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Canine Volunteer Blood Donor Program

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1 Canine Volunteer Blood Donor Program
PENN ANIMAL BLOOD BANK Does YOUR dog want to save a life? PABB Canine Volunteer Blood Donor Program Each unit of donated blood helps to save the life of one, two or three critically ill dogs. Many dogs require a blood transfusion to survive during surgery, following trauma, or when they are suffering from anemia or bleeding disorders such as hemophilia. Can your dog donate blood today? YES, if your dog… Has a good temperament and is a willing volunteer Weighs between 55 and 150 pounds Is between 1 and 6 years old (donors are retired when 8 years old) Is in excellent health Has blood that is type DEA 1.1 negative (a simple blood test is performed on site) NO, if your dog… Has a serious health condition Has been sick recently (e.g., coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea) Has been diagnosed with a heart murmur Has had a seizure Has been vaccinated within 4 weeks Has received medications other than flea, tick or heartworm preventative in the past two weeks Has had or will have surgery within 4 weeks Has received a blood transfusion Has donated blood in the past 6 weeks Is in season, pregnant or will be bred soon Benefits to donating blood include: Yearly blood health screening Bag of dry food or case of canned food Knowledge that your dog helped save a life!

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