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Aim #16: What functions do carbohydrates serve to living things?

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1 Aim #16: What functions do carbohydrates serve to living things?
Date: October 14, 2016 Aim #16: What functions do carbohydrates serve to living things? HW: Characteristics of Life Web Activity due Tuesday! Textbook HW due day of test! Do Now: How can we distinguish between organic and inorganic molecules? Give an example of each.

2 Identify the Organic & Inorganic Molecules
H2O NaOH FeO3 CO2 C6H12O6 CO HCl C2H6 C18H36O2 CaO H2CO3 C3H6 CaCO3 C2H5OH NaCl CH3OH HNO3 CuSO4 NH3 KCl MnCl2 KMnO4 H2SO4 NO2 SO3 HF C8H18 Na2SO4 CH3COOH HBr Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Organic Inorganic Inorganic Organic Organic Inorganic Organic Organic Inorganic Organic Inorganic Organic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Inorganic Organic Inorganic Organic Inorganic

3 Aim #16: What functions do carbohydrates serve to living things?

4 1) What inorganic compounds are essential to living things?
75% H2O Minerals

5 2) What organic compounds are essential to living things?
Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Lipids

6 3) Why is carbon the main ingredient of organic molecules?
Carbon has only 4 electrons in its valence energy level. Because this energy level can hold 8, carbon can form up to 4 bonds. C

7 Brain Pop: Body Chemistry

8 4) What is a carbohydrate?
A carbohydrate is an organic compound made up of sugar molecules.

9 5) What is the chemical formula of a carbohydrate?
The basic chemical formula is CH2O C6H12O6 Simple Sugars contain C, H, & O in a 1:2:1 ratio 1) How many Carbons? 2) How many Hydrogens? 3) How many Oxygens? 6 12 6

10 6) What are monosaccharides?
The building blocks of carbohydrates. AKA simple sugars Glucose Galactose

11 7) Why is glucose so important in living things?
Glucose is the main fuel for cellular work What life function does this describe?

12 8) What does our body do with glucose when we don’t need it?
Storage Our body will incorporate glucose into larger carbohydrates (glycogen) for later use.

13 9) How does our body do this?
Dehydration Synthesis +

14 Aim #16: What functions do carbohydrates serve to living things?
Date: October 17, 2016 Aim #16: What functions do carbohydrates serve to living things? HW: Characteristics of Life Web Activity due Tomorrow! Test corrections due Friday Textbook HW due day of test! Do Now: Define monomer and polymer What is the name of the monomers of carbohydrates?

15 10) What is dehydration synthesis?
Monomers are added to a growing chain to form Polymers with the removal of water H2O + Glucose Energy Sucrose

16 11) What are Monomers & Polymers?
Monomers- are small, single molecular units like glucose and fructose. Polymers- are chains of monomers strung together. Polymers are produced through dehydration synthesis

17 12) What is Sucrose? Sucrose is formed from 2 monosaccharides (glucose
and fructose) It is called a disaccharide Double Sugar

18 Examples of disaccharides
two Disaccharide= monosaccharide + monosaccharide Sucrose= Glucose + Fructose Lactose= Galactose + Glucose Maltose= Glucose + Glucose sugar one sugar one sugar

19 13) What are Polysaccharides?
Are long chains of monosaccharide monomers

20 14) What are some examples of polysaccharides?
Starch- energy storage in plants Glycogen- energy storage in the liver of mammals Cellulose- is a polysaccharide found in the cell wall of plants to provide support

21 15) How do we get energy from glycogen?
HYDROLYSIS Energy + Polysaccharide H2O Glucose

22 16) What is the difference?

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