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Rebuilding New Orleans

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1 Rebuilding New Orleans
Bring New Orleans Back Plan, Lambert Plan, & Unified New Orleans Plan

2 Frustratingly Slow With billions allocated to rebuilding the gulf coast, Louisiana Recovery Act was set up to oversee allocation of Federal Funding Different schools of thought presented different plans: Top-down vs. Bottom-up methods. Slow return: no representation of city to vote and establish a plan

3 Bring New Orleans Back (BNOB) Plan
Establish a central organization to oversee redevelopment efforts Immediately invest in the least damaged areas of the city’s commercial, industrial, and historical core Reimburse homeowners property to full pre-Katrina value Launch housing reconstruction in “target areas” Planning would be done at the neighborhood level

4 The Lambert Plan Decision making power rests with neighborhood organizations and local residents Neighborhoods were responsible for creating and beginning plans for their local area Excluded local officials who would be held responsible for the implementation of the rebuilding effort

5 Unified Now Orleans Plan (UNOP)
Revise Pubic Education System Restore Physical and Social Infrastructure Rebuild Neighborhood-based health care networks Maintain housing availability for all incomes Promote New Urbanism concepts Provided incentives for flood-mitigating building Prioritize rebuilding based on repopulation and flood risk

6 UNOP Neighborhood’s develop plans and submit for approval to a centralized organization withdrawn from the political realm

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