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IVET mobility and IVET Mobility Scoreboard from countries’ standpoint

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1 IVET mobility and IVET Mobility Scoreboard from countries’ standpoint
Opening Platform for Mobility Scoreboard in VET 3rd June 2016 Cedefop, Thessaloniki Mika Saarinen, Head of Unit, CIMO, Finland

2 IVET mobility in the national context – case Finland

3 Internationalisation in VET
Strategic goal since , usually in government programmes One of five major areas of development in VET in last ministerial development plan International skills also in national qualification requirements Not only Europe, also global aspect and export of VET high on the agenda today Internationalisation of VET interlinked with institutions own strategic goals and the needs of the labour market Student mobility increased ca 50% between 2006 and 2011 – on-the-job learning abroad for better skills and careers Teachers developing language, vocational and intercultural skills abroad. Also networks and development projects. -> skill needs of the labour market and individuals -> development, quality and attractiveness of VET

4 Development of mobility in vocational education and training 2006-2014
More information and detailed statistics



7 Mobility as a part of strategic internationalisation
Faktaa – Facts and Figures 1B/2016: International dimension in the strategies and daily life of vocational schools – A survey of vocational education and training institutions in Finland publications/faktaa_1b_2016 Required also by Erasmus+ -> European Development Plan -> VET Mobility Charter -> In many national settings


9 How internationalisation can evolve at institutional level:
Strategy process -> co-creation and involvement Curricula/qualification and pedagogics -> key access point to larger impact and deeper implementation, also works as a reminder for each and every teacher and trainer Cooperation with world of work -> internationalisation still too often lacks direct input from world of work (the main driver) Role of management -> management must both lead the strategy process and involve teachers and staff at large, the international team should also have a representative from management Practical implementation-> involving the whole staff

10 Key issues in Finland for the coming years
Quantity – still growing both numbers and average duration of mobilities Average duration in Finland now 6-8 weeks, which is nationally considered longterm, goal could be weeks. Quality of mobility – maintaining high standards, while growing the numbers Full recognition also of informal and non-formal learning outcomes, not only vocational Hidden Competences Equality of internationalisation – key skills for all through e.g. international pathways in the qualifications, digital means, internationalisation at home Keep on broadening the scope – continuing the good work of global mobility, also to developing countries and through export of VET

11 The VET Mobility Scoreboard

12 Strengths and opportunities
Puts VET mobility on the political agenda in a fresh way Analytical input to VET mobility discussion Highlights the need to also put political speeches into action Allows for creating synergies in targeting future actions in countries and also through Erasmus+ Pushes for terminology and concepts to become better defined and more unified over time Very accessible and clear online tool

13 Some food for thought… ”Less is more” – the material is very vast now, is it all really needed? The broader setting of mobility – internationalisation of VET? How comparable is the data - will it comparability increase over time? Link to the actual outcomes is not a part of the scoreboard (the mobility statistics, user experiences, learning outcomes, industry needs) – is this a problem or not?

14 Twitter @MikaESaarinen

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