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Triangular collaboration - Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique: sustainability of coffee production and climate changes AI Ribeiro-Barros & JC Ramalho Ciência.

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Presentation on theme: "Triangular collaboration - Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique: sustainability of coffee production and climate changes AI Ribeiro-Barros & JC Ramalho Ciência."— Presentation transcript:

1 Triangular collaboration - Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique: sustainability of coffee production and climate changes AI Ribeiro-Barros & JC Ramalho Ciência 2017

2 Mixed interdisciplinary teams FROM MOLECULES TO ECOSYSTEMS
Tropical Plant Sciences in the Context of Climate Changes and Food Insecurity Flagship programs MIOMBO (Tree legumes) COFFEE >20Y >15Y Mixed interdisciplinary teams Senior and Junior Scientists FROM MOLECULES TO ECOSYSTEMS

3 Universidade Federal de Viçosa
COLLABORATIONS Universidade Federal de Viçosa

4 Mobility of students and teachers
PARTNERSHIPS BR & MZ R4D Capacity building Research Advanced Training Thesis co-supervison Shared teaching Mobility of students and teachers

5 OUTPUTS (Last 5 years) TEACHING & TRAINING (co-coordination)
Teaching (Biotechnology, Applied Biology, Agriculture Ethnobotany, Tropical Agriculture) 10 Short-tem courses 10 BSc 15 MSc 15 PhD PUBLICATIONS (co-authorship) 2 Books 10 Book chapters 30 Peer-reviewed papers COURSE DEVELOPMENT (co-coordination) BSc & MSc Biotechnology, MZ MSc Conservation Biology, MZ (in prep) PhD Forestry, MZ (pending) PhD TropikMan, FCT, CPLP ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (co-authorship) - 40


7 Partnership with Gorongosa National Park
Master Conservation Biology Coffee Research Miombo Research Science 4&W Society

8 PROJECT OVERVIEW Location: Gorongosa mountains Area: 500 hectares
PROJECT OVERVIEW Location: Gorongosa mountains Area: 500 hectares Status: Pilot project & field work started Duration: 25 Years Working hand to hand with the farmers of Mount Gorongosa Growing exceptional shade coffee Restoring Mount Gorongosa's rainforest


10 OBJECTIVES To characterize and improve the environmental sustainability of the coffee production system To analyse the resilience of the germplasm to the projected climate changes and to select elite genotypes To evaluate the potential of other species than Arabica To install human capacity (farmers, technicians, students and researchers) in the coffee value chain

11 ACTIVITIES Five Year Plan

12 A1. Baseline study: climate, soil and species
R1 Database → Data integration → System improvement

13 A2. Germplasm analysis: Coffee & Shading tree legumes
→ Identification of the best genotypes → Water use efficiency → Biofertilization (Tree legumes) / Organic system?

14 A3. Quality control: Coffee
→ Crop management → Grain storage & roast → (Certification: Green & Fair Trade)

15 A1. A4. Capacity Building A2. A5. Advanced training A3. R4
→ Farmers and technicians: production system → 1 PhD (Agroforestry), 2 MSc (Biology & Natural Resources), 2 BSc (Agronomy & Forestry)

16 A1. A2. A3. A4. A5. R5 A6. Good Practices Manual A7. (Certification), Marketing and Trade

17 TEAM ISPM ISA/ULisboa UniZambeze UniLurio TropiKman PhD
2 BSc Forestry and Agronomy Rafael Massinga Ana Gomes UniZambeze 1 Master Natural Resources 1 Professor UniLurio 1 Master Conservation Biology PNG Matt JORDAN Marc STALMANS Quentin HAARHOFF ISA/ULisboa Ana I. RIBEIRO-BARROS José C. RAMALHO António E. LEITÃO Isabel MOURA Manuel CORREIA Maria JOSÉ SILVA Maria MANUELA PINTO Paula ALVES Paula BATISTA-SANTOS FCUL Cristina Máguas Octávio Paulo TropiKman PhD Crimildo CASSAMO, PhD CAMÕES, ICL Miguel GIRÃO de SOUSA UFES, Brasil Fábio PARTELLI Adésio FERREIRA

18 THANK YOU! "Gorongosa, I will say it now, is ecologically the most diverse park in the world" - E.O. Wilson Carr-Foundation

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