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Where in the World? New Orleans, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Where in the World? New Orleans, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where in the World? New Orleans, USA


3 Key idea: Tropical storms have significant effects on people and the environment
Primary and secondary effects of tropical storms Immediate and long term responses to tropical storms Named example of a Tropical Storm: Hurricane Katrina, USA How monitoring, prediction, protection and planning can reduce the effects of tropical storms

4 Named example of a Tropical Storm: Hurricane Katrina, USA
Up to 4: Give some basic facts about Hurricane Katrina. 5/6: Describe the impacts of and responses to Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans. 7+: Describe and explain the impacts of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans. Evaluate the responses to the hurricane. Be able to give a wide range of specific factual information about the hurricane.

5 Named example of a Tropical Storm: Hurricane Katrina, USA

6 Welcome to New Orleans

7 Welcome to New Orleans


9 Complete your A3 worksheet


11 3rd mark reserved for clear explanation of continuous path
Describe the path of Hurricane Katrina in figure 1 (3) Use words like sea, land, coast, north, east, south, west, Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans, Louisiana, Mississippi, curve, straight. 3rd mark reserved for clear explanation of continuous path





16 Lake Pontchartrain Mississippi River New Orleans Chandeleur Islands


18 The Effects and Responses of Hurricane Katrina

19 Criminal gangs roamed the streets looting homes and business and committing other crimes.
Water supplies were polluted from sewage and chemicals. The US government provided over $16 billion dollars for the rebuilding of homes and provided funds to repair other essential infrastructure. More than 1800 people were killed. The total cost of the damage was estimated at $150 billion. 70-80% of New Orleans residents were evacuated before the hurricane reached land. The US Army recommended that buildings are rebuilt on stilts or not rebuilt at all in very low-lying areas. 230,000 jobs were lost from damaged businesses.

20 300,000 houses were destroyed. Large areas were flooded, including 80% of New Orleans. 3 million people were left without electricity. Mississippi and Louisiana declared states of emergency – they set up control centres, emergency shelters and stockpiled supplies. About 1 million people were made homeless. The Frank Davis Memorial Bridge on the I-10 road collapsed into Lake Pontchartrain. The coastguard, police, fire service and army rescued over 50,000 people. Repaired and improved flood defences for New Orleans were completed in 2013 at a cost of $14.5 billion. Coastal habitats were damaged and 85% of the marshland area in the Chandeleur Islands was destroyed. Charities collected donations and provided aid - The Salvation army served 5.7 million hot meals.

21 How does it make you feel?
What do you see? How does it make you feel?

22 Search & Rescue noted information on every property in the weeks after the hurricane

23 Attempted evacuation of prisoners


25 What does this mean?

26 Watch Hurricane Katrina Day by Day

27 Named example of a Tropical Storm: Hurricane Katrina, USA


29 Used a named example to describe the immediate responses to a tropical storm (4)
L1 1-2 marks: Generic responses to a tropical storm described. L2 3-4 marks: Named example with specific IR described.

30 Used a named example to describe the immediate and long-term responses to a tropical storm (6)
L1 1-4 marks: Generic responses to a tropical storm described. Towards the top end (3/4) has both IR and LTR. L2 5-6 marks: Named example with specific IR and LTR described.

31 Used a named example to account for the immediate and long-term responses to a tropical storm (8)
L1 1-4 marks: Generic responses to a tropical storm described. Towards the top end (3/4) has both IR and LTR. L2 5-6 marks: Named example with specific IR and LTR described. L3 7-8 marks: Names example with well organised IR and LTR. Accounts for response – explains purpose and assesses effectiveness of responses.

32 This cartoon was in newspapers one week after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans. Explain it’s message.

33 Plenary – what’s in the picture?
1 2 3 4

34 Key idea: Tropical storms have significant effects on people and the environment
Primary and secondary effects of tropical storms Immediate and long term responses to tropical storms Named example of a Tropical Storm: Hurricane Katrina, USA How monitoring, prediction, protection and planning can reduce the effects of tropical storms

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