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Rebecca Rhodes, Senior Associate, UVAC
The 2017 to 2018 Funding Rules Rebecca Rhodes, Senior Associate, UVAC
Agenda Funding Rules – Purpose and Tests Evidence & Documentation
Key Eligibility Rules Change of Circumstance Set Up Tips
purpose and mindset
Employer ESFA Provider
The Apprenticeship Programme structure : funding agreements Employer Agreement Contract for services Provider Agreement Employer ESFA Provider
Structuring a Services Contract
Standard Terms & Conditions about any agreement of service Change of Terms Payment Disputes Standard Terms & Conditions about any apprenticeship For ESFA Compliance Eligibility Quality Subcontracting For You Responsibilities Standard Terms & Conditions about this apprenticeship Individual Specifications & Schedules About this apprentice
Binding Terms and Conditions with Sanctions
ESFA & Employer Provider & Employer ESFA & Provider Contract for Services Institution XYZ & Employer ABC Funding Agreement Institution XYZ & ESFA As a ‘Main Provider’ The Funding Rules are part of yours and the employer’s Terms and Conditions for delivering apprenticeships using funds in an employer’s digital account or through co-investment They sit alongside your funding agreement & the ILR Specification
Funding Rules Documents & Format
Significant linked suite Funding and performance management rules for training providers Apprenticeship funding: rules and guidance for employers Apprenticeship funding: rules for employer providers Addendum to the apprenticeship funding and performance management rules - May 2017 to March 2018 Apprenticeship technical funding guide for starts from May 2017 Guidance for Returning Apprenticeships on the ILR from 1 May 2017 ILR specification 2017to2018 The Funding Rules
Recovery of Funds or Action by ESFA
will review and monitor your training for value for money. If ESFA think this is not the case: ESFA may reduce the amount they pay you from government, employer or digital account funds after consulting with you may take action to recover all or part of government funding if they are satisfied you have breached the funding rules including payments made via the digital account, via co-investment and including any additional payments for payments that you or the employer are not entitled recruitment practices detrimental to brand or apprentice may withhold payments until all employer co-investment has been collected Will monitor apprenticeship data and HMRC data to ensure roles are genuine. Will take action if recruitment practices is detrimental to apprenticeship or apprenticeship brand
Employers – also have responsibilities
The levy employer signs the ESFA Agreement for Employers and through this is bound by the Funding Rules and agrees to : ‘Comply ..[..].. at all times with the requirements detailed in the Funding Rules’ [clause 5.1a] Assist and cooperate with the Training Provider to enable them to deliver the training in compliance with the Funding Rules …[clause 5.1c] ‘The employer may not, without the prior written consent of the EFA, assign, transfer, subcontract, or in any other way make over to any third party the benefit and/or the burden of this agreement.’ clause 19.1
Funding Rule Test 1. Was this apprenticeship eligible for the level of government funding that I claimed? 2. Can I prove this, for this apprenticeship, through the evidence I have collected? 3. Can I prove that my employer has met their responsibilities for this apprenticeship through the evidence I have collected ? 4. Can I prove that I held eligibility evidence for this apprenticeship before the apprenticeship started? 5. Does my ILR/HESA record accurately reflect what happened and when in this specific apprenticeship? DOCUMENTATION RATIONALE
General Evidence & Document Principles
self declarations need to state the apprentice or employers details and what is being confirmed evidence can be electronic but you must have other systems and processes to check apprentices exist and are eligible for funds document, collate and store evidence when an exception occurs document collate and store evidence when a change of circumstances occurs provide confirmation that evidence is correct when it is collected collect evidence that explains the price e.g. skills assessments Collecting eligibility evidence is paramount BEFORE THE START . Evidence Pack single (can be virtual) store of evidence to support funding claims P207 lists the 28 evidence items needed must provide evidence that the apprentice exists reissue revised documents and keep all copies Key Documents - at the start: Eligibility declarations Apprenticeship Agreement Commitment Statement Written Agreement with the employer Written agreements with subcontractors
Are evidence collection & management arrangements sufficient?
