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Expansion of eAuthoring services for all academic staff

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1 Expansion of eAuthoring services for all academic staff
CMI Leadership & Management Expansion of eAuthoring services for all academic staff Gareth Compton

2 aim Open up services that the eAuthoring department can offer for all academic staff to increase the online presence and interactivity of courses for students. scope The scope of this project will involve investigating gaps in moodle usage/resources to provide solutions to academic staff in developing a structure to online teaching through the college LMS. objectives Investigate current moodle usage Increase variety of online resources for students Investigate how the eAuthoring department can better support academic staff

3 Justification “E-learning is about embedding and exploiting technologies in all aspects of teaching, and getting ICT embedded across the curriculum for all subjects and in the teaching practices of all tutors” DEL eLearning Strategy

4 Justification moodle utilisation
ILT development mentors are working on reduced hours Possibility of eLearning systems becoming a shared service

5 Google analytics Team discussions Staff surveys Student surveys data
To determine overall moodle usage Usage by campus area Team discussions Find out what services we can offer based on staff abilities Staff surveys Find out which services staff require Student surveys Students view on effectiveness of moodle Find out the resources that students want

6 data google analytics usage data
moodle 2 56,833 visits 522,252 page views student intranet 140,190 visits 385,746 page views

7 data google analytics location data Visits to moodle 2 per campus area
Full time enrolments for FE/HE (Data correct 08/10/13)


9 team meeting mind map of services

10 team meeting mind map of services

11 team meeting mind map of services

12 student survey actual resources used

13 staff survey likelihood of using services

14 findings Moodle usage low in certain areas
Staff need constant training/support Variety of resources still limited Need to further drive usage of multimedia tools Students want learning games, videos, interactive material Academic staff need to be made aware of the benefits of using eAuthoring services

15 Launch eAuthoring services
options Do Nothing Train Academic staff Launch eAuthoring services Portal for all their eLearning needs Moodle support/Training/Drop ins Content authoring Blogs/tips Examples and advice Promotion of shared resources

16 Phase one Phase Two Moodle Creative Services One on one support
Course Team support Live Support Help guides Launched 9th September As a result of the findings in this project an eAuthor will be present in the Downpatrick and Lisburn campuses on Monday and Tuesday of every week to support staff. Starting 21st October Phase Two Creative Services Interactive Content (SCORM) Video Audio Photography Media Centre Interim Page Launched 4th October

17 Phase one feedback Data correct 9/10/13

18 Staff responses “The Training was very informative and I wasn't made to feel inadequate. It was all very simple and I just need to practise what I have learnt. Thank you to both of you.” “Excellent way of training, probably one of the most effective and rewarding sessions, in groups I normally feel that the time is not used well!! I have been able to show my colleagues the useful things I have learnt. Good initiative from SERC. Thanks” “The support was great and so useful for me as it has improved my confidence using moodle” “Communication was clear, the trainer responded to all my queries. I feel more confident in using Moodle.” “I would use training again. It was clear and left me feeling confident about my Moodle abilities.”

19 Costings Main Costings in achieving project aim Savings
eAuthoring staff time Academic staff time for training/developing resources Savings Reduction of staff development days spent on moodle Essential Basic Moodle Training done by staff on lower pay scale Free up ILT Mentors to focus on pedagogic practice Resources developed by eAuthors freeing up academic staff.

20 impact Greater focus to be placed on embedding eLearning
Better quality resources Development of the eAuthoring team Ensure moodle utilisation is increased Added value to students online learning experience Academic staff will feel more confident using moodle Moodle will become better integrated in teaching and learning rather than a tool that staff have been told to use

21 future Completed eAuthoring services portal for staff Student eLearning portal offering: Quick links to courses Moodle help & advice Latest eLearning news/resources Media Centre updates Moodle Status Q & A Forum Report an issue/fault

22 ? questions

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