– Natural Language Processing

43 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
This lecture Course Overview What is NLP? Why it is important? What will you learn from this course? Course Information What are the challenges? Key NLP components CS6501– Natural Language Processing

44 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Part of speech tagging CS6501– Natural Language Processing

45 Syntactic (Constituency) parsing
CS6501– Natural Language Processing

46 Syntactic structure => meaning
Image credit: Julia Hockenmaier, Intro to NLP CS6501– Natural Language Processing

47 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Dependency Parsing CS6501– Natural Language Processing

48 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Semantic analysis Word sense disambiguation Semantic role labeling Credit: Ivan Titov CS6501– Natural Language Processing

49 Q: [Chris] = [Mr. Robin] ? Christopher Robin is alive and well. He is the same person that you read about in the book, Winnie the Pooh. As a boy, Chris lived in a pretty home called Cotchfield Farm. When Chris was three years old, his father wrote a poem about him. The poem was printed in a magazine for others to read. Mr. Robin then wrote a book Slide modified from Dan Roth

50 Co-reference Resolution
Christopher Robin is alive and well. He is the same person that you read about in the book, Winnie the Pooh. As a boy, Chris lived in a pretty home called Cotchfield Farm. When Chris was three years old, his father wrote a poem about him. The poem was printed in a magazine for others to read. Mr. Robin then wrote a book

51 CS6501– Natural Language Processing
Questions? CS6501– Natural Language Processing

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