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ACT STATE Testing.

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1 ACT STATE Testing

2 Testing must begin no later than 9:00 am* in all rooms
Test Dates Standard Time – Paper Initial Test Date – February 28, 2017 Makeup Test Date - March 21, 2017 Standard Time – Online February 28, 2017 – March 14, 2017 ACT- Approved Accommodations State Allowed Accommodations Testing must begin no later than 9:00 am* in all rooms There are only two days for Standard Administration of the ACT. The initial test date is March 1, The make-up test date is March 15, Students testing with accommodations will test within the window of March 1-15, *Testing must be the first activity of the morning and must begin no later than 9:00 am unless a waiver has been previously approved. *No students may be admitted after verbal instructions begin. *The accommodated test sessions do not have to begin by 9:00am as the first activity of the day.

3 NC Testing Code of Ethics
NC Testing Code of Ethics Guidelines apply Test Security Sanctions: Employee Letter Civil Action Criminal Prosecution Suspend or Revoke Professional License Dismissal

4 NC Testing Code of Ethics
Secure test questions must NOT be used at any time during instruction or in resource materials Room Supervisors CANNOT provide instruction related to the content being tested on test day Cannot disclose contents of test or discuss with colleagues or with students Cannot assist students in any way by indicating answers or rephrasing test questions

5 NC Testing Code of Ethics
Test Coordinator Must follow the guidelines set by ACT and NCDPI Report all irregularities to ACT and OTISS Train Test Administrators and Proctors Maintain security of test materials Administer the tests to all eligible students Room Supervisors (Test Administrators) Administer tests according to the directions in the Administration Manuals Report all testing irregularities to the Test Coordinator Provide a positive test-taking climate

6 Testing Environment Testing rooms should be large enough to accommodate all students No large scale administrations Students must be at least 3 feet apart All students facing the same direction in straight rows and columns where the room supervisor will be facing students Bulletin Boards related to potential test questions must be covered Online: Each room should have one reliable timepiece Testing Do Not Disturb signs Bells and PA system must be turned off Initial Test Date and Make-up Seating arrangements must minimize the possibility that a student will communicate with a neighbor or look at a neighbor’s test materials. All students must face the same direction regardless of the number of students. There must be at least three feet of space between students (side-to-side measured shoulder-to-shoulder, and front-to-back measured head-to head). Desks should be arranged in straight rows and columns, directly in line with each other. If there is a clock in the room students should be seated facing the clock. Room supervisors should have an unobstructed view of all students. Study Carrels are not allowed Round Tables: Only one student per round table Tables less than 6 ft – only one student per table Tables 6 to 9 feet: only two students per table. Students must be at least 3 feet apart Left-hand students- use standard left-handed desks or writing surfaces large enough for left-handed students to work comfortably. Wall displays related to potential test questions (English, Math, Reading, Science or Writing) must be covered. Geographical maps and periodic tables do not need to be covered Phone must be made available Standard Time Paper p. 5-6; Online p. 5-7

7 Seating Arrangements - Online
If no study carrels are used: Students must face the same direction and must be spaced three feet apart Cannot face the wall or each other Rooms must be set up so that students cannot see the screens of the computers in front of them If study carrels are used: Students do not need to face the same direction May face the wall or each other If U-shaped configuration used: Students must face the wall and not each other Online p. 6-7

8 Testing Staff Must be current or retired faculty members, school administrative or clerical employees, substitute teachers, student teachers, or teacher assistants with a direct relationship with the school Coaches May not serve as the room supervisor for one-on-one testing of a student athlete May serve as a room supervisor if there is more than one student in the room May not have access to secure test materials before or after testing Relatives Testing May not serve as the Test Coordinator, Backup TC or have access to secure test materials if any relative or ward will be testing with standard time at any school in your state during initial or makeup administration Relatives and wards include children, stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, in-laws, spouses, and persons under guardianship Room Supervisors and proctors may not serve in a room where a relative is testing High school students, volunteers, or anyone intending to take the ACT in the next 12 months may not serve as members of the testing staff If you have a relative testing anywhere in NC during the state ACT administration, you cannot serve as the Test Coordinator, Backup Test Coordinator. Room supervisors may not serve in the same room as relative is testing.  “Relatives and wards include children, stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, siblings, in-laws, spouses, and persons under your guardianship.” If a Test Supervisor and/or Backup Test Supervisor have a relative or ward that will be testing at any school in our state, that individual must delegate all supervisory responsibilities- including the receipt and return of test materials to a qualified colleague. Complete a profile change form if necessary Room Supervisors and/or proctors with a relative testing may not have access to the student’s answer folder. Coach restriction applies to all coaches whether a head or assistant coach and applies to all sports whether they are in season or not. An athletic coach may serve as the room supervisor if there is more than one student in the room Standard Time Paper p. 7-9; Online p. 8-12

