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RASRS Report to Operating Committee March 21, 2017

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1 RASRS Report to Operating Committee March 21, 2017
Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee Gene Henneberg, Chair Western Electricity Coordinating Council

2 RASRS Scheme Reviews, November 2016 (8 Entities, 22 schemes)
PG&E Sobrante-Standard Oil SPS classification change from LAPS to Safety Net approved Carrizo RAS modification due to new switching station. Still classified as LAPS. LADWP Owens Valley RAS modifications related to voltage collapse mitigation were approved. Scattergood RAS generation removal and logic modification were approved. Harbor RAS removal due to system upgrades approved. Hollywood RAS (Safety Net) was approved Western Electricity Coordinating Council

3 RASRS Scheme Reviews, November 2016
BPA Paul Substation LLL modification to the AC RAS was approved McNary transformer LL modification was approved BPA information discussion on RAS Automatic Arming. Changes in the grid such as sub-hourly energy markets, e.g. EIM, require faster dispatcher reaction to changing loads and put a greater burden on RAS dispatchers to make necessary adjustments if manual-only arming were maintained. BC Hydro Peace Area Wind RAS information update with scheme now in service Peace Area Load Shed RAS approved Saltery Bay (SAY) RAS removal due to system improvements approved Bridge River Area RAS. RASRS conclusion that the scheme is a WAPS due to level of potential generation shedding and will require further review. North Coast RAS modifications to this RAS resulting from an earlier misoperation were approved. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

4 RASRS Scheme Reviews, November 2016
SDG&E TL50001, TL50003, TL50004, TL50005 originally approved as SPS (LAPS), but modified to WAPS due to involvement of CENACE. Tucson Electric Power Tie Open Load Shed RAS (TOLS) five year review approved the scheme as WAPS with one action item  PacifiCorp Goshen RAS Action Items. RASRS accepted completion of two of three action items from July 2016 meeting  SCE High Desert Power Project RAS (HDPP RAS) modifications accepted as a LAPS Mojave Desert RAS (MD RAS) modifications due to retirement of Cool Water generation and system upgrades was approved Whirlwind AA-Bank RAS adding third transformer bank and additional arming points. Modifications were approved. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

5 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Other RASRS Business RASRS Charter. No changes are proposed at this time. RAS Design Guide revision in conjunction with Relay Work Group. Approval through the RWG sponsorship. WECC-1 revision. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

6 NERC New RAS Definition
FERC issued a final order in November 2015 accepting the proposed new RAS definition. Effective date is April 1, 2017 Two year implementation period for any existing schemes newly identified as RAS Immediate application to new RAS OK to de-list schemes that do not meet the new definition, review through RASRS Western Electricity Coordinating Council

7 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
PRC Status FERC issued a NOPR proposing to approve the proposed PRC and seeking additional information: Clarify that proposed PRC will not modify or supersede any system performance obligations under TPL-001-4, e.g. non-consequential load loss always <= 75 MW for P1, P2, P3 events. Seek comment on the processes used to ensure the WECC LAPS or NPCC Type III RAS will be compliant with TPL prior to the effective date of PRC Seek comment on whether “limited impact RAS” should be defined in the NERC Glossary of Terms. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

8 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
PRC NOPR Response NERC legal support to the standard drafting team is preparing response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking I discussed the NOPR and standard with EEI’s Reliability Task Force (RTF) on February 15, and expect EEI to comment Other Entities are welcome to respond to the FERC NOPR Closing date for comments is April 10, 2017 Western Electricity Coordinating Council

9 Procedure to Review RAS
RASRS revised the Procedure and Information Required for RAS Assessment document to Recognize the new NERC RAS definition as part of the WECC RAS review process Update LAPS, WAPS, and SN definitions referring to revised WECC Criteria and updated NERC standards Modify related flow chart figures Update references and links No changes to data collected for scheme review Western Electricity Coordinating Council

10 Procedure to Review RAS
Motion: Resolved, that the WECC Operating Committee hereby approves the revised “Procedure and Information Required for RAS Assessment” as posted. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

11 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RASRS Future PRC assigns the present reliability responsibilities of the RASRS under WECC to the RC. The Organizational Structure Review Task Force is well aware of this situation. No immediate structural changes are proposed for WECC and the OC related to RASRS. Peak Reliability is interested in retaining an organization that looks similar to the RASRS. Peak and WECC have time to develop a specific transition plan, if and when PRC is approved by FERC. No real discussion yet with AESO. Western Electricity Coordinating Council

12 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Next RASRS Meeting April 10-12, 2017, Salt Lake City (Typically) review about schemes from 7-10 entities Other RASRS business Western Electricity Coordinating Council

13 Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee
March 2017

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