FUNDING RULE – establish who is accountable for compliance with the rule Identify best collection / evidence source Find a point of process where the evidence is already collected/ discussed/reviewed Confirm where signatories are required Update/create collection documentation Confirm when copies & distribution are required Confirm storage location Implement compliance checking/management process IMPACT ON RESOURCING, SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE one expert, many ‘impact aware’
Evidence Sources & Accountability
Provider - including : Employment and wages satisfied apprenticeship is the most appropriate route new job role or ‘Significant learning’ gap rationale ‘Materially different’ rationale minimum duration not being double funded Prior learning assessment and evidence for all programme content incl English and maths Price rationale Apprentice age Employer size (<50 exemption from the 10%) Collection of 10% employer contribution reporting in June Sept December and March Education Health Care Plan and /or approval to share from the apprentice Most included in : Commitment Statement Apprenticeship Agreement Written agreement with the employer all part of the Evidence Pack Employer evidence to you written confirmation State Aid declaration Employee numbers over the 365 days before apprentice is recruited evidence that the apprentice had time to complete their apprenticeship in their working hours. finding alternative opportunities for redundant / end of contract staff
Managing Compliance Use of Funds Naturally occurring evidence
Evidence of employment Be satisfied ‘most appropriate programme’ New job e.g. Job Description Individual needs significant new knowledge or skills e.g. New tasks / widening remit Specialist to generalist in a team Development need from a performance review Restructuring Provider Responsibilities YOU MUST CHECK Eligible learner Eligible employer You must act if at any point you uncover an error apprentice reviews Reasonable steps to check Genuine Job 20% off the Job Training Wages Duration and hours Standards requirement Minimum duration
funding Rules in practice
Is the Apprenticeship Eligible?
minimum 20% off the job is designed into the programme all activity is fundable and eligible employer additional costs are clear Provider listed on the RoATP and RoAAO Holds a contract for services with the ESFA for non-levy employers Provision is fundable from the 90/10 or levy standard or framework published as approved for delivery Can still go ahead when there aren’t any End Point Assessment Organisations appointed
Eligible Costs Materials ‘should not normally’ have a lifespan beyond the individual apprenticeship being funded Costs of an apprenticeship taking part in a skills competition if employer and provider agree participation ‘directly contributes to helping the individual achieve the apprenticeship standard’ An apprenticeship at the ‘same or lower level than a qualification that they already hold, if the individual ‘will acquire substantive new skills’ and you can evidence that the content is ‘materially different’ from any previous apprenticeship or qualification You hold evidence of this e.g. (e.g. via a skills analysis , previous/ current module mapping ) If the apprentice is redundant ‘through no fault of their own’: And you made reasonable efforts to find an alternative employer their training and assessment is fully funded within 6 months of planned end If EPA is more than 6 months away there will be funding for 12 weeks
Ineligible Costs (p82onwards)
Enrolment, induction, prior assessment, initial diagnostic or similar activity Training, assessment, exams or tests in any skills and knowledge solely and specifically required to acquire licence to practice, or the certification of L2P - applies even where the licence is required in the apprenticeship standard. Repeating the same regulated qualification previously achieved unless is is a requirement for the apprenticeship or for any GCSE where a grade C or 4 or higher …… Registration, examination and certification costs for non mandatory (not specifically listed in the standard) qualifications
Ineligible Costs Time spent by line managers e.g. supporting or mentoring apprentices or time by other staff arranging support except for the apprenticeship Capital purchases ‘long-term assets’ e.g. ICT equipment Specific services not related to the delivery and administration of the apprenticeship. This includes the recruitment and CPD of staff, company inductions, managing agents and those providing a brokerage service to an employer or provider Apprentices must not be asked to contribute, including when they leave the programme early. You / employer ‘must not’ claim funds back from an ex-apprentice Cant use a student loan to pay for their apprenticeship (where an individual transfers to an apprenticeship from a full-time further education or higher education course, and this course has been funded by a student loan, this loan must be terminated) You must not pay incentives or inducements or any other payment not authorised by ESFA to the employer in relation to any payment of the apprenticeship programme
Is this Role Eligible ? ‘Genuine Job’ (see p27)
contract of employment contract length sufficient for minimum duration and apprenticeship scope Wages support When the apprenticeship is achieved the apprentice should remain with the employer, where a job opportunity continues to exist and where the apprentice wishes to remain. Where this is not possible, the apprentice must be supported by their provider and employer to seek alternative opportunities. The ESFA will monitor apprentice destination data and HMRC data to ensure that job roles are genuine and are not created purely for the purposes of the apprenticeship programme.