9 Staff Responsibilities - Online
Test Coordinator Create user accounts in PearsonAccessnext Create test sessions and assign students in PearsonAccessnext Print and distribute student authorization tickets to room supervisors Technical Coordinator Helps the test coordinator and other staff set up for test day Troubleshoot technical issues on test day Online p. 9

10 Room Supervisor Responsibilities
Read the Administration Manual Serve in one room during entire session Attend training and briefing session at school Check ID or personally recognize and admit each student into room Direct students to specific, assigned seats Account for test materials before, during and after testing Time each test accurately Read verbal instructions verbatim Monitor students and materials at all times Report all irregularities to the Test Coordinator Complete all required documentation Required documentation includes seating diagram, test booklet count form, testing day roster, testing time verification form TC Information p. 11; Online p. 10

11 Staff Responsibilities - Online
Room Supervisors Distribute student authorization tickets before testing and collect at the end of the test session Help examinees log in to TestNav Help examinees enter seal codes to start individual tests Use PAnext to manage test sessions Online p. 10

12 Proctor Responsibilities
Required in testing rooms with 26 or more students Read Supervisor’s Manual Attend training and briefing session at school Help to admit and direct students to seats Help distribute test materials Verify the timing of the test Monitor students Report any irregularities to the room supervisor A proctor may be used to assist a room supervisor or the Test Supervisor if fewer than 25 students are testing. TC Information p. 9, 10; Online p. 10

13 Test Security Secure Test Materials Authorized Access
Includes ACT test tickets and answer documents with student information Must be counted at check out, before distribution at test location, after collection at test location, and at check-in Staff and students may not disclose any secure test questions or answer choices to anyone ACT test questions are copyrighted and may not be used for any other purpose Authorized Access Restricted to the Test Supervisor and Back-up Test Supervisor Transfer of Test Materials Prohibited without prior authorization from ACT Once the barcode label is applied, the answer sheets are considered Secure Test Materials. TC Information p ; Online p. 13

14 Test Materials - Online
ACT will ship: ACT Test Administration Manual State and District Online Testing Calculator Policy Pretest Instructions for Online Testing Taking the ACT State and District Testing Test administration forms Blue Scratch paper Return envelopes and polymailers Materials which should be kept secure: Student Authorization Tickets Used Scratch Paper Online p. 13

15 Non-Test Portions Must be completed BEFORE testing for all students
Schedule Makeup Sessions Standard testing requirements do not apply Proctor not required Does not have to begin by 9:00 am Students must complete the identifying information and mailing address on the front and back pages of the answer sheet even if barcode is present Blocks A, B, and D on the front page of answer document Blocks N, O, P and R on the back page of answer document Use Taking the ACT Booklet NEW! Must use the Administration Supplement – Paper Testing or Administration Supplement – Online (Coming Soon!!!) If students do not complete this information, they will not receive their score reports. Information on pages 2 and 3 must not be completed by students ACT practice Test At a minimum Blocks A, B, N, O, P and R must be completed block K- School code.  Leave blank unless student is from another school.  Must be completed by school staff. Students testing with accommodations can complete session with their peers

