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October 3 PD Day- Senior High

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Presentation on theme: "October 3 PD Day- Senior High"— Presentation transcript:

1 October 3 PD Day- Senior High
Note to facilitators: for specific time frames for each portion of this presentation, please see facilitator cheat sheet.

2 To ponder during this session are:
Existing Resources on Social Sciences’ Website History Labs 2.0 Digital Fluency and Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning Building Background Knowledge/Checking for Understanding Best Practices Vocabulary Building Best Practices Mini Assessments and Data Inform participants of the Big Ideas of this session.

3 SHS Social Science Resources Digging Deep into Social Science Website
What to do? Go to the Social Sciences’ website. Fill out the scavenger hunt sheet. Pass out the scavenger hunt pages.

4 SHS Social Science Resources Digging Deep into Social Science Website
Scavenger Hunt

5 Next you will go over the general format of a history lab

6 History Lab Basics Deep Dig Into History Labs
Where are District History Labs located? “D” TWO (2) options! History Lab Basics Remind participants how to access History Labs (directly from website by clicking on icon or through pacing guides icon embedded throughout).

7 History Labs 2.0: Introducing Building Blocks
SS.912.A.3.2 Examine the social, political, and economic causes, course, and consequences of the Second Industrial Revolution that began in the late 19th century. Essential Question: Did America fulfill the dreams of immigrants in the late 1800s? History Labs 2.0: Introducing Building Blocks The NGSSS Benchmark that will be used today for all examples is SS.912.A.3.2- Examine the social, political, and economic causes, course, and consequences of the 2nd Industrial Revolution that began in the late 19th century. Explain to participants that in order to conduct the lab and have students digging deep into these concepts, background knowledge must be built. Introducing: History Lab Building Blocks. A teacher’s guide to knowledge that should be taught prior to conducting the lab. Go over this particular building block for this 11th grade US History EOC Assessed Benchmark. (screen shot is on the slide but you can also have them find the lab on the website).

8 History Lab SS.912.A.3.2 This District created History Lab includes a worksheet with opportunity to analyze four (4) sources (included) that leads to a “Thesis Statement” as a bare minimum. This slide shows the template- which is a STARTING POINT FOR ANALYSIS NOT THE FINAL PRODUCT.

9 History Lab 2.0 Source 1 for this lab: Ask participants what is important about this source.

10 History Lab 2.0 Source 2 for this lab: Ask participants what is important about this source.

11 History Lab 2.0 Source 3 for this lab: Ask participants what is important about this source.

12 History Lab 2.0 Source 4 for this lab: Ask participants what is important about this source.

13 Can you do what we are asking the students to do?
Work with a small group and analyze the sources of this lab and write an answer to the essential question? Essential Question: Did America fulfill the dreams of immigrants in the late 1800s? Be sure to include evidence and details from the sources!

14 Digital Fluency

15 “Digital fluency is the aptitude to effectively and ethically interpret information, discover meaning, design content, construct knowledge and communicate ideas in a digitally connected world.” ~Miami-Dade County Public Schools Office of Academics and Transformation Synergy 2016 This slide captures the District focus/mission of one of the four (4) principles of Synergy 2016. The following slides in this section support this principle through Social Studies instruction.

16 Digital Convergence: Where are you? Where is your department?
Explain to participants that we can measure digital fluency and success with digital convergence by using the SAMR Model. Have a participant (different ones each time) read each letter’s definition. Have a whole group debrief asking them where they are in the model and where their department members are in the model. Explain to participants that they will be give team time later to work on moving up the model. Also, explain to participants that at each major portion of Social Sciences’ Synergy presentation, participants will be asked to reflect on this model.

17 Another view of the SAMR model. Better graphic.

18 Creative Ways for Students to Report Out on Document Analysis
History Lab SS.912.A.2.1 Creative Ways for Students to Report Out on Document Analysis This District created History Lab includes a worksheet with opportunity to analyze four (4) sources (included) that leads to a “Thesis Statement” as a bare minimum. The purpose of today is to take the History Lab to a higher level by the incorporation of technology (through tablets) that provides students the ability to collaborate, think critically, create and then share (communicate) their product. The product must demonstrate mastery of the benchmark and answer the Essential Question.

19 Paper Slides E-books infographic
Options- for reporting out on document analysis and/or completing a rigorous learning task to answer the EQ Paper Slides E-books infographic Additional Options: Formal Essays Record a Mock Interview Create a Public Service Announcement Others? Go over info found on this slide. Present options to participants to consider assigning to students to report out on their document analysis and/or take the history lab to the end in a more formal essay or presentation. Remind them that on this slide the e-books, paper slides, and infographic suggestions are all hyperlink to instructional videos on how to create each learning task. Show the BEST ENDORSED PRACTICE by accessing the paper slide link. Ask participants as a whole group debrief if there are more options and to share accordingly. Remind participants to consider the higher levels of SAMR accordingly.