Is this Role Eligible? Zero hours (p48)
must meet all other rules, and apprentices given ‘the same opportunity to achieve their apprenticeship’ Must complete their apprenticeship in their working hours incl off the job – if this is not possible = break in learning Exceptions to the resident in England rule (p56) Apprentices must spend ‘at least 50% of their working hours in England’ during their apprenticeship Funding for Employees living in Scotland, Wales or NI is with their devolved government for those not fitting this category Those who travel outside the UK or work offshore must have a registered work location in England
Off the Job Training (P31onwards)
Must not be delivered as part of normal working duties Must be ‘directly relevant’ to the apprenticeship Could include The teaching of theory (for example, lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning, manufacturer training). Practical training; shadowing; mentoring; industry visits and attendance at competitions. Learning support and time spent writing assessments/assignments. Does not include English and Maths, progress reviews and on programme assessment Any training outside apprenticeship normal working hours (also outside the 20%) Providers must keep evidence that the apprentice spends 20% + on off the job training Employers must provide you with evidence that the apprentice had time to complete their apprenticeship in their working hours. You keep this in the evidence pack
Is the Employer Eligible ?
The number of staff counted for the additional payment / waving of employer contribution is based on the average no. employees in the 365 days prior to the day the apprentice is ‘recruited’. You then add the apprentices onto this figure to establish eligibility. ESFA monitoring for withdrawals and breaks in learning followed by starting on a new standards to check for abuse Genuine Job Paying wages Commitment to support 20% minimum off the job, 80% on the job must happen in working hours but away from normal duties
Is this Apprentice Eligible
Resident & Right to work in England - Unusual eligibility – Annex A Age (for incentives and commitment statement signatory) Role allows time to undertake and complete an apprenticeship in the working day if they have a student loan this must be terminated they cannot under take more than one apprenticeship simultaneously – must not be enrolled on another apprenticeship or another DfE funded FE/HE programme at the same time as any new apprenticeship they start Exceptions to the resident in England rule (p56) Apprentices must spend ‘at least 50% of their working hours during their apprenticeship in England’ Funding for Employees living in Scotland, Wales or NI is with their devolved government for those not fitting this category Those who travel outside the UK or work offshore must have a registered work location in England
Subcontracting – your accountabilities
If you fail to check, SFA will place restrictions on your future use of subcontractors RoATP Main owning the employer relationship Must conduct all or ‘some’ of the training Supporting Must not exceed £500,000 delivery each year* Must not deliver 100% of the apprenticeship Employer-Provider Can only train their own staff (or connected company/charity) Must evidence actual costs of delivery as main or subcontractor Not on RoATP Must not exceed £100,000 delivery each year* *The first ‘year’ is 1 May 2017 – 31 March 2018
Is the Subcontractor Eligible
Subcontracting Rules are different for non-levy and levy for 2017 to 2018 Page 121 onwards for Levy Separate addendum for non Levy You must have a legally binding subcontract contract with the subcontractor with specific terms (p142) Your employer agreement must set out how the delivery of the apprenticeship including the subcontracted elements will work (para 133 for detail) There are special conditions for subcontracting for all subcontractor statuses (P143 onwards) You must act in an open and transparent way any links between you and any subcontractors must be set out in the employer agreement You must carry out due diligence checks and not subcontract if you feel the contractor is unsuitable (and a subcontractor cannot subcontract) You are responsible for dispute resolution Employer and Subcontractor Agreements need to be ultimately enforceable through the courts
Scenario Part 1 Comment on What would you say to the employer Price
A 23 year old Scottish employee has been with the company for four years They completed the first 18 months of a similar degree to the one which underpins the Standard four years ago then left university The 27k standard has a mandatory minimum duration of 24 months but a recommended length of 48 months The employer has 48 employees Comment on Price Eligibility Evidence Payment Actions you would take What would you say to the employer
Scenario Part 2 Comment on What would you say to the employer Price
The employer is part of a larger Group of Companies who in total have 3,000 staff The employee works 20 hours per week The employee lives in Scotland and is working in England on secondment for the next 2 years The parent company have informed your company that their levy share is 6k annually The employee is an Olympic Bog Snorkling gold medal prospect and will be attending the winter Olympics in 2018 Comment on Price Eligibility Evidence Payment Action you would take What would you say to the employer
Scenario Part 3 Comment on What would you say to the employer ? Price
The employee is a former care leaver but they have not told their employer and do not want them to be told The employer wants you to subcontract with one of two providers, one of whom you know to be poor quality, but the other, though delivering apprenticeships is not on the RoATP. The subcontractor would deliver two specific modules from a different degree – one is relevant to the apprenticeship the other from a different discipline Comment on Price Eligibility Evidence Payment Action you would take What would you say to the employer ?