16 Administration Supplement Non-Test Portion
Replaces pages of the Standard paper Manual

17 Test Day Activities Briefing Session @ 6:45 in TV Studio Materials
Held for all testing personnel the morning of testing Include information on how to handle breaks Cell phones and calculator information How to handle students that cannot be identified Any school specific information How to handle students that are dismissed Materials Ensure that everyone has a copy of the Administrator’s Guide Test materials must be personally handed to the Room Supervisor by the Test Supervisor or Backup Check out materials using the Test Room Report Form Test booklets must be personally handed to room supervisor by the TS and Backup All materials must be counted for by the Test Supervisor at all times. In addition to the Test Booklet Count Form that the Room Supervisor will use to track materials, the Test Supervisor will also want to use a Materials Distribution Form to track materials while they are checked out for testing. Standard Paper p ; Online p. 33

18 Test Day Activities - Online
Material Check out and Briefing 6:45 am in TV Studio Test Coordinator starts test sessions in Pearson before Room Supervisors unlock their sessions Room Supervisors launch PAnext at on administrative computer [you will receive an from Pearson to set up your account and you must keep track of your username and password] Launch TestNav on Chromebooks Online p. 33

19 Admitting Students Students must be admitted one-by-one
Room Supervisor and proctor should direct students to their seat (Do not allow students to choose their own seat) Identification and Marking the Roster P = Current Official Photo ID Issued by a school or city/state/federal government agency Includes student’s first and last names F = School Identification Letter with Photo Completed individually and signed in ink by school official School stamp or signature must overlap a portion of the photo Signed by the student again on test day Includes student’s demographic information R (plus initials) = Staff Recognition May be personally recognized by a school faculty member (who may not be a relative) -- = Absent Students Admit students by checking them in, one-by-one, at the door of the test room. School ID must be in hard plastic card format only. Not paper or electronic format. Students that do not have acceptable identification or cannot be recognized by a staff member may not be admitted. Remind students to bring their identification on test day. New this year: School yearbook is not an acceptable form of identification. Put procedures in place now so that staff members that are not familiar with students that they are testing are able to recognize students on test day. Page 268contains examples of Unacceptable Identification Standard Paper p ; Online p

20 Prohibited Items Calculators prohibited except during math portion
Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries Scratch paper, reading materials, notes or any unapproved testing aids Highlighters, correction fluid or tape Food or beverage (including water) For students, room supervisors, and proctors Cell phones or other electronic devices are prohibited for both students and staff. Even though you will have a PC pulled up for PAnext you cannot work on or use the computer for any other activities. All Room Supervisors should have a copy of the restricted calculator list Standard Paper p. 29; Online p. 40

21 Distribution of Test Materials to Students
Scratch Paper and Authorization Tickets are to be distributed to students when directed in the Script Test Administrator must launch each test section from PAnext account and gives students the “seal code” when directed in the Admin Script. Figure 4 – page 29 Standard Paper p ;

22 Timing of the Test ACT Plus Writing Test 1 45 minutes Test 2 (Math)
Break 15 minutes Test 3 35 minutes Test 4 5 minutes Writing Test 40 minutes Approximate Total Time 4 hours English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing Standard Paper p ; Online p. 19

23 Timing the Test Responsibility of each room supervisor
Proctor may assist with timing Full time must be allotted for each test even in the event that all students are finished before time is called Each room must use two timepieces – NO CELL PHONES! Wall clock or watch Stopwatch or interval timer Timing charts are available within the verbal instructions for each test Start and Stop times must be recorded on the Timing Report Verbal Announcement of time remaining must be made five minutes before the end of each test Times may be posted on the board Verify time before posting Do not use a cell phone as one of your timepieces. Do not write time remaining on the board Do not use a SmartBoard countdown timer. Five minute remaining announcement must be made Standard Paper p

24 Calculators Current restricted list will be included with materials shipped from ACT (Calculator Policy) and in Taking the ACT May ONLY be used on the Mathematics section (Test 2) Use of a calculator is optional May not be shared between students Should not be cleared by staff before or during test May be cleared after the test only if you suspect the calculator was used to store test items Calculator policy Each Room Supervisor must have a copy of the Calculator Policy provided by ACT Standard Paper p. 32; Online p. 41

