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PAI Paris Gare de Lyon PrEsentation Of the PROJECT 20/06/2017

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Presentation on theme: "PAI Paris Gare de Lyon PrEsentation Of the PROJECT 20/06/2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 PAI Paris Gare de Lyon PrEsentation Of the PROJECT 20/06/2017

03. Opportunities & innovations

3 01. PrEsentation OF THE projeCt

4 ProjeCt PrEsentation Context of the operation
Remodelling of the Paris gare de Lyon signal boxes 1 et 2, built in , because of: Obsolescence of facilities Inability to accept the expected developments to the track plan (lengthening of short tracks, creation of tracks 25/27 ….) Site in operation: A constant evolution of traffic in a very busy station Maintain a satisfactory level of operation of the station during the completion of the works Numerous interfaces with adjacent signal boxes and sites (Subterranean station, Bercy, TSEE, …) Taking into account operational and maintenance aspects: Co-construction and empathy

5 PROJECT PRESENTATION Objectives and challenges of the operation
Majors challenges Guarantee the success of the commissioning of the project and ensure its putting into operation Maintain a high level of punctuality at the departure (90% at 0mn) including with the view to increasing passenger traffic Increasing the level of the Track Occupancy Graph stability operational at 85% by evolving certain production processes in order to maintain the necessary operational flexibility of the track occupancy graph and improve the efficiency of the organizations (continuous improvement approach) Improved overall site performance Increased operational flexibility Opening to the site's development projects (extension and creation of platform tracks in the station ...) Release of Charolais land in view of the property value

6 02. Programme

7 Programme

8 Programme consistency of the workS
Creation of 2 substations in Bercy and Paris Removal of the old substation in Paris Removal of the first set of points and crossings Implementation of cable trays and networks Gare de Lyon Secondary overhead lines operated from Paris South East Substations Control Centre (Centre Henri Lang) with the motorisation of 69 switches / disconnectors (24 existing & 45 new) Point heating of 204 set of points using town gas instead of PRIMAGAZ bottles Implementation of Remote Monitoring ST3 and modification of the supervision centre of Nord Paris Building safety, fire detection and access to the CCR

9 Programme Project constraints
Structural projects that shape the design and implementation CCR building at Vigneux-sur-Seine GSMR (Global System for Mobile-Railways) and BDLF (Base de Données de Localisation Ferroviaire - Railway Location Database) deployment INFRANET Network deployment V9 Update of the MISTRAL MMI Primary and secondary overhead lines managed with PIRATE at the Substations Control Centre Henri Lang Removal of the Charolais railway facililties SAGITAIRE (Système d'Aide à la Gestion des ITinérAIREs – routes management aid system) tool developments SPRC (Schéma Pluriannuel de Répartition de la Capacité - Multiannual Capacity Allocation Scheme) et RAV (Renouvellement d’Appareil de Voie – turnouts renewal) Conducting change in terms of operational and maintenance organisation Commissioning postponed to march 2017 leading to provisional measures

10 03. opportunitIEs & Innovations

11 OpportunitIEs & Innovations
outsourcing Participation of contractors in design and works: ITIF outsources safety-related services in the framework of its work (announcement, perching S11, driving or accompanying work trains) The DPF outsources the services of Design Project Management (signalling design, route incompatibility design for the distance between track centers issue, route incompatibility design for the management of Bercy “Hole”, design of replacement of unmarked cables, and specific studies…) The DPF outsources the General Project Management services (Assistance Project Manager and Planners, ...) Involvement of contractors in commissioning: Diode lights switching works KVB beacons switching works Removal of signalling facilities

12 OpportunitIEs & Innovations
« Capture du TCO » – Mimic panel screens analysis by computer processing, First patent of the Direction des Projets Franciliens (DPF) The system is relevant for operation design Provides accurate statistics on routes usage and station tracks occupancy Allows to create interesting scenarios for the training of operation staff Numerical simulation of the calculation of the center distances between tracks (IP LVE et PI SP EG) The study makes it possible to determine the actual need for gauge protusion according to the layout of the tracks and the different rolling stocks that circulate The first stage allowed to simulate the crossing of the envelope all types of train (including REGIO 2N) with that REGIO 2N When the distance between track centers is critical, a complementary analysis is carried out by taking the clearance gauge of the rolling stock rather than the envelop

13 OpportunitIEs & Innovations
Treatment of the problem concerning teh distance between track centers in the signalling documents (IP SF et PI SP PR) In order to ensure the incompatibility of routes, the positions of the points giving access to the area where the distance between track centers is insufficient, have been made dependent (putting the point in protection position on the adjacent segment and vice versa) Technical and functional debugging of SFM parameters (Simulateur de Formation MISTRAL) Involvement IP SYS / DCF / EIC / IP SF / ATOS Industrialiation of the parameterisation process Improvement of the SIMEV tool (SIMulateur d’EnVironement) to simplify TC/TK testing (DPF/IP SF/Prestataire/PI ET) To enable the realisation of signals TC / TK testing without capacitive need and greatly reducing the SNCF E resource requirements Allow to simulate computer inputs and outputs individually without impacting the trackside equipment (hands, zones, signals, ....) by entering the command / control cycle


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