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Non Habitual Tax Residents and Golden Visas
Main features and opportunities
NHTR and Golden Visas: main features
Tax regime applicable to people who change their tax residency to Portugal Reduced tax rates on domestic income and exemptions applicable to (certain items) of foreign income Applicable for 10 years with an option of extension Immigration regime applicable to non-EU passport holders Visa exemption for Portugal and for travelling in Schengen area Chance of obtaining permanent residency permit or nationality
The NHTR regime offers very interesting tax advantages
20% flat tax (as opposed to a maximum 56,5% progressive tax rate) on Portuguese employment income from value added activities (see the full list in the Annex) 20% flat tax (as opposed to a maximum 56,5% progressive tax rate) on Portuguese business income from value added activities (see the full list in the Annex) Exemption on foreign income provided that it is subject to tax (in most cases, even if not effectively taxed) in the source country under the applicable Double Tax Treaty (allows for legitimate double non-taxation)
However, some issues shall also be taken into account for a proper planning
Capital gains are excluded from the regime and are therefore taxable at the domestic rates. However, with proper management it is possible to prevent taxation in Portugal in a legitimate manner The reduced tax rate applicable on domestic employment and business income from high value added activities does not exclude the applicability of the 3,5% extraordinary surtax (this is however a temporary surtax bound to be eliminated in the coming year)
For specific items of income the regime allows for double non-taxation
Pension income No taxation under Colombia-Portugal Double Tax Treaty for private pensions No taxation under non-habitual tax resident regime
The procedures are relatively simple although it is very important to be 100% compliant
Analysis of applicable tax regime and implications in home country 1 Obtaining a non-resident tax number and residence permit 2 Registration as a resident taxpayer 3 Submission of application for the NHTR regime 4 Obtaining non-resident tax certificates from country of origin 5 Sign up for the electronic mail box (mandatory) 6 Compliance with tax obligations (filling of annual tax returns) 7 Generic information can also be obtained from the Tax Authorities website (
The golden visa regime also offers interesting advantages to non-EU nationals
Residence visa waiver for entering Portugal Living and working in Portugal, on condition that they stay in Portugal for a period of 7 or more days, in the first year, and 14 or more days, in the following (no need to become a resident) Visa exemption for travelling within the Schengen Area1 Opportunity for family reunification Possibility of permanent residence (after 5 years of temporary residence permit) Possibility of Portuguese citizenship (after 6 years of temporary residence permit) 1 Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland
The investing requirements are not very high as compared to similar regimes
Capital transfer of at least € ; Creation of, at least, 10 job positions; Purchase of real estate property with a value of at least € Purchase of specific real estate property for refurbishing, with a value of at least € Capital transfer of at least € for investment in R&D Capital transfer of at least € for investment in artistic output or supporting the arts, reconstruction or refurbishment of national heritage Capital transfer of at least € for purchasing shares in investment funds or in venture capital geared to capitalize small and medium companies 1 Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland
In addition there are formal requirements that must be met
Tax clearance certificate issued by the Tax Authorities and Social Security Sworn statement by the applicant stating that he will comply with all investing requirements Valid passport Criminal record issued by last country of permanent residence Health insurance Proof of payment of application fee 1 Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland
List of high value added activities
PORTUGUESE ENGLISH 1 - Arquitectos, engenheiros e técnicos similares: 101 – Arquitectos 102 – Engenheiros 103 – Geólogos 1 - Architects, engineers and similar technicians: 101 – Architects 102 – Engineers 103 – Geologists 2 - Artistas plásticos, actores e músicos: 201 – Artistas de teatro, bailado, cinema, rádio e televisão 202 – Cantores 203 – Escultores 204 – Músicos 205 – Pintores 2 - Visual artists, actors and musicians: 201 – Theater, ballet, film, radio and television Artists 202 – Singers 203 – Sculptors 204 – Musicians 205 – Painters 3 - Auditores: 301 – Auditores 302 – Consultores fiscais 3 - Auditors 301 – Auditors 302 – Tax Consultants
List of high value added activities
PORTUGUESE ENGLISH 4 – Médicos e dentistas 401 – Dentistas 402 – Médicos analistas 403 – Médicos cirurgiões 404 – Médicos de bordo em navios 405 – Médicos de clínica geral 406 – Médicos dentistas 407 – Médicos estomatologistas 408 – Médicos fisiatras 409 – Médicos gastroenterologistas 410 – Médicos oftalmologistas 411 – Médicos ortopedistas 412 – Médicos otorrinolaringologistas 413 – Médicos pediatras 414 - Médicos radiologistas 415 – Médicos de outras especialidades 4 – Doctors and dentists 401 – Dentists 402 – Analyst doctors 403 – Surgeons 404 – Board doctors in ships 405 – General Practitioners 406 – Dentists 407 – Dentist doctors 408 – Physiatrists 409 – Gastroenterologists 410 – Ophtalmologists 411 – Orthopaedits 412 – Otorhinolaryngologists 413 – Paediatricians 414 - Radiologists 415 – Doctors in other specialties
List of high value added activities
PORTUGUESE ENGLISH 5 - Professores: 501 – Professores universitários 5 - Teachers: 501 – University professors 6 - Psicólogos: 601 – Psicólogos 6 - Psychologists: 601 – Psychologists 7 - Profissões liberais, técnicos e assimilados: 701 – Arqueólogos 702 – Biólogos e especialistas em ciências da vida 703 – Programadores informáticos 704 – Consultoria e programação informática e actividades relacionadas com as tecnologias da informação e informática 705 – Actividades de programação informática 706 – Actividades de consultoria em informática 707 – Gestão e exploração de equipamento informático 708 – Actividades dos serviços de informação 709 – Actividades de processamento de dados, domiciliação de informação e actividades relacionadas/portais Web 7 - Professional services, technicians and similar: 701 – Archaeologists 702 – Biologists and experts in life sciences 703 – Computer Programmers 704 – Software consultancy and activities related to information technology and information technology 705 – Computer programming activities 706 – Computer consultancy activities 707 – Management and operation of computer equipment 708 – Activities of information services 709 – Activities of data processing, hosting information and related activities/Web portals
List of high value added activities
PORTUGUESE ENGLISH 710 – Actividades de processamento de dados, domiciliação de informação e actividades relacionadas 711 – Outras actividades dos serviços de informação 712 – Actividades de agências de notícias 713 – Outras actividades dos serviços de informação 714 – Actividades de investigação científica e de desenvolvimento 715 – Investigação e desenvolvimento das ciências físicas e naturais 716 – Investigação e desenvolvimento em biotecnologia 717 – Designers 710 – Activities of data processing, hosting information and related activities 711 – Other information service activities 712 – Activities of news agencies 713 – Other information service activities 714 – Scientific research and development 715 – Research and development of science physical and natural 716 – Research and development in biotechnology 8 - Investidores, administradores e gestores: 801 – Investidores, administradores e gestores de empresas promotoras de investimento produtivo, desde que afectos a projectos elegíveis e com contratos de concessão de benefícios fiscais celebrados ao abrigo do Código Fiscal do Investimento, aprovado pelo Decreto -Lei n.º 249/2009, de 23 de Setembro 802 – Quadros superiores de empresas 8 - Investors, administrators and managers: 801 – Investors, administrators and managers of companies promoting productive investment, if allocated to eligible projects under tax benefits contracts awarded under the Tax Code for Investment, approved by Decree-Law No. 249/2009, of 23 September 802 – Senior employees of companies
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