25 Prohibited Behavior Room Supervisors must monitor test sessions for prohibited behaviors Prohibited Behaviors must be documented on the Irregularity Report May cause dismissal and a voided answer document Examples Working in the wrong section- symbols at the top of the test book Giving or receiving assistance Marking answers after time is called Removing test materials Using notes or aids Cell phone or electronic device Manual pg. 30 Standard Paper p. 33; Online p

26 Student Emergencies and Breaks
Break after Test 2 Must not include lunch Testing must begin no later than 15 minutes after the stop time of Test 2 [read the box to end the break after 10 minutes] Break after Test 4 (Before Writing) – 5 minutes Students must remain in the room Do NOT distribute the writing test books during the break Students that leave the test session during a timed test may not be given the opportunity to make up any lost time Only one student dismissed at a time [call the office for an escort] Collect test materials and recheck identification if necessary Does not need to be documented on the Irregularity Report Begin timing the break immediately after Stop is called on Test 2. The 15-minute break is the entire time between the end of Test 2 and the start of Test 3, not just the time examinees are not in the room. If the break is longer than 15 minutes, report and explain on the Irregularity Report. If two or more students are permitted to leave at the same time, they must be accompanied by a proctor. Standard Paper p. 34; Online p. 52

27 Contact Ms. Grigg immediately for all irregularities
Group Irregularities Contact Ms. Grigg immediately for all irregularities *6110, 6104 or 0 on white phone Interrupting a Test Students place their answer sheet inside the test book Test books are collected When testing is resumed, room supervisor should begin timing where they left off If elapsed time is significant add two minutes to the remaining time for that test so that students can regain their concentration Standard Paper p. 36

28 Group Irregularities Disturbances and Distractions
Secure test materials Move students to a quieter location if possible Emergency Evacuation Secure test materials, if time permits Missing or Stolen Test Materials Mistiming- always contact Ms. Grigg If MORE time is allowed-whole class misadministration If LESS time is given – allow students to make up the shortage before dismissal Document on irregularity report (from admin manual) Power Failure Collect student authorization tickets and scratch paper More time given: Contact ACT immediately Less time given: allow students to make up the shortage before dismissal. If a shortage on a previous test is discovered after students have begun work on the next test, do not interrupt their work. Wait until that test has been completed, then make up the additional time on the previous tests. Document the problem and its resolution on the Irregularity Report. If Mistiming is discovered after students have been dismissed contact ACT immediately for next steps. Standard Paper p ; Online p. 47

29 Individual Irregularities
Students Who Leave Early Secure Test Materials Decide if the student will be scheduled for the makeup administration Student Challenges Test Item Inform student to answer question to the best of their ability Document on the Irregularity Report (from admin manual) including the student’s name, address, test book number, test form, item number being challenged, and student’s question about the item Defective Test Materials Test Book- Replace defective test book with the same test form or answer document as quickly as possible so the student does not lose time. If necessary, stop testing until a replacement can be obtained. Write “DEFECTIVE MATERIAL” on the cover and attached it to the irregularity report. Answer Document- The student must transfer, under close supervision, all information exactly as originally noted to a new one after the test session and without access to the test booklet. Standard Paper p ; Online p

30 Individual Irregularities
Duplicating Test Materials If scanning, copying, or recording portions of the test are observed, the device should be confiscated and cleared and the student should be dismissed and the answer document voided. Students Who Become Ill Secure test materials If student returns, lost time cannot be made up If student cannot return, decide whether to have answer document scored or scheduled for makeup testing Duplicating- Testing staff and students may not duplicate or record any part of the ACT tests by copying, taking notes, photographing, scanning or using any other means. If any scanning or recording of materials is observed, then the student must be dismissed. Any devices confiscated and cleared, and the answer document marked VOID. Unauthorized Marking of Responses in Test Booklet – Unless student has been approved by the school to mark responses in the test booklet, only responses properly marked on the answer document during the allotted time for a particular test will be scored. If a student w/o MIB is observed marking answers in test books: if time remains on the current test, the student may transfer their responses for the current test from the test booklet to the answer document. If the time has been called, no answers may be transferred. Document the situation on the irregularity report by do not void the answer document. Marking Responses in a Future Section of Answer Document – Give the student a new, blank answer document. Student may transfer answers to the new answer document after testing under close supervision and without test book. Mark the first answer document “REPLACED”, document it on the irregularity report and attach the replaced answer document to the report. Marking Responses in a Previous Section or Working on the Wrong Test- are prohibited behaviors and student must be dismissed. Standard Paper p