Price and Payments The price included the ILR must not include English and Maths, VAT, anything above the cap, framework uplifts 20% end point amount is based on the lower of price agreed /cap Once agreed price should not increase unless : End point costs not known at the start (It is ok to add the assessment organisation and the price in at a later date) Other change of circumstance If there is a change of circumstances the ILR field for price, and employer contribution will need to change You can charge VAT on £ amounts over the cap
Price and Payments You have 30 working days to pass the additional payments to the employer Funding is deducted in the month it occurs, NOT ‘saved’ from an earlier month ……. Levy value in an employer’s account may change if reconciled by HMRC. ESFA will absorb any discrepancy in levy and collect employer contribution direct Framework uplifts are paid across the life of the apprenticeship Performance management points and tolerances apply for non levy funding agreements. Additional incentive payments, English and maths and learning support are paid out of your contract value
Situations when you must refer to a) the funding rules b) technical funding guide c) ILR guidance for data returns Change in Circumstances Change in Price Break in Learning beware the impact on duration Apprentice withdraws Change in apprenticeship restarting on 1st may Change in main provider Change in employer Redundancy more than 6 months before the end of the programme less than 6 months before the end of the programme If any element of the agreement for the apprenticeship between you and the employer changes; revise and reissue or create new agreements Don’t guess what to do in an unfamiliar situation – check what to do: Employer may also pause or end an apprenticeship via the Apprenticeship Service
Action that you must take as set out in a) the funding rules b) technical funding guide c) Guidance for returning apprenticeships on to the ILR Funding Rules (P33+) set out what must / will happen to : costs/price, apprenticeship duration and key dates, funding, additional payments employer actions needed in the apprenticeship service digital account Technical Funding Guide sets how changes affects funding calculations and earnings ILR Guidance for Apprenticeship ILR Returns sets out what should be changed in the ILR/ HESA return You Must Update ILR/HESA funding and price / revise price pay back over payment of employer contribution (as per your agreement) repay government over payment Apprentice status changes Apprenticeship dates Price /Residual Price You must reissue key documentation to all parties : commitment statement
Working with the Funding Rules
Collect and confirm evidence, complete commitment statement, apprenticeship agreement, services contract and begin evidence pack before the apprenticeship starts Cooperation and collaboration in across academic, finance, employer engagement, records, admissions teams is key to share status of the apprentice on their programme Create governance, briefings and processes to ensure that everyone who needs to know does know change of circumstances must be well known, automatic, trigger points for cross organisation action - i.e. How would the team returning the monthly HESA know? ACT QUICKLY when something occurs that affects eligibility for funding, or price Don’t guess - or speak to your Provider Manager Update the HESA/ILR – and employer action is required on the apprentice record to release the payment ‘double lock’ Close relationship with the employer is key – who carries out the employer/ apprentice reviews? early warning of changes/ action to ensure payment
Questions For help Contact : ESFA Provider Manager
Any queries or anomalies - me For new Apprenticeship providers UVAC Deep Dive webinar programme to be run summer / autumn and includes : Apprenticeship Documentation The ILR and Data Performance Management Subcontracting On programme assessment and review
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