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Sucul Hayvan deneyleri

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1 Sucul Hayvan deneyleri
Deney hayvanları tarihi, Genel bakış acısı, kullanımı

2 father of experimental physiology
Galen of Pergamon “Vivisectionists, who use living animals for their experiments, certainly act cruelly, although their aim is praiseworthy, and they can justify their cruelty, since animals must be regarded as man’s instruments; Franco N.: Animal experiments in biomedical research: A historical perspective. Animals 2013,3,238. 1846 ether R. Koch


4 NO! Animal rights activists it causes suffering to animals;
the benefits to human beings are not proven; experiments violate the rights of animals; any benefits to human beings that animal testing does provide could be produced in other ways; animals surely deserve to live their lives.


Veterinary medicine and animal testing ANIMAL RESEARCH HELPS ANIMALS TOO

7 mice and men are around 99% genetically similar
But fish only %9…

8 understand how diseases affect living tissue
Animals are used to: understand how diseases affect living tissue develop and test treatments for human and animals train future health-care professionals Picture from: 8


10 treatment for RICKETS (dogs); LEPROSY (monkeys, armadillos); etc.
prevention of DIPHTHERIA (horses); POLIO (rabbits); RUBELLA (monkeys) Picture from: DIPHTHERIA RUBELLA POLIO 10 10

11 discovery of INSULIN (dogs); MODERN ANAESTHESIA (dogs); DNA (mice & rats)
development of laparoscopic surgical techniques (pigs); open heart surgery (dogs); Picture from: 11 11

12 discovery of genetics effects(fish);

13 Of the 103 NOBEL PRIZES in physiology or medicine given since 1901, on 83 occasions work conducted on vetrabrate species (other than human) was awarded Franco N.: Animal experiments in biomedical research: A historical perspective. Animals 2013,3,238. 2014 May-Britt Moser, Edvard Moser, and their rats that they use in their groundbreaking neuroscience research.


15 Virtual frog and virtual scalpel animal section on-line

16 Good science and good animal care go hand-in-hand
Good science requires a good animal care. Animals that are in poor condition, discomfort or pain are poor research subjects. Animal well-being supports the integrity of the research.

17 We seek a cure for diseases
Only clear regulations and policies can reconcile both sides and help to ensure the human treatment of animals They see a rat in a cage Kehinde EO, Med Princ Pract. 2013;22 Suppl 1:52-61

Animal Experiments Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes

19 Animal Experiments Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
„It is essential, both on moral and scientific grounds, to ensure that each use of an animal is carefully evalueated as to the scientific or educational validity, usefulness and relevance of the expected results of that use” „The likely harm to the animal should be balanced against the expected benefits of the project”

20 National Ethics Committee for Experiments on Animals
Local Ethics Committees for Experiments on Animals

21 Ethics Committee for Experiments on Animals
Number of members of Ethics Committee for Experiments on Animals national local Total 15 12 Scientist (biologists, medical, veterinary doctors, pharmacists etc.) 9 (60%) 6 (50%) Humanists (ethicists, philosophers, lawyers etc.) 3 (20%) 3 (25%) Members of organizations connecting with animal protecion YES! 2005: 51%  YES 2015: 2/3  YES

22 The most important species of laboratory animals
Mouse – most frequently used. Pharmacology, genetics of mammals, virology, models of human diseases (mutant strains, transgenic and knock-out mice) Rat – physiology of cognitive processes, behaviour, models of diabetes Rabbit – serology, insulin quantification, pyrogens quantification, tests of irritable effect of chemical substances on the cornea Cat – study of CNS and respiratory system Dog – e.g. beagle, use in electrophysiology, neurophysiology Guinea-pig – in microbiology and serology, physiology of the auditory system Hamster - genetics Pig – training of surgical techniques, temporary covering of burns with porcine skin Primates – rhesus monkey, baboon, chimpanzee – use in neurology, virology, behaviour Frog – physiology of blood circulation, electrophysiology Fish, molluscs, insects...

23 William Moy Stratton Russell
The 3 R’s principles William Moy Stratton Russell Rex Leonard Burch. and 1959 Replacement Reduction Refinement

24 Replacement computer-based systems & mathematical modelling;
cell, tissue and organ cultures; use of lower organisms (bacteria and fungi) physico-chemical techniques; e.g., the commercial test system EYTEX can predict whether a chemical will irritate the eyes, Replacement

25 Reduction Minimizing the number of animals used in experiments by:
improving experimental and data analysis techniques; information (to reduce unnecessary duplication of animal work); performing pilot studies to determine some of the potential problems in an experiment before numerous animals are used; gathering a maximum amount of information from each animal, using the appropriate species of animal so that useful data are collected

26 Refinement improving animal welfare in laboratories;
refining experimental protocols to minimize pain or distress whenever possible. 

27 Local Ethics Committees for Experiments on Animals
determination of the level of severity; consideration of humane endpoints; determination of the indispensability of the experimental proposal; classification into applied or basic research; determination of the probability of success cost-benefit analysis

28 non-recovery (anaesthesia); mild (short-term mild pain)
1. Determination of the level of severity non-recovery (anaesthesia); mild (short-term mild pain) moderate; severe

29 It can be defined as the point at which
A human endpoint It can be defined as the point at which an experimental animal's pain and/or distress is terminated, minimized or reduced, by taking action such as euthanasia the animal humanely, terminating a painful procedure, or giving treatment to relieve pain and/or distress.

30 Determination of the indispensability of the experimental proposal
There are no alternative ways!

31 Classification into applied or basic research

32 5. Determination of the probability of success.
6. Cost-benefit analysis - pain, - suffering - distress Potential benefits of experiments on animals to humans, other animals and enviroment Rollin B.: Animal research: a moral science. EMBO reports, 2007;8:521

33 Experiments on animals
Local Ethics Committees for Experiments on Animals YES! Experiments on animals Experiments on animals Experiments on animals Non-technical report for the general public

34 It is important to keep focusing on the
Using animals for research activities is a privilege, not (and) a right! It is important to keep focusing on the continuous improvement of the wellbeing of laboratory animals, as well as further development of replacement alternatives and regulations for animal experiments. 34


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