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Weather Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Jeopardy

2 Clouds Weather tools Water cycle Storms 500 400 300

3 Clouds 300 Which cloud shows poor weather? Cumulonimbus Cumulus Cirrus

4 Clouds 400 Cirrus clouds are. . . Thin Clouds in high atmospheres Thin clouds in low atmospheres Big, dark clouds that usually show bad weather

5 Clouds 500 What cloud shows fair weather and is made of ice crystals? Cirrus Clouds Cumulus clouds Cumulonimbus Clouds

6 Weather Tools 300 What Tool Measures Temperature? Thermometer Barometer Hygrometer

7 Weather tools 400 What does an anemometer measure? Wind speed Air pressure Temperature Wind direction

8 Weather tools 500 Do we measure the wind direction with Anemometers? Yes No

9 Water Cycle 300 What is condensation? When water gets cold and forms clouds When water gets hot and turns into water vapor

10 Water cycle 400 What will most likely form below 32 degrees Fahrenheit? ( select ONE of the correct answers ) Snow Rain Sleet Hail

11 Water Cycle 500 What is evaporation? When water gets cold and forms clouds When water gets hot and turns into water vapor

12 Storms 300 How fast does the wind have to be to form a tornado? 75 mph 76 mph 32 mph 755 mph

13 Storms 400 Why do you hear thunder before you see lighting Light travels faster then sound Sound travels faster than light

14 Storms 500 Tsunamis are tidal waves True False



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