31 Individual Irregularities
Prohibited Behavior Cheating, electronic devices, unauthorized testing aids Room supervisor may dismiss a student if prohibited behavior is observed or if they are certain that it has occurred Student must be informed that the answer document will not be scored Write “VOID” on page 1 of the answer document Report on the Irregularity form and attach answer document Student Becomes Ill- Collect the test book and answer document from a student who becomes ill and needs to leave the test room. If the student returns, he/ she may continue testing but will not be allowed to make up any lost time. Document on irregularity report. If the student cannot finish testing, a decision as to whether the answer document should be scored or the student scheduled for makeup testing must be made by the test supervisor. Indicate that decision on the irregularity report. Prohibited Behavior- Room supervisor can dismiss a student based on their observation. You do not need to observe the prohibited behavior if you are certain it occurred. You must, however, inform the student the answer document will not be scored. Standard Paper p ; Online p. 48

32 Test Day Activities- Online
Students Observed showing a prohibited behavior Inform student that they were observed the prohibited behavior and they will be dismissed and their tests will not be scored Direct student to log out of TestNav Collect the student authorization ticket and scratch paper Collect the device if you believe it was used to store or share secure test information Do not return to student without approval from ACT Call Ms. Grigg Dismiss student Submit an irregularity report (from admin manual) Online p. 46

33 Test Day Activities- Online
Irregularities documented in PAnext Emergency Evacuation Direct students to log out of TestNav Lock the test session in PAnext Make note of time Collect authorization tickets and scratch paper Lock the test room Students who leave and do not return Log student out of TestNav Submit an irregularity report Ms. Grigg will determine if student will be scheduled for a makeup test Online p

34 Test Day Activities - Online
Students who log out of TestNav Status in PAnext is “EXITED” Irregularity report required unless student logs out for authorized stop-the-clock breaks or testing over multiple days Students who leave the test session Collect students authorization ticket and scratch paper If student returns during the same test: Make note of the time and allow student to continue testing Return student authorization ticket and scratch paper If student returns during next test: Start time when you announce the seal code for the next section Provide seal code to student and allow the student to continue testing Return authorization ticket and scratch paper Ensure student submits test at the correct stop time Online p

35 Individual Irregularities
Document on ACT Irregularity Report and report to Ms. Grigg (6110, 6104, 0) Students Dismissed for prohibited behavior should not be scheduled for makeup testing Duplicating Test Materials Unauthorized Marking of Responses in Test Book Marking Responses in a Future/Previous Section of Answer Document Working on Wrong Test Disruptive Student Voiding Answer Documents Must be documented and attached to the Irregularity Report. Answer sheets may be voided only for the following reasons: The student was dismissed for prohibited behavior and was told the answer document will not be scored A student started but did not finish testing on the initial test date and has transferred all non-test responses to a new answer document in preparation for makeup testing

36 Before Testing Begins Required Documents Admit students
State Testing Roster Test Room Report Seating Diagram Timing Report Irregularity Report (p. 71) Admit students Distribute Calculators Document attendance on roster Testing begins by 9:00 am Launch test in PAnext to access seal codes Standard Paper p. 42, 71; Online p. 63

37 Test Day Activities - Online
Room Supervisors retrieve seal codes from PAnext when instructed to do so in the verbal instructions (log in and launch before students arrive) Room supervisors provide the seal code verbally for each test to students Provide only the seal code for the test that is about to begin (not all at once) DO NOT write seal codes on the board Online p. 52

38 Test Administration - Online
Test 1- English Verify that all students were able to start the test Complete the Seating Diagram Monitor student’s progress on the administrative computer Check for prohibited behavior and technical issues Test 2 – Math Check for prohibited calculators Break Ensure that students do take any authorization tickets or scratch paper out of the room Ensure students did not log out of TestNav; Resume students if needed Test 3 – Reading Tests 3 and 4 are often mistimed. Pay close attention to the timing of these tests. Online p

