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Psychoanalytic therapy

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1 Psychoanalytic therapy
Psychopathology Psychoanalytic therapy

2 On the Couch! Developed by Freud in late 1800s

3 Aim of psychoanalysis To bring repressed desires and painful memories from childhood to the conscious mind.

4 Free association The client talks freely without holding anything back. Even if things seem irrelevant or inappropriate.

5 Dream analysis Dreams are the Royal Road to the Unconscious

6 Symbols Dreams are not usually literal.
The symbols in our dreams need interpreting.

7 Manifest content The details of the dream

8 Latent content The meaning of the dream

9 Transference Feelings directed at self are now directed at the therapist. Often this is anger and hostility.

10 The therapist’s role The therapist helps the client to interpret the transference. Points out the similarities between the patient-parent relationship and the patient-analyst relationship.

11 Appropriateness Does not suit everyone.
Some people don’t like to dig into their past. The nature of dependency on the therapist may not be helpful for some depressed individuals. Psychodynamic therapy is expensive and long-term. Some depressed people might not finish the course.

12 Effectiveness Eysenck (1952)
Some people more likely to recover spontaneously while waiting for therapy. Compared results of 24 studies. Found that behavioural therapies were more effective He concluded that psychotherapy DOES NOT WORK!

13 However Eysenck was possibly rather selective in his choice of data.
Bergin (1971) re- examined the same data and reached the opposite conclusion. Some spontaneous recovery does occur but Psychoanalysis was over twice as effective as no treatment at all.

14 Evaluation continued Grunbaum (1993) suggested that benefits of psychoanalysis are the result of unintended placebo effects. i.e. Just receiving attention rather than the nature of the treatment. The therapist has a powerful relationship with the client.

15 The therapist can never be wrong.

16 Freud He only presented 12 case studies of psychoanalysis for public scrutiny. None were fully evaluated in terms of outcomes and benefits.

17 Elkin et al (1989) Found a more modern form of psychoanalysis – Interpersonal Psychodynamic therapy - compared favourably to CBT and drug treatment.

18 Interpersonal psychotherapy
Harry Stack Sullivan Influenced by ideas in social psychology. Outpatient treatment in 1970s and 1980s for treating moderate or severe non- delusional clinical depression.

19 Combines with CBT Limits time to 12 – 16 weeks Uses homework
Structured interviews Focuses more on the present than the past.

20 Extended to adolescent and geriatric depression with good results
Extended to adolescent and geriatric depression with good results. But more evaluation of ITP needed.

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