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DEI Community of Practice: Ticket / Workforce EN

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Presentation on theme: "DEI Community of Practice: Ticket / Workforce EN"— Presentation transcript:

1 DEI Community of Practice: Ticket / Workforce EN
Miranda or Laura

2 Moderators Facilitator: Miranda Kennedy
Title: Director of Training for the DEI and TA Liaison, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Presenter: Kevin Nickerson Title: Subject Matter Expert on Ticket/Workforce EN, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Miranda or Laura

3 A Quick Review DEI Community of Practice: Ticket / Workforce EN
Miranda or Laura

4 DEI Workforce EN Community of Practice
The DEI’s Workforce Employment Network (CoP) supports DEI project staff who are operating Workforce ENs through the dynamic exchange of ideas, providing access to seasoned DRCs and other DEI project staff from across the country that have achieved success operating Workforce ENs. The DEI Ticket Ambassadors will be sharing insights and best practices. Our Ticket Ambassadors will serve as speakers on upcoming CoP web- meetings, kicking off each discussion with a short presentation on an aspect of Workforce EN operations and practices that has led to meaningful and sustainable employment outcomes for ticket holders accessing their Workforce EN. Utilizing the experiences of this group, our goal is to support and increase open dialogue and exchange of ideas around issues that Workforce ENs face and strategies to improve Workforce EN services. Miranda or Laura #

5 Who are the DEI Ticket Ambassadors?
We have 10 individuals in this role across the country available to support you/their peers. Ambassadors include Disability Resource Coordinators and other related DEI project staff at the state or local level, including state-level EN Administrators. The DEI Ticket Ambassadors have been operating Workforce Employment Networks (ENs) across the country and have proven experience in assisting SSA beneficiaries in achieving successful employment outcomes as well as tackling the complex tasks of EN administration. Miranda or Laura #

6 How can the DEI Ticket Ambassadors Help Me?
DEI Ticket Ambassadors will be participating on monthly CoP web-meetings to provide topical overviews, as well as to address questions from their DEI peers/YOU! You may also contact a DEI Ticket Ambassador by accessing a listing which will be posted on the Workforce GPS site and provided on Workforce EN CoP calls. This listing identifies the topic expertise and demographics of each of our DEI Ticket Ambassadors Miranda or Laura Additionally - How do I Join the DEI Community of Practice The DEI Workforce EN CoP web-meetings will be held monthly. Watch the DEI training calendar and join us to get your questions answered and offer insights of your own. If you have questions about this CoP, please contact Kevin Nickerson, the DEI Ticket Coordinator for more information at: or Miranda Kennedy, Director of Training at: or your TA Liaison. #

7 How to Inspire Ticket Holders
Miranda or Laura hands it over to Kevin to introduce Kathy

8 DEI Ticket Ambassador Presenter
Headshot DRC: Kathy De Angelo Title: DEI Ticket Ambassador Organization: CDO Workforce NY State Kathy

9 How to Inspire Ticket Holders
The Issue How to Inspire Ticket Holders Redirecting the conversation from “How much can I make and still keep my check.” Discovering Ticket Holders “Dreams” Discussing money/acknowledging job seekers with disabilities poverty and fears. Making a REAL plan for self-sufficiency-- where dreams become reality. Kathy # 9

10 The Dream Poster Kathy I like how you spell this out, you are speaking to the loss of Social Capital that occurs when individuals lose the connection to the community at large, generally through employment. # 10

11 The Strategy Resist the urge to start explaining Ticket to Work in detail. Ask the individual why they are at your desk; use active listening to get beyond the “I need more money” reason. Be empathetic about their losses due to their accident or disease. Acknowledge how hard it was for the Ticket Holder to get their SSA benefits and how their family depends on those funds. Ask what the job seeker misses most about not working. This is about the time that I grab my Dreams Poster or ask the Ticket Holder what they wish they could do if they had more money. Responses will fall into one of the following categories: I want to buy a car, a house, pay down bills… I want to take my kids on vacation, buy them things, get off gov’t assistance… I miss adults to talk to, friends at work, doing my hobbies I feel like I’m wasting my brain, my talents, my life Kathy I like how you spell this out, you are speaking to the loss of Social Capital that occurs when individuals lose the connection to the community at large, generally through employment. # 11

