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Emotional Intelligence

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1 Emotional Intelligence

2 What is Emotional Intelligence?
Textbook Definition: The learned ability to identify, understand, experience, and express emotions in healthy and productive ways. The learned ability to regulate emotions effectively to improve two-way communication.

3 3 Cornerstones of Emotional Intelligence
Awareness Being aware of all the emotions involved Understanding Understanding the impact on communication Influence Using this knowledge to influence situations

4 Awareness Self-Awareness
Body Language, Bias and Prejudice, Political View, Learning Style, Team Role, Perception/Reputation Awareness of Others Body Language, Political Climate, Team Dynamics, Previous Communication Situational Awareness Societal Issues, Previous Leadership, Previous Results

5 Open Posture In an open posture, you might expect to see someone directly facing you with hands apart on the arms of the chair. An open posture can be used to communicate openness or interest in someone and a readiness to listen. Think about how you are demonstrating an open posture here in class. What about when you meet with others? Trainer: Demonstrate various open positions and call out people in the class who are demonstrating open positions.

6 Closed Posture Someone seated in a closed position might have his/her arms folded, legs crossed or be positioned at a slight angle from the person with whom they are interacting. A closed posture might imply discomfort or disinterest. When you are closed, you are saying “don’t talk to me.” Trainer: Do NOT call anyone out, but mention how sometimes in classes we have closed body position and what that says to the trainer/facilitator. Demonstrate some closed body positions. It is good to talk about crossing arms over chest. For some people this is a comfortable way to sit or stand and does not necessarily mean that they are “closed.” However, it is important that people do NOT cross their arms when they are making a first impression. The body language can be better interpreted when people are familiar with each other and then the crossing of arms may not be a big deal.

7 Understanding Meaning of Emotions
Expression vs. Repression vs. Communication Acknowledging Emotions Open and Honest Communication

8 Influence Empathy: The ability to validate someone’s feelings; to understand and accept emotions based on personal experience Demonstrating Empathy Individual Motivators Individual Personalities Individual Treatment Emotions have more power than words

9 Improving your Emotional Intelligence
Heightened self-awareness Take off your ear muffs Establish expectations (acknowledge triggers) Seek feedback on body language Identify emotional decision making Provide the “why” Be quick to listen, slow to speak Pause before response Ask clarifying questions

10 Questions?

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