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Sustainability on the doorstep

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2 Sustainability on the doorstep
Cambridge is Europe’s most successful technology cluster Cambridge Cleantech has over 300 members – 50 founders and 250+ technology SMEs Network of networks, Cambridge Cleantech is part of the: Global Cleantech Cluster Association European Cleantech Cluster Association

3 Cleantech Incubation Cambridge
Future Business Centre Cambridge Cleantech and Social Enterprise Waiting list of companies Cleantech driven demand Origami Energy moved on to the Science Park after £14m Series A funding Highly successful community, collaborative ventures (DZP, Anvil, Citrecycle) St Johns Innovation 100% occupation Ideaspace Cambridge Research Park Larger 20,000 sqft buildings sub-divided for start-ups, scale-ups

4 Cleantech and Innovation in the Region
Future Business Centre Peterborough Cleantech and Social Enterprise Cambridge – Norwich innovation corridor Hethel Low Carbon Advanced Manufacturing Centre Cleantech and high technology Hethel Engineering Centre Lotus Cars – Eco-Elise

5 Our Partners Poland

6 Smart Buildings David Ball Group Polysolar
Ultra-low carbon, cement free concrete Remove the CO2 legacy of concrete Provide greater long-term durability Require less steel reinforcement Have a lower water demand Have greater dimensional stability Be more thermally efficient than traditional concrete Building Integrated Transparent Photovoltaic Solar Glass Solutions Alternative facades, roofs and windows

7 Smart Cities Enlight Wirepas
Smart street lighting infrastructure for IOT and sensor networks Massively scalable IOT networks

8 Energy Performance Contracting
Bouyges Re:Fit

9 Smart Grids Origami Energy Smart grid technology
Cost savings for large energy users by optimising usage New revenue streams from new and existing assets. Optimising and delivering unique storage solutions. £14 million series A funding

10 Power Electronics Anvil Semiconductors Futureneering DZP
MSF Technologies

11 Cross-sector innovation
Cambridge Carbon Capture – carbon sequestration technology Citrecyle – lead battery recycling Zinergy – flexible battery technology Coheat – Heat network optimization Epicam - liquid air battery technology Cambond – low carbon bonding for wood paneling

12 Water Innovation Anglian Water Water Innovation Network
‘Shop Window’ living lab of 7500 homes where new innovations are rolled out 140+ collaborations with innovators Open innovation platform Contract / collaboration opportunities Long-term commitment to innovation

13 What can we do for you? Open Innovation partner for sustainable and low-carbon technology

14 Questions

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