20 Building Background Knowledge/Checking for Understanding/Student Authentic Learning Artifacts Using Discovery Education’s Sample Board Builder Facilitators- Go to Discovery Education (through portal). Search for boards, show a sample board to the group. Show participants a sample board. Explain to them that boards are a great way to build background knowledge through teacher created boards and BETTER YET check for understanding by having students create their own boards. Go to builder tools tab and click on board builder. Have teachers view the list of 50 ways to use board builder. Have them quickly look at the different modules through the interactive training course that they can access and learn on their own as well.

21 Building Background Knowledge Using Discovery Education’s Board Builder- Your Turn
Initial Steps: Go to your Social Sciences pacing guide and look up the topics/benchmarks you will be addressing next week in Social Sciences. Log onto the employee portal and launch the Discovery Education app. See Board Builder Activity direction sheet for additional steps. Whole Group Question for After Activity- How can board builder assist you in successfully completing a History Lab?

22 October 3 PD Day- Senior High

23 Digital Options- In class Collaboration Site through Padlet GREAT FOR Bell Ringers/Exit Slips/Checks for Understanding Padlet is an easy way to collaborate and capture a multitude of resources, ideas, and information all in one place. For overview video click: Padlet. Inform participants that they will now learn about an easy way to capture student ideas and input all in one easy place through Padlet. Click on the Padlet link on this slide to see an overview of this exciting learning tool.

24 Digital Options- In class Collaboration Site through Padlet
Facilatators: Go through the steps on this slide (see below) and create a Padlet with the participants on the history lab. Instructions for facilitators to use Padlet: Go to See facilitator cheat sheet for log in information.

25 Digital Options- In class Collaboration Site through Padlet
After all participants have posted on the Padlet- ask them to evaluate this resource on the SAMR model.

26 Digital Options- In class Collaboration Site through Padlet
Live the Student Experience! Note to facilitators: show the QR code for your Padlet and have participants act as students. Let participants use their devices to scan the QR code and live the experience of a student.

27 Digital Options- In class Collaboration Site through Padlet
Create a Padlet account ( Your Turn! Look at an essential question from pacing guide for next week. Create a Padlet centered around that essential question. Try it out! Use it this or next week. Have them create a Padlet account and create their first Padlet (use essential questions from pacing guide related to topics/benchmarks for next week instruction.

28 Digital Options- Share your Best Practices
Have volunteers share their best websites/digital practices (Robert- this is where you can share yours as well).

29 Building Student Mastery Essential Vocabulary
Vocabulary Replay SS.912.A.2.1 Causes and Consequences of the Civil War Explain to participants that vocabulary development is an essential component of pushing students to content mastery. However, vocabulary development does not have to be a separate activity. Development should occur during the instruction phase of mastery and check for understanding can be accomplished creatively. Explain to them that they will now be involved in a creative vocabulary activity called: Vocabulary Replay. This is a “fun” way to review and also identify the students that may need additional assistance. Explain that in order for the “dominoes” to line up from start to finish- one must match the term/idea with the correct definition. Whole Group Debrief- ask them what the benefits are for engaging students in vocabulary activities like this and when in the instructional sequence would be most appropriate to do so.

30 Building Student Mastery Essential Vocabulary
Vocabulary Replay- Another Way to Support Student Mastery of Core and Essential Vocabulary How can I make my own? Find Vocabulary Replay Template and Instructions Under Best Practices Quick Start Explain to participants that they can develop their own Vocabulary Replay Activities to reinforce essential content by going to the Department of Social Sciences’ website and click on the blue tab titled: “Best Practices Quick Start” and access the file titled: “Vocabulary Development.” Refer participants to the screen shot on this slide accordingly.

31 Building Student Mastery Essential Vocabulary
Vocabulary Replay SS.912.A.3.2 Second Industrial Revolution Have participants look at the item specs for 3.2 and develop, using the template on our website, a vocabulary replay for this benchmarks. Below are the content focus words African-American inventors, American Federation of Labor, Bessemer process, child labor, Chinese Exclusion Act, Everglades, Gentlemen’s Agreement, government regulation, Great Migration, Haymarket Riot (1886), Henry Flagler, Homestead Strike (1892), Ida Tarbell, immigration, innovation, Knights of Labor, labor unions, market economy, muckrakers, National Woman Suffrage Association, planned economy, political machines, Pullman Strike (1894), railroads, settlement houses, Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1894), Social Darwinism, Social Gospel movement, suffrage movement, transportation, urbanization, urban centers.

32 Benchmark Mini-Assessments US History Mini Assessments
When? See chart on Pacing Guide Section of Website What to do with the data? Report through G2D- distractor analysis report. Benchmark Mini-Assessments

33 Benchmark Mini-Assessments US History Mini Assessments
What do I do if students need to be retaught based on the data? Look at the DI activities under the history support icon. Benchmark Mini-Assessments

34 We thank you for “digging” our presentation.
October 3 PD Day- SHS We thank you for “digging” our presentation.

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