12 A Breakdown of How it Works
Develop a unique Individual Work Plan with the goal in mind. Write an outline of the steps that need to be taken; revisit and update it along the way (use tentative dates and remind the Ticket Holder of their progress) Discuss the household budget and strategize how to save money for the goal. Consider utilizing the Customer Goal and Financial Situation Assessment Tool to get started. (Savings Plan, PASS Plan, EITC, Be ready to help the Ticket Holder transition off benefits and SSA checks, to interpret notices, and to teach them to report properly. Kathy – You could speak to the CFPB modified tool we worked on in NY, for use with DEI if you are using this tool. You were part of the team I pulled together to work on that tool, just a thought. #

13 Case Study The Journey began as follows: Janet walked into center on her 50th birthday and picked up my flyer. She had been out of work and on SSDI for 6+ years and her only child had just started college. She was in financial stress due to loss of SSDI Dependent check of $350. Her stated goal was to get a job for $100 per week to replace the lost income and to be able to retain her SSDI. Her long-term goal was to open her own Photography Business. Initial Steps: Started job search activities—resume writing, online job searches, etc. Failed to find p/t photography jobs, identified need to update computer skills, and referred to free local computer training. Kathy

14 Case Study Initial Steps (cont.):
Obtained BPQY and provided benefits advisement highlighted her TWP without risk of losing her SSDI check. Wrote IWP to expand job search into other areas and to explore grants and local assistance to establish her Photography business. Budgeting Steps: Janet took a full-time position as an overnight Transporter at Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, NY and started her home Photography studio. We created the following budget using wages to pay current household bills: 1st quarter TWP: ½ SSDI to back bills and ½ to invest in business 2nd quarter: ½ SSDI to business, ½ to savings 3rd quarter: 1/3 to business, 2/3 to savings Grace period: entire check to savings Kathy

15 Case Study Outcomes Janet was able to buy a new car by the end of the first year of work She set up a studio in her own home and was earning some money. She received a promotion at work, and was able to afford online photography courses to increase her skills. Last spring, Janet and her husband bought their 1st home under the First Time Homeowner’s Program. Janet has just finished writing a children’s book called “Feather’s” filled with all of her own photos. She is hoping to be published soon! Kathy

16 Individual Outcomes The Job Seeker with a disability is now back into workforce, being productive, using their talents and inspiring others. No surprises = Job retention and a more fiscally-sound worker. Transition from relying on monthly benefits and services leads to self confidence and independence. Working and paying taxes increases future SSA Retire benefit rate to prevent living in poverty as a senior citizen. Dreams move from Hope to Reality. Kathy # 16

17 System/Workforce/WIOA Outcomes
Individual with a disability is now paying taxes and contributing to the cost of their Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Employers are getting talented, hard-working individuals who are grateful for the opportunity to reenter the workforce; businesses are often entitled to tax incentives as well. Job Retention = Outcome Payments for Employment Networks. Milestone & Outcome Payments = Job Security for DRCs and funds to help future beneficiaries. Positive WIOA Performance measures achieved as beneficiaries who return to workforce have been out of work for at least 1 year. Kathy # 17

18 CoP Discussion This CoP is dependent upon YOU. Please submit your comment or question on this topic or related Ticket/EN issues: A: To the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right, or… B: Click on the “raise hand” icon to have your line un-muted and ask your question/make your comment. Kevin # 18

19 Contact Information Miranda Kennedy Kevin Nickerson Please also reference the DEI Ticket Ambassador Contact Chart for contact information. Kevin

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