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Three Animals And Information About Said Three Animals

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1 Three Animals And Information About Said Three Animals
Florida EcoSystems Three Animals And Information About Said Three Animals

2 Coastal EcoSystem: The Bottlenose Dolphin

3 Information About the BottleNose Dolphin
Ahh Yes, The Bottlenose Dolphin. Majestic Creatures of the Sea, am I right or am I right? Actually, did you know they are one of the most intelligent creatures of the sea? It’s name comes from its nose which is shaped like a bottle! (That’s pretty obvious :D) The Average Bottlenose Dolphin usually weighs from pounds! They live around 20 years normally, but some can live up to 48 years! This animal typically swims around the Gulf Of Mexico, but have also been spotted in backwater bays. They are also found in open waters so they have plenty of room to live :D

4 Abiotic Factors And How They Affect This Creature
3)Nitrogen: Soil needs Nitrogen, and Nitrogen is virtually everywhere. Soil=Coral Reefs=Fish=Food For Dolphins! 4) Soil: Coral is grown from soil that has nitrogen. Dolphins eat fish that live in coral reefs. Without fish to eat, dolphins would go hungry! 5) Heat And Light: Heat is a source a lot of organisms NEED (But not all). Dolphins are warm blooded, so it is not necessary they always have heat. However since dolphins eat fish (Some of those fish live around coral reefs as stated above) and some coral grows around sunlight, it only makes since to need light. Water Cycle/Water. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR A DOLPHIN AS THEY MUST HAVE WATER TO LIVE!!! The water cycle puts water into the ocean, which allows the dolphin to live. They do also need air to breathe and live, but their skin MUST stay hydrated! Air/Oxygen: This Mammal needs air to live! It can stay underwater for long periods of time, but from occasion to occasion it needs oxygen to continue its life. If there was no Oxygen given off by plants, the dolphin could not breathe, and no breathing=death, and death= D:

5 Biotic Factors And How They Affect This Creature
Populations: Many dolphins live together in groups, and often it is almost necessary for them to interact with one another! Species: The dolphin species is large, and have many different types of dolphins involved with the dolphin species. Habitats: The Habitat dolphins live in is the coastal ecosystem of Florida. Niches: The Role of a dolphin is controlling the fish populations. 5) Food Web And Food Chain: The Dolphin eats the Fish, And Often A Large Species OF Shark Could Possibly Eat Said Dolphin. 6) Limiting Factors: Did you know that very often dolphins get stuck in fisherman nets? They can also die, just like A sea turtle if they eat litter, such as plastic bags. If humans feed dolphins and they become dependent on human food, what will they eat if there are no humans around to feed them? These are just a few of the many limiting factors. Another factor could actually also be over fishing. This may not be a problem, or so you thought. Put on your thinking cap for a moment and hear me out. Dolphins eat fish. People eat fish. Overfishing for us to eat leaves the dolphin with NOTHING to eat! D=

6 UpLand Ecosystem: The White Tailed Deer:

7 Information About The White Tailed Deer
Oh The White Tailed Deer. As you saw from the previous slide they are very adorable! Well to be honest those were Fawn’s but hey, still cute, right? Okay never mind that this is a science project not a world’s cutest animal project… Size: They Actually Are only about 3 ½ ft tall, And Males Can Weigh Between lbs! Females typically weigh between lbs! So, kids, Don’t try to pick one up, ever! Plus it will run away from you so that’s not a good idea at all :D They normally live up to 10 years in the wilderness, but can often live up to 20 in captivity! They live in wooded areas, which should be pretty obvious. They are also Herbivores, so they eat things such as green plants, nuts, and twigs of woody plants!

