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Floodplains and Levées

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Presentation on theme: "Floodplains and Levées"— Presentation transcript:

1 Floodplains and Levées
By Stephanie and Priyanka

2 What’s a floodplain? Flat land adjacent to a stream or river
Bank full stage = maximum safe water level

3 Active floodplain – where it gets flooded most

4 Terrace Made of former floodplains
There can be more than one terrace in a floodplain

5 What do floodplains do? Supper rich ecosystems
Store rich nutrients in the soil This makes it valuable agricultural land Decreases a flood’s damageability

6 How are floodplains formed?
Lateral accretion: Erosion occurs on the outside Deposition occurs simultaneously Material continuously builds up

7 Vertical accretion Material deposited when the river floods Silt builds up the floodplain


9 Levées

10 Types of levees Mainline and tributary levées Ring levées
Setback levées Sublevees

11 Natural Levees in New Orleans


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