39 Test Administration - Online
Writing Verify that all students were able to start the test Monitor student’s progress on the administrative computer Check for prohibited behavior and technical issues Test 4 – Science Online p

40 After Testing - Online When all students are logged out of TestNav:
Collect Student Authorization tickets and scratch paper individually from each student; Keep each student’s tickets and scratch paper together; Do not make separate stacks Ensure you have all tickets and scratch paper before students are dismissed (do not dismiss students until announcements are made for lunch, proctor stays with class while test admin returns materials) Online p

41 After Testing Account for all Test Materials
Room Supervisors must Complete: Roster Test Room Report Seating Diagram Timing Report Irregularity Report (if applicable) Supervisor’s Manual cover and test times These materials must be kept by you for at least 6 months after the makeup test date. Roster- make sure all students who were scheduled to test are accounted for; whether they tested or not, in order to decide which students to schedule for makeup testing Test Booklet Count Form- Make sure all materials are accounted for and that all items on the form are completed Seating Diagram- Make sure all items in the top half of the form are completed and that the serial numbers of the student’s test booklets are recorded in the squares Test Time Verification Form – make sure the times recorded are the actual Start, 5 minutes remaining, and Stop times for each test – Contact ACT if there is a discrepancy Irregularity Report – make sure it is signed by the room and test supervisor and that any voided or replaced answer documents are attached to the report Supervisor’s Manual – Make sure the information block on the front cover is complete ACT has scheduled a pick-up on March 5, If your materials are not picked up by 5pm on the scheduled pickup date, you MUST call ACT immediately so that arrangements for pickup can be made. Failure to notify ACT of a missed pickup can result in delayed scores or non-scoring of your students’ answer documents. Standard Paper p. 58; Online p. 137

42 ACT-Approved Accommodations College Reportable

43 Standard Testing Policies
Follow same procedures as ACT Standard State Testing NC Testing Code of Ethics Non-Test Portion Test Security Training Staff Eligible Students Admitting Students Testing Environment Calculators Room Supervisor Responsibilities Prohibited Behavior Proctor Responsibilities Irregularities Coaches – may not serve as TAC or supervise one-on-one testing for a student athlete. This restriction applies to all coaches whether a head or assistant coach and applies to all sports whether they are in season or not. An athletic coach may serve as room supervisor if there is more than one student in the room.

44 Requirement to Test One-on-One
Students testing with a Reader Students approved for Stop-the-Clock Breaks Students using a Sign Language Interpreter Students using a Transcriber (Writing Test Only)

45 State Special Testing Timing Code Special Testing 2 3 5 6 7 8
Student assigned timing code in approved accommodations materials Timing Code Special Testing 2 Double Time Over Multiple Days 3 Triple Time Over Multiple Days 5 Standard Time Over Multiple Days or Single Session with Authorized Stop-the-Clock Breaks 6 Time-and-a-Half (Single Session, Self-Paced) 7 Time-and-a-Half Over Multiple Days 8 Standard Time for Multiple-Choice Tests Plus Double Time for Writing Test, Single Session The Supervisor’s Manual includes a separate script for each timing code. The script is written for each subject test being administered on a different day and may need to be adjusted depending on the school’s schedule. pg. 31

46 Timing the Test Each Room Supervisor is responsible for timing each test Document the time each student completes each test and calculate the minutes actually used by each student on the Administration Report If all students in the room complete a test before time is called, you may begin the next test or dismiss students Students must all work on the same test at the same time (except Timing Code 6) May allow students a break between tests If all students in the room complete a test before time is called, you may begin the next test or dismiss them pg. 25

47 Multiple Day Testing Each test must be completed in a single session
Student may not return to a previous section Testing days do not have to be consecutive Test must be completed in correct sequence within the testing window Students who becomes ill May return and complete remaining tests only May not return to the test(s) that were previously administered

48 Next Steps Access your PAnext account and have username & password ready to test by Fri. 2/10 Set up testing rooms (all materials covered/removed) Make sure Chromebooks are charged and have “Test Nav” app Check for s from Ms. Grigg for schedule and additional information regarding “pre-bubbling” and testing updates

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