8 Abiotic Factors and how they affect this creature
4) Soil: As stated in the Nitrogen section over there ←, Plants grow in soil, as well as trees. Without soil, deer wouldn't have plants to eat, or any tree’s to get oxygen from! 5) Heat & Light: Again, this mammal is warm blooded, so it does not NEED light. However again, the plants it eats and the trees it gets oxygen from need light from the sun to grow, so if there was no light, there would be nothing for the deer to breathe from, or to eat from! Water And Water Cycle: They are mammals, so they for sure need to drink water to survive. If the water in the world were to disappear, the deer would be one of the thousands, if not millions, of species to die and disappear. Air/Oxygen: Again, this creature is a mammal, so it needs oxygen to live. Because it lives most of the time in a wooded area, they are sure to get plenty of oxygen from the trees, as long as there is no deforestation. Nitrogen: Deer eat plants. Plants grow in soil. Soil has lots of nitrogen in it to help it grow.

9 Biotic Factors And How They Affect This Creature
Populations: There Are Two Types Of Deer Herds. The Females (Doe’s) and then the Buck’s (Male) live in small groups of 3-5 deer. Species: There are many types of deer, often living in the same ecosystem! The types can go from Albino Deer All The Way To the Deer this section is on! (White Tailed Deer) Habitats: The White Tailed Deers live in wooded areas. You may often even find them in your backyard! :D 4) Niches: A Deer's role is to Eat PLants so they do not become to abundant. They control the plant population of the plants they eat, essentially. 5) Food Web/Food Chain: The Sun Allows the twigs and leaves to grow. Earthworms Eat Those Twigs. Deer eat the leaves and twigs. Then the Wolves eat the deer. 6) Limiting Factors: Wolves eat deer, as well as man used to hunt deer. In certain places it's legal but in other places, it is often illegal to hunt deer.

10 The Freshwater Wetlands: The Racoon

11 Information About The Racoon
The Racoon Is A Medium Sized Animal With a “Black Mask” And Ringed Tail. Raccoons can live really anywhere, and are extremely adaptable to really any environment, however they must have easy access to water. They can even live near humans! Raccoons can live up to 16 years in the wild, but must survive their first two years. Racoons in captivity have been reported to live up to 21 years! What an age! The average adult raccoon can weigh between pounds, but some can get as heavy as 40 pounds! What a big guy that must be!

12 Abiotic Factors And How They Affect This Creature
Water/Water Cycle: Well, the racoon is a mammal, and mammals need water to survive! Plus the raccoons just generally need the water to drink and survive, so it only makes sense they need it! Plus they live in the wetlands so, you know, habitat reasons too, I guess! =D Air/Oxygen: Again, A Racoon is a mammal and needs to breathe air in order to live! Nitrogen: Nitrogen allows plants to grow healthy, and raccoons also eat berries (Which plants grow in dirt) along with many other things, so it needs nitrogen for some of its food. 4) Soil: As stated in Nitrogen, racoons eat berries which grow in dirt. Dirt is actually also soil, which may be pretty obvious :D 5) Heat And Light: Well, since raccoons are warm blooded, they do not directly need heat energy from the sun/light from the sun. However they do go ahead and get their heat energy from the sun in the form of plants they eat. They eat the berries from the bushes, which the bushes get their energy from the sun (Heat Energy)

13 Biotic Factors And How They Affect This Creature
Populations: Raccoons do not always live in groups, but there would not be any baby racoons if there were not enough racoons to mate. Species: There are many types of racoons, however as we have learned, two species of the same animal cannot produce fertile offspring. Habitats: Racoons live in lots of places in the wetland, even your backyard! They just need to have the necessities of their lives in order to adapt to a place. 4) Niches: They eat the plants mostly to help control the plant population (NO, they don't only exist to get into your trash, believe it or not) 5) Food Web/Chain: In the wetland, where these animals mostly live, they eat plants as well as fish and small mammals. The cougar then gets the energy from eating the racoon. 6) LImiting Factors: The saddest part as it is often humans that play the role of their biggest predators. Humans destroy their habitats, set traps and have even eaten raccoons! Their other predators include cougars.

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