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PMC-680i Front Panel Interface Display Firmware Version V

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1 PMC-680i Front Panel Interface Display Firmware Version V1.10.04
Oct. 8th, 2016

2 Main Interface When the device is powered on, there are 10 icons in the main interface, and each icon represents a category: Metering, Phasors, Harmonics, Waveform, Energy, I/O, Events, Statistics, Setup and Diagnostics.

3 Metering Press the Enter button to view the Metering category.

4 Metering It displays the Real Time parameters which includes Voltage, Current, Power, PF, U/I Phase Angle and Frequency.

5 Metering Press ◀ ▶ button to select Summary/Large Font.

6 Metering Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays the Fundamental parameters which includes Voltage, Current, Power, dPF and U/I Phase Angle.

7 Metering Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays the Power Quality parameters which includes Flicker, Deviation, TDD and Symmetrical Components.

8 Phasors Press the Enter button to view the Phasors category.

9 Phasors It displays the Phasors parameters which includes Phase and Magnitude of Voltage and Current, U1, U2 and U0, I1, I2 and I0.

10 Harmonics Press the Enter button to view the Harmonics category.

11 Harmonics It displays Harmonic Distortion in a bar graph and a list, and the THD, TOHD,TEHD and Crest Factor displays on the top right corner.

12 Harmonics Press Tab button to select the input from left to right which includes Ua, Ub, Uc, U4, Ia, Ib, Ic, I4 and I5.

13 Harmonics Press ▶ button to view the Harmonics RMS.

14 Harmonics Press ▶ button to view the Harmonics Active Power.

15 Harmonics Press ▶ button to view the Harmonics Reactive Power.

16 Harmonics Press ▶ button to view the Harmonics Phase Angle.

17 Harmonics Press ▲▼ button to select Harmonic/Inter-harmonics .

18 Harmonics Same with harmonics, press ◀ ▶ button to select HD/RMS/P/Q/Angle .

19 Waveform Press the Enter button to view the Waveform category.

20 Waveform It displays the Waveform of voltage and current. Press Enter button to toggle Run and Hold. Press ▼ to select Channel.

21 Waveform Press the arrow buttons to Move Cursor and then press the Enter button to toggle Channel.

22 Energy Press the Enter button to view the Energy category.

23 Energy It displays the Total Energy and the first page is Active Energy .

24 Energy Press ▶ button to view the Reactive Energy.

25 Energy Press ▶ button to view the Apparent Energy.

26 Energy Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays Harmonic Energy, Press ◀ ▶ to select Previous/Next Page and press ▲▼ to select First/Last Page.

27 Energy Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays Demand parameters.

28 Energy Press ◀ ▶ to select Summary/Large Font.

29 Energy Press ▲ ▼ to select Demand/Max. Demand.

30 Energy Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays TOU Energy.

31 Energy Press ▼ button to view P Max. Demand parameters.

32 Energy Press ▼ button to view Q Max. Demand parameters.

33 Energy Press ◀ ▶ button to select Summary/Large Font.

34 Energy Press ▲ ▼ button to select Energy/Max. Demand.

35 Energy Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays TOU Log, Press ◀ ▶ button to select Previous/Next Log and press ▲▼ button to select Energy, P Max. Demand and Q Max. Demand.

36 I/O Press the Enter button to view the I/O category.

37 I/O It displays the I/O parameters which includes the Digital Input, Relay Output and Digital Output.

38 Events Press the Enter button to view the Events category.

39 Events It displays the list of SOE, press ◀ ▶ to select Previous/Next Page and press ▲ ▼ to Move Cursor.

40 Events Press the Enter button if there is a WF label behind the event, and the following waveform will display .

41 Events Press ▲▼ button to Zoom In/Out, press ◀ ▶ button to move the timestamp Backward/Forward and press Enter to select Channel.

42 Events Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays the list of SOE, press ◀ ▶ to select Previous/Next Page and press ▲▼ to Move Cursor.

43 Events Press the Enter button if there is a WF label behind the event, and the following waveform will display .

44 Events Press ▲▼ button to Zoom In/Out, press ◀ ▶ button to move the timestamp Backward/Forward and press Enter to select Channel.

45 Events Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays PQ Event Counter.

46 Statistics Press the Enter button to view the Statistics category.

47 Statistics Press the Enter button to view EN50160 Report Log, press ◀ ▶ to select Previous/Next Log and press ▲▼ to select Parameter.

48 Statistics Press the Enter button to display the Detail Page.

49 Statistics Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays the Max. value and the time it happened.

50 Statistics Press ▲ ▼ button to select Previous/Next Page of this recorder.

51 Statistics Press ◀ ▶ button to select Previous/Next Recorder.

52 Statistics Press ▲ ▼ button to select Previous/Next Page of this recorder.

53 Statistics Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays the Min. value and the time it happened.

54 Statistics Press ▲ ▼ button to select Previous/Next Page of this recorder.

55 Statistics Press ◀ ▶ button to select Previous/Next Recorder.

56 Statistics Press ▲ ▼ button to select Previous/Next Page of this recorder.

57 Statistics Press Tab button to switch to the next topic, and it displays the SDR Trend.

58 Statistics Press ▲▼ button to select the Previous/Next Parameter which includes Freq., Ua, Ub, Uc, Ia, Ib, Ic, P/Q/S Total and PF Avg.

59 Statistics Press ◀ ▶ button to move the timestamp Backward/Forward.

60 Setup Press the Enter button to view the Setup category.

61 Setup Press Enter button, the following interface will display and the default password is

62 Setup Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the Basic parameters.

63 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the COMM parameters.

64 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the PQ parameters.

65 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the RVC parameters.

66 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the MSV parameters.

67 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the WFR and DWR parameters.

68 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the I/O parameters.

69 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the Clock and Language parameters.

70 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the Demand Energy parameters.

71 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with arrow buttons to select the parameter and press ▲▼ button to setup the Password.

72 Setup Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. Press the Enter button combined with ▲▼ button to select which parameter to clear.

73 Diagnostics Press the Enter button to view the Diagnostics category.

74 Diagnostics It displays the Device Information which includes the information of Version , Memory and Self Diagnostics.

75 Diagnostics Press Tab button to switch to the next topic. It displays the Site Information which includes the information of Substation and Site.

76 Thank you